Think About It! Section
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The answer is: Experiment - because the treatment (fertilizer or no fertilizer) is randomly assigned. When there is random assignment into treatment groups, the study is always an experiment.
Correct. Experiment - because the treatment (fertilizer or no fertilizer) is randomly assigned. When there is random assignment into treatment groups, the study is always an experiment.
The answer is: Experiment - because the treatment (fertilizer or no fertilizer) is randomly assigned. When there is random assignment into treatment groups, the study is always an experiment.
The answer is: Experiment - because the treatment (fertilizer or no fertilizer) is randomly assigned. When there is random assignment into treatment groups, the study is always an experiment.
Correct. Observational Study – because the researcher did not assign which plants would be fertilized and which would not be.
The answer is: Observational Study – because the researcher did not assign which plants would be fertilized and which would not be.
The answer is: Observational Study – because the researcher did not assign which plants would be fertilized and which would not be.
The answer is: Observational Study – because the researcher did not assign which plants would be fertilized and which would not be.
The correct answer is: Using fertilizer is associated with increased berry yield in your county, but there may be some other reason that caused it.
We have an association but have not demonstrated causation (since this is an observational study it can not prove causation). For example, it could be that the farms that use fertilizer happen to have better moisture conditions necessary for growing berries.
Correct. Using fertilizer is associated with increased berry yield in your county, but there may be some other reason that caused it.
We have an association but have not demonstrated causation (since this is an observational study it can not prove causation). For example, it could be that the farms that use fertilizer happen to have better moisture conditions necessary for growing berries.
The correct answer is: Using fertilizer is associated with increased berry yield in your county, but there may be some other reason that caused it.
We have an association but have not demonstrated causation (since this is an observational study it can not prove causation). For example, it could be that the farms that use fertilizer happen to have better moisture conditions necessary for growing berries.
Correct. One-sided question (i.e. a question where only one choice is provided). Such one-sided questions are often seen in situations with a deliberate bias on the part of the survey sponsor.
The answer is: One-sided question (i.e. a question where only one choice is provided). Such one-sided questions are often seen in situations with a deliberate bias on the part of the survey sponsor.
The answer is: One-sided question (i.e. a question where only one choice is provided). Such one-sided questions are often seen in situations with a deliberate bias on the part of the survey sponsor.
The answer is: One-sided question (i.e. a question where only one choice is provided). Such one-sided questions are often seen in situations with a deliberate bias on the part of the survey sponsor.
The answer is: Measurement & discrete. Typically, when we count "the number of" something, we have a discrete measurement variable.
Correct. Measurement & discrete. Typically, when we count "the number of" something, we have a discrete measurement variable.
The answer is: Measurement & discrete. Typically, when we count "the number of" something, we have a discrete measurement variable.
The answer is: The amount measured in fluid ounces. Whether you enjoy drinking coffee would produce an ordinal categorical variable. How many cups of coffee you drank would produce a discrete measurement variable.
The answer is: The amount measured in fluid ounces. Whether you enjoy drinking coffee would produce an ordinal categorical variable. How many cups of coffee you drank would produce a discrete measurement variable.
Correct. The amount measured in fluid ounces. Whether you enjoy drinking coffee would produce an ordinal categorical variable. How many cups of coffee you drank would produce a discrete measurement variable.