Welcome to STAT 462!

We hope that you enjoy this course and have a good semester.
This is the STAT 462 online course materials website. There are lots of examples, notes, and lecture materials on this website. You may want to make a bookmark for this site in your browser.
Featured on this site are the online notes on Regression Methods reorganized and supplemented by Dr. Iain Pardoe, based on original notes by Dr. Laura Simon and Dr. Derek Young.
In addition, in the Resources section, there are software help pages for R and Minitab that demonstrate how to perform all of the regression methods used in this course.
Canvas is the other course website that will support our work in this course. Use the Canvas discussion forums to pose questions and collaborate with others in this course to find answers. Contact the instructor using the Canvas communication tool if you have a question that is more personal in nature, otherwise, the discussion forum is the place for this course's conversation. My guess is that if you have a question, there are likely others with the same question as well!
Canvas is where you will find the course syllabus, schedule, any announcements, weekly work assignments, exams, and where to submit these assignments and exams as well.
Once again, welcome to STAT 462!
(All images used in this course site are obtained from the public domain unless indicated otherwise.)