Think About It! Section
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Select the answer you think is correct - then click the right arrow to proceed to the next question.
The correct answer is convenience sampling - because a convenience sample is a type of haphazard sample that does not require the use of probability when obtained. There is no random process used in the selection process.
The correct answer is convenience sampling - because a convenience sample is a type of haphazard sample that does not require the use of probability when obtained. There is no random process used in the selection process.
Correct. Because a convenience sample is a type of haphazard sample that does not require the use of probability when obtained. There is no random process used in the selection process.
The correct answer is convenience sampling - because a convenience sample is a type of haphazard sample that does not require the use of probability when obtained. There is no random process used in the selection process.
Correct. A sample size n = 1,600 from a population of 50 million - because the margin of error is only affected by sample size and not by the size of the population.
The correct answer is a sample size n = 1,600 from a population of 50 million - because the margin of error is only affected by sample size and not by the size of the population.
The correct answer is a sample size n = 1,600 from a population of 50 million - because the margin of error is only affected by sample size and not by the size of the population.
The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{200}}\) - because as defined in the textbook, the margin of error calculation takes the square root of the sample size and divides it into 1.
The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{200}}\) - because as defined in the textbook, the margin of error calculation takes the square root of the sample size and divides it into 1.
Correct. \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{200}}\) - because as defined in the textbook, the margin of error calculation takes the square root of the sample size and divides it into 1.
The correct answer is \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{200}}\) - because as defined in the textbook, the margin of error calculation takes the square root of the sample size and divides it into 1.
Correct. Difference between the sample percent and the population percent will be within 4% - because the margin of error gives us the range from our sample value within which we expect the population value to lie.
The correct answer is: difference between the sample percent and the population percent will be within 4% - because the margin of error gives us the range from our sample value within which we expect the population value to lie.
The correct answer is: difference between the sample percent and the population percent will be within 4% - because the margin of error gives us the range from our sample value within which we expect the population value to lie.
The correct answer is: difference between the sample percent and the population percent will be within 4% - because the margin of error gives us the range from our sample value within which we expect the population value to lie.
The answer is: stratified sampling - because with stratified sampling, a random sample is obtained from each and every subset found in the population. The collection of all these random samples forms the stratified sample. With cluster sampling, a random sample of subsets is obtained from all possible subsets in the population. NOT all subsets are sampled. ALL units found in each of the selected subsets are then selected to form a cluster sample.
Correct. Stratified sampling - because with stratified sampling, a random sample is obtained from each and every subset found in the population. The collection of all these random samples forms the stratified sample. With cluster sampling, a random sample of subsets is obtained from all possible subsets in the population. NOT all subsets are sampled. ALL units found in each of the selected subsets are then selected to form a cluster sample.
Correct. The answer is a randomized experiment because the researcher randomly assigns subjects to their treatment groups (i.e. whether they did the exercise program or used the special diet).
This is a randomized experiment because the researcher randomly assigns subjects to their treatment groups (i.e. whether they did the exercise program or used the special diet).
Both are important in experiments. Randomizing the type of treatment alleviates bias whenever groups are being compared. Randomizing the order of treatment is important when the same subject is given more than one treatment as in a matched-pair design.
Both are important in experiments. Randomizing the type of treatment alleviates bias whenever groups are being compared. Randomizing the order of treatment is important when the same subject is given more than one treatment as in a matched-pair design.
Correct. Both are important in experiments. Randomizing the type of treatment alleviates bias whenever groups are being compared. Randomizing the order of treatment is important when the same subject is given more than one treatment as in a matched-pair design.
Both are important in experiments. Randomizing the type of treatment alleviates bias whenever groups are being compared. Randomizing the order of treatment is important when the same subject is given more than one treatment as in a matched-pair design.
Correct. Whether or not someone smokes - because the explanatory variable is the variable that defines the groups being compared and is the variable thought to explain any differences in the response or outcome variable.
The correct answer is whether or not someone smokes - because the explanatory variable is the variable that defines the groups being compared and is the variable thought to explain any differences in the response or outcome variable.