
General Refernences for Introductory Statistics

  • Kaye, D.H., and Freedman, D. (2011) "Reference Guide on Statistics." found on the National Academic Press website
  • Moore, D.S., and Notz, W.I. (2012). Statistics: Concepts & Controversies, 9th edition
  • Utts, J.M. (2014). Seeing Through Statistics, 4th edition.

References for Lesson 2:

Lindsay, G., Hanks, W., Hurley, R., and Dane, S. (1999). Descriptive Epidemiology of Dozing and Driving in a College Student Population, Journal Of American College Health,47:157-162.

Rubin, R. March 17, 1998. Pet Contact, (

Streitfield, D. 1988. Shere Hite and the Trouble with Numbers, Chance, 1(3):26-31.

Wallis, C. October 12, 1987. Back off Buddy, Time Magazine, pp. 68-72.

References for Lesson 4:

Streitfield, D. 1988. Shere Hite and the Trouble with Numbers, Chance, 1(3):26-31.

Wallis, C. October 12, 1987. Back off Buddy, Time Magazine, pp 68-72.

References for Lesson 9:

Penn State Pulse, 21st Birthday, January 2001,

References for Lesson 12:

Heiligenstein E., Guenther, G., Levy A., Savino F., Fulwiler J., Psychological andAcademic Functioning in College Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Journal Of American College Health, 47:181-185, 1999.