# dependent proportions, siblings solving puzzles siblings = matrix(c(15,5,7,10),nr=2, dimnames=list("older"=c("<1 min",">1 min"),"younger"=c("<1 min",">1 min"))) siblings # usual test for independence comparing younger vs older chisq.test(siblings, correct=F) # McNemar test for equal proportions comparing younger vs older # this is the two-sided alternative, # need to halve the p-value to get the one-sided mcnemar.test(siblings, correct=F) # simple kappa coefficient # install.packages("vcd") library(vcd) kappa = Kappa(siblings); kappa confint(kappa) agreementplot(siblings) # assuming independent data (not matched by siblings) notsiblings = matrix(c(22,20,15,17),nr=2, dimnames=list(c("Older","Younger"),c("<1 min",">1 min"))) notsiblings # the ususal chisq test for independence chisq.test(notsiblings, correct=F) prop.test(notsiblings, correct=F)