5.7 - Performing Multiple Actions

5.7 - Performing Multiple Actions

All of the examples we've looked at so far have involved performing only one action for a given condition. There may be situations in which you want to perform more than one action.

Example 5.10

Suppose our instructor wants to assign a grade of zero to any student who missed the fourth exam, as well as notify the student that she has done so. The following SAS program illustrates the use of the DO-END clause to accommodate the instructor's wishes:

DATA grades;
   	input name $ 1-15 e1 e2 e3 e4 p1 f1;
	if e4 = . then do;
	    e4 = 0;
		notify = 'YES';
Alexander Smith  78 82 86 69  97 80
John Simon       88 72 86  . 100 85
Patricia Jones   98 92 92 99  99 93
Jack Benedict    54 63 71 49  82 69
Rene Porter     100 62 88 74  98 92

PROC PRINT data = grades;
	var name e1 e2 e3 e4 p1 f1 notify;

The DO statement tells SAS to treat all of the statements it encounters as one all-inclusive action until a matching END appears. If no matching END appears, SAS will hiccup. Launch and run  the SAS program, and review the output of the PRINT procedure to convince yourself that the program accomplishes what we claim.

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