Lesson 32: Introduction to SAS SQL

Lesson 32: Introduction to SAS SQL


PROC SQL is a powerful tool for data manipulation and querying. It can perform many functions such as the conventional DATA and PROC steps but with fewer statements and computer resources. In this lesson, we will investigate how to select, subset, sort, summarize, and group data with SQL procedure.


Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Know about the basic syntax of PROC SQL and its uniqueness
  • Use SELECT and FROM clauses to query a single table
  • Display the result of a query in a predefined ODS destination
  • Generate and name the new table with the CREATE TABLE statement
  • Use the shortcut (*) to select all rows in a table
  • Create new columns with the SELECT clause
  • Use options in the SELECT statement to change variables’ format, label, and length
  • Use the OUTOBS= option in the PROC SQL statement to limit the number of rows in the display
  • Use the CASE operator inside the SELECT clause to conditionally process data
  • Use the WHERE clause and its operators to subset a table
  • Insert the keyword CALCULATED inside the WHERE clause to subset a table based on the calculated results
  • Use the ORDER BY clause to sort data in ascending order by default
  • Use its location number in the SELECT clause to reference a column
  • Add the keyword DESC to sort data descendingly
  • Summarize data with aggregation functions provided in PROC SQL
  • Use multiple columns as arguments inside a summary function
  • Select the column(s) besides a summary function with no GROUP BY clause
  • Use GROUP BY clause with summary functions to summarize groups of data
  • Use the COUNT() function to count non-missing values of rows of a table, a column, or non-duplicate values
  • Use the HAVING clause to subset data
  • Understand the differences between the HAVING and WHERE clause
  • Query multiple tables by listing multiple tables in the FROM clause
  • Understand a Cartesian product in SAS SQL
  • Use the WHERE clause to complete the inner join

32.1 - Proc SQL Basics

32.1 - Proc SQL Basics

PROC SQL is a procedure that SAS developed for the implementation of Structured Query Language. You can use this procedure to modify, retrieve and report data in tables and views (created on tables). Just as with other SAS procedures, PROC SQL also has basic syntax structures. It takes the following general form:

SELECT column-1<,…column-n>
FROM table-1|view-1<,…table-n|view-n>
<WHERE expression>
<GROUP BY column-1<,…column-n>>
<HAVING expression>
<ORDER BY column-1<,…column-n>>;

First of all, you may see differences in terminology between SQL and other SAS steps. For example, the data file is called data set in other SAS steps, but the table is in SQL. Correspondingly, records are called observations in the previous lessons, but rows in SQL tables, while we call a field of data set a variable, but a column in this lesson.

Other SAS steps SQL Procedure
data set table
observation row
variable column

Another thing that needs your attention is that, unlike other SAS procedures, there could be one or a few SELECT statements inside PROC SQL. One SELECT statement is called a query, which is composed of many clauses, like SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY. The order of these clauses is important. They must appear in the order as shown above.

We will use the whole lesson to work our way through all these keywords in PROC SQL. Let’s start with the most basic one.

Example 32.1

The following SAS SQL code is just query that retrieves data from a single table:

libname stat482 "X:\MG\stat480~483\proc sql";
	select ID,
	from stat482.survey;

The SAS System
1001 700 700
1002 700 500
1003 470 470
1004 710 560
1005 600 520
1006 610 720
1007 710 670
1008 610 580
1009 690 620
1010 580 540
1011 690 690
1012 . .
1013 450 580
1014 700 700
1015 400 600
1016 640 600
1017 720 580
1018 600 750
1019 600 720
1020 600 630
1021 600 300
1022 670 630
1023 670 680
1024 600 730
1025 560 680
1026 560 560
1027 550 600
1028 610 600
1029 680 680
1030 450 450
1031 640 620
1032 300 400
1033 650 600
1034 670 630
1035 500 550
1036 530 760
1037 500 400
1038 680 650
1039 560 560
1040 . .
1041 620 760
1042 640 640
1043 590 640
1044 570 560
1045 680 710
1046 660 580
1047 700 570
1048 650 590
1049 620 640
1050 450 450
1051 650 550
1052 600 620
1053 420 490
1054 630 580
1055 760 600
1056 600 500
1057 600 600
1058 585 590
1059 800 750
1060 540 550
1061 680 550
1062 670 670
1063 560 590
1064 550 700
1065 575 600
1066 450 400
1067 640 560
1068 550 610
1069 600 490
1070 600 610
1071 650 660
1072 570 570
1073 600 550
1074 500 450
1075 650 550
1076 590 570
1077 560 610
1078 570 490
1079 700 640
1080 660 660
1081 620 600
1082 550 690
1083 560 580
1084 690 690
1085 740 680
1086 540 570
1087 580 570
1088 . .
1089 500 600
1090 560 330
1091 800 650
1092 620 530
1093 560 560
1094 640 710
1095 690 650
1096 750 550
1097 640 430
1098 540 520
1099 700 600
1100 490 520
1101 570 490
1102 620 630
1103 450 500
1104 . .
1105 510 680
1106 620 500
1107 630 530
1108 500 550
1109 500 490
1110 700 600
1111 540 570
1112 . .
1113 650 550
1114 530 530
1115 580 620
1116 560 550
1117 570 480
1118 650 700
1119 640 630
1120 680 670
1121 450 500
1122 670 510
1123 560 530
1124 430 440
1125 470 510
1126 720 570
1127 600 650
1128 570 650
1129 500 540
1130 660 620
1131 730 800
1132 420 420
1133 450 550
1134 650 600
1135 520 650
1136 650 600
1137 580 640
1138 560 580
1139 530 600
1140 540 600
1141 . .
1142 720 500
1143 550 500
1144 640 600
1145 500 450
1146 580 600
1147 580 620
1148 620 640
1149 640 700
1150 630 650
1151 590 590
1152 600 500
1153 550 630
1154 520 450
1155 . .
1156 780 540
1157 400 400
1158 500 580
1159 640 440
1160 700 700
1161 600 630
1162 710 710
1163 600 590
1164 790 460
1165 560 500
1166 700 520
1167 520 550
1168 650 560
1169 650 670
1170 610 590
1171 480 520
1172 780 580
1173 580 590
1174 680 600
1175 640 600
1176 600 590
1177 520 500
1178 700 600
1179 660 660
1180 720 500
1181 600 550
1182 640 460
1183 490 520
1184 . .
1185 600 600
1186 480 580
1187 780 660
1188 670 550
1189 580 600
1190 560 520
1191 580 480
1192 . .
1193 500 500
1194 640 600
1195 570 540
1196 480 560
1197 600 700
1198 450 600
1199 620 640
1200 650 590
1201 760 660
1202 460 540
1203 500 610
1204 650 630
1205 550 550
1206 620 630
1207 640 670
1208 550 400
1209 580 580
1210 660 590
1211 650 570
1212 570 480
1213 425 .
1214 590 500
1215 650 630
1216 680 600
1217 620 400
1218 540 560
1219 630 590
1220 480 480
1221 590 610
1222 510 680
1223 . .
1224 650 630
1225 640 630
1226 630 520

To run the program above, you will need to save the SAS data file (survey.sas7bdat) to your computer first. Right-click the link and select the “Save link as…”. A save dialog box will appear and allow you to save the file to the location you choose on your computer. Edit the LIBNAME statement to reflect the directory in which you saved the survey data set. Then run the program and check the output.

The SQL procedure in this code represents the most basic form of the procedure. Like other SAS procedures, you need to run PROC SQL at the beginning to invoke it. Inside the procedure, there is only one statement starting with SELECT, which chooses the columns you want. You can list as many columns as needed, separated by commas. Another clause is FROM, which is used to specify the table(s). PROC SQL follows the same protocol of SAS file names. Here we used a two-level name to reference the permanent file. Just as you read the code, this program is used to select three columns (student id, SAT Math score and SAS Verbal score) from the table.

If you use the SAS list output as default, the results of a query will be displayed in the SAS output window. For SAS9.2 and above, the default output will be html. You can also change the open ODS destinations to pdf, rtf or others for the output.

Example 32.2

The following SAS program changes the ODS destination from listing to pdf. So the output will be saved under the predefined directory as a pdf file.

ods listing close;
ods pdf file="X:\MG\stat480~483\proc sql\sat_scores.pdf";

	select ID,
	from stat482.survey;

ods pdf close;
ods listing;

The PROC SQL part in the above program is the same as in the previous example. The added code is to close the current listing output and open the pdf destination and save the pdf output generated by the SQL procedure that follows the specified file name. The end part of ODS statements tells SAS to close the pdf destination and open the listing again.

In some cases, you may want to create a new table from a query. To do so, you need the CREATE TABLE statement with the keyword AS and along with other clauses used in PROC SQL, such as SELECT, or FROM. Below is the basic syntax of CREATE TABLE statement from a query result.

CREATE TABLE table-name AS
	SELECT column-1<,…column-n>
	FROM table-1|view-1<,…table-n|view-n>
	<optional query clauses>;

Example 32.3

The following SAS program uses the CREATE TABLE statement to create a new table named SAT_scores, which contains student ID, SAT math scores, and verbal scores.

	select ID,
	from stat482.survey;

Launch and run the SAS program. You may notice that there is no output displayed in the SAS output window or any open ODS destination. That’s because the CREATE TABLE statement suppresses the printed output of the query. However, if you check the SAS log window, it shows a message that indicates that the table has been created, and the number of rows and columns in the table.

167  PROC SQL;
168      CREATE TABLE SAT_Scores as
169      select ID,
170          SATM,
171          SATV
172      from stat482.survey;
ERROR: Libref STAT482 is not assigned.
173  QUIT;
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.01 seconds
      cpu time            0.01 seconds

In this example, table SAT_scores has 226 rows and 3 columns. The new table’s columns have the same attributes (type, length, format, label) as those of the selected source columns.

From the previous three examples, you now have some idea about what PROC SQL is like to work with. Let’s summarize what makes it so unique from other SAS procedures.

  1. Unlike other SAS procedures which contain many statements, the SQL procedure may consist of one or more than one SELECT statement. Each SELECT statement contains several clauses, like SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and ORDER BY. But the SELECT and FROM clauses are essential and indispensable. Other clauses are optional. All clauses have to be written in the order listed in the syntax. For each SELECT statement, only one semicolon is needed at the end of the statement.
  2. No RUN statement is required for PROC SQL to execute. SQL procedure will continue to run after you submit the program. To end it, you have to submit another PROC step, a DATA step, or a QUIT statement.

32.2 - Using the SELECT Clause

32.2 - Using the SELECT Clause

In the previous section, we learned the basics of PROC SQL. Next, we will investigate more details about the SELECT statement and how to use it to retrieve data, create new columns, and what options are available for data manipulation.

Example 32.4

The following SAS program creates a new temporary table with all columns retrieved from permanent file traffic.sas7bdat:

CREATE TABLE traffic as
	select *
	from stat482.traffic;


PROC CONTENTS data=stat482.traffic VARNUM;

Variables in Creation Order
# Variable Type Len Informat
1 ID Num 8  
2 Count_Location Char 11 $11.
3 Street Char 27 $27.
4 Date_of_Count Num 8  
5 Passing_Vehicle_Volume Num 8  

First, you need to download the permanent SAS data file traffic to your own computer. Revise the libname statement as needed. Then run the program.

One thing you need to know about this program is the shortcut, noted with an asterisk (*) after SELECT. The asterisk refers to all columns in the original table. So, this code is to select all columns in the permanent file into the temporary file, traffic.

To check the data, you may use the other procedures we learned in previous lessons, such as the PRINT procedure. In the above program, PROC CONTENTS have been used to check the variable attributes in the original and the new table. As we mentioned in the previous section, the variables chosen from other table(s) keep the same attributes.

Besides selecting original columns, the SELECT clause can also be used to create new columns, just as we used assignment statements in the DATA step to create new variables.

Example 32.5

Use the following program to create new columns with the SELECT statement:

	select id,
		scan(count_location,-1,' ') as orientation,
		passing_vehicle_volume * 0.5 as weekends_traffic_volume
		from  traffic;

ID Count_Location orientation Street weekends_traffic_volume
1 2523 West West 71st Street 7300
2 1708 West West 71st Street 7300
3 1275 West West 71st Street 8250
5 920 West West 71st Street 9100
6 758 West West 71st Street 10800
7 240 East East 71st St 9150
9 2050 East East 71st St 4300
10 8539 South South Commercial Ave 5000
11 8933 South South Commercial Ave 5250
12 9379 South South Commercial Ave 6350
13 9730 South South Commercial Ave 4500
14 4107 South South Cottage Grove Ave 5400
15 4750 South South Cottage Grove Ave 7100
16 5325 South South Cottage Grove Ave 6850
17 6144 South South Cottage Grove Ave 10450
18 6533 South South Cottage Grove Ave 9550
19 6820 South South Cottage Grove Ave 10850
20 7346 South South Cottage Grove Ave 8900
21 8800 South South Cottage Grove Ave 11200
23 10101 South South Cottage Grove Ave 6250
24 1603 South South Damen Ave 9400
25 1959 South South Damen Ave 7650
26 2259 South South Damen Ave 7400
27 2566 South South Damen Ave 14000
28 3460 South South Damen Ave 4050
29 3630 South South Damen Ave 3500
31 4936 South South Damen Ave 5450
32 5929 South South Damen Ave 7450
33 6755 South South Damen Ave 8300
34 7509 South South Damen Ave 6150
36 3030 South South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 9950
37 3748 South South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 7800
38 4358 South South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 7250
39 5450 South South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 5900
41 7718 South South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 8350
42 9243 South South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 7750
43 10326 South South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 5550
44 7669 South South Exchange Ave 4150
45 7952 South South Exchange Ave 3700
47 1407 South South Indiana Ave 4150
48 1933 South South Indiana Ave 3050
52 3420 South South Indiana Ave 3700
53 3654 South South Indiana Ave 3000
55 5848 South South Indiana Ave 2200
56 10320 South South Indianapolis Ave 19250
57 6602 South South Jeffery Blvd 10600
58 6841 South South Jeffery Blvd 11850
60 7335 South South Jeffery Blvd 12150
61 8127 South South Jeffery Blvd 6700
62 8645 South South Jeffery Blvd 9650
63 8547 South South Jeffery Blvd 6200
64 9633 South South Jeffery Ave 3850
65 7345 South South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 9450
66 2350 South South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 9050
67 5424 South South Lake Park Ave 9100
68 1255 South South Michigan Ave 10300
69 2317 South South Michigan Ave 6500
70 2950 South South Michigan Ave 6600
71 3311 South South Michigan Ave 4050
72 3721 South South Michigan Ave 4000
73 4563 South South Michigan Ave 3950
74 5352 South South Michigan Ave 3950
75 9642 South South Michigan Ave 4050
77 6848 South South South Shore Dr 17550
78 7732 South South South Shore Dr 8200
79 2425 East East South Shore Dr 8650
81 1420 South South State St 11550
82 3333 South South State St 5050
83 4605 South South State St 10750
84 5625 South South State St 8050
85 6416 South South State St 9650
86 7539 South South State St 6250
87 8149 South South State St 3750
88 9124 South South State St 2450
89 9940 South South State St 3650
90 2130 South South Wentworth Ave 2250
91 6629 South South Wentworth Ave 3550
92 9532 South South Wentworth Ave 2450
93 3430 South South Archer Ave 11700
94 2140 South South Archer Ave 5900
95 4709 South South Archer Ave 13900
96 2345 South South Archer Ave 6650
97 3247 South South Archer Ave 7550
98 320 South South Ashland Ave 14650
99 711 South South Ashland Ave 19350
100 1447 South South Ashland Ave 19150
103 6154 South South Ashland Ave 11750
104 6480 South South Ashland Ave 13550
105 7132 South South Ashland Ave 17500
106 7500 South South Ashland Ave 13150
107 8140 South South Ashland Ave 13150
108 8822 South South Ashland Ave 13900
109 719 South South Clark St 6800
110 996 South South Clark St 11300
111 1515 South South Clark St 11500
112 1918 South South Clark St 7400
113 2123 South South Clark St 6400
114 700 South South Halsted St 7800
115 1302 South South Halsted St 6700
116 3541 South South Halsted St 7650
117 5348 South South Halsted St 7500
118 6020 South South Halsted St 6600
119 6722 South South Halsted St 6750
120 7328 South South Halsted St 8350
121 8728 South South Halsted St 15450
122 9550 South South Halsted St 18950
124 7925 South South Vincennes Ave 10600
125 8940 South South Vincennes Ave 8150
126 9520 South South Vincennes Ave 6250
127 10122 South South Vincennes Ave 6850
129 10748 South South Vincennes Ave 9000
130 721 South South Western Ave 14750
131 2446 South South Western Ave 12750
132 3225 South South Western Ave 17650
133 4028 South South Western Ave 12800
135 6642 South South Western Ave 19550
136 7234 South South Western Ave 20250
137 7521 South South Western Ave 13650
138 8941 South South Western Ave 15400
139 9933 South South Western Ave 17850
141 10630 South South Western Ave 18300
142 5420 South South Western Blvd 10050
143 9750 South South Stony Island Ave 21750
144 7648 South South Stony Island Ave 36450
145 8450 South South Stony Island Ave 30750
146 9348 South South Stony Island Ave 23950
147 8216 South South Stony Island Ave 30800
148 6840 South South Stony Island Ave 26250
149 5640 South South Stony Island Ave 6250
150 2936 East East 92nd St 20650
151 3010 East East 92nd St 14250
152 1354 West West 99th Street 6400
153 1620 West West 99th Street 5650
154 2701 East East 100th St 5500
155 3250 East East 100th St 6400
156 9621 South South Avenue L 2500
157 10129 South South Avenue L 2100
158 9604 South South Beverly Ave 10150
159 9927 South South Longwood Dr 2650
160 9150 South South Harbor Ave 1250
161 8930 South South Mackinaw Ave 6900
162 7206 South South Yates Blvd 6250
163 2237 West West 63rd Street 9000
164 1445 West West 63rd Street 5400
165 519 West West 63rd St 4000
166 120 East East 63rd St 6200
167 642 East East 67th St 6300
168 1440 East East 67th St 4600
169 1733 East East 67th St 5150
170 175 West West 75th Street 8800
171 46 East East 75th St 5850
172 504 East East 75th St 8050
173 1744 East East 75th St 6550
174 1908 West West 76th Street 4000
175 718 West West 76th Street 7700
176 320 East East 76th St 4300
177 448 East East 76th St 4650
178 1716 East East 76th St 4300
179 2830 West West 79th Street 16650
181 1344 West West 79th Street 8650
182 1055 West West 79th Street 8800
183 540 West West 79th Street 9600
184 20 East East 79th St 10350
185 65 East East 79th St 8800
186 850 East East 79th St 8150
187 2726 East East 79th St 5700
188 1715 West West 83rd Street 6050
189 1101 West West 83rdStreet 7550
190 10 East East 83rd St 9200
191 505 East East 83rd Street 9000
192 1240 East East 83rd Street 7800
193 1165 East East 83rd Street 4500
194 2848 East East 83rd Street 4150
195 3045 East East 83rd St 3650
196 1720 West West 87th Street 14750
197 1428 West West 87th Street 15800
198 817 East East 87th Street 10650
199 551 West West 87th Street 14300
200 282 West West 87th Street 7900
201 71 East East 87th Street 12300
202 920 East East 87th Street 9700
203 2040 East East 87th Street 7050
204 3100 East East 87th Street 4400
205 2108 West West 95th Street 12750
206 1850 West West 95th Street 15800
207 1222 West West 95th Street 16450
208 948 West West 95th Street 14550
209 305 West West 95th Street 14950
210 202 West West 95th Street 16950
211 206 East East 95th Street 15200
212 1057 East East 95th Street 11000
213 2097 East East 95th Street 16050
214 3502 East East 95th Street 8400
216 537 West West 103rd Street 9350
217 112 West West 103rd Street 9300
218 235 East East 103rd St 10850
219 907 East East 103rd St 8900
220 7141 South South Chicago Ave 9550
221 2230 West West Garfield Blvd 14400
222 1848 West West Garfield Blvd 16600
223 226 East East Garfield Blvd 15900
224 120 West West Garfield Blvd 19350
225 1359 South South Loomis St 2100
226 1905 South South Loomis St 2650
227 5038 South South Loomis St 1000
228 5710 South South Loomis St 1750
229 6628 South South Loomis St 2750
230 6732 South South Loomis St 2950
231 7807 South South Loomis St 3300
232 8210 South South Loomis St 2750
233 1031 South South Racine Ave 5350
234 1340 South South Racine Ave 2700
235 3538 South South Racine Ave 1300
236 4411 South South Racine Ave 3350
237 5235 South South Racine Ave 3850
238 6240 South South Racine Ave 5500
239 6710 South South Racine Ave 5650
240 7119 South South Racine Ave 5550
241 7724 South South Racine Ave 5350
242 8228 South South Racine Ave 5900
243 2263 West West 18th Street 3350
244 223 West West 18th Street 4250
245 68 West West 18th St 4050
246 118 West West 18th St 1900
247 943 West West 31st St 5000
248 1139 West West 31st St 4100
249 315 West West 31st St 8050
250 20 West West 31st St 7200
252 217 East East 31st St 7000
253 2307 West West 35th St 5100
254 2017 West West 35th St 7600
255 1301 West West 35th St 8500
256 507 West West 35th St 7950
257 256 East East 35th St 5100
258 521 East East 35th St 4800
259 1623 West West 43rd St 3050
260 1430 West West 43rd St 2400
261 506 West West 43rd St 3400
263 450 East East 43rd St 4450
264 1707 West West 47th St 9050
265 1439 West West 47th St 8000
266 20 West West 47th St 7650
267 410 East East 47th St 7350
268 1048 East East 47th St 8600
269 1706 West West 51st Street 4800
270 929 West West 51st Street 4450
271 715 West West 51st St 4250
272 40 West West 51st St 4700
273 329 East East 51st St 4400
274 718 East East 51st St 4550
277 944 West West 55th Street 16900
278 410 East East 55th St 11400
279 1340 East East 55th St 7850
280 2635 West West 59th Street 6700
281 1715 West West 59th Street 5850
282 1115 West West 59th St 8150
283 609 West West 59th St 7350
284 124 West West 59th Street 4450
285 261 East East 59th St 3250
286 2525 South South Blue Island Ave 9050
287 2358 South South Blue Island Ave 6700
288 1623 South South Blue Island Ave 2600
289 2235 West West Cermak Rd 6850
290 1730 West West Cermak Rd 5750
291 1248 West West Cermak Rd 8650
292 234 West West Cermak Rd 8350
293 415 West West Cermak Rd 6150
294 20 West West Cermak Rd 9950
295 67 East East Cermak Rd 7350
296 120 East East Cermak Rd 7900
298 1015 East East Hyde Park Blvd 4850
299 5434 South South Hyde Park Blvd 3700
300 2509 West West Marquette Rd 7450
301 2208 West West Marquette Rd 7650
302 660 West West Marquette Rd 9950
303 205 East East Marquette Rd 8400
304 840 East East Marquette Rd 7100
305 3610 South South Morgan St 2650
306 6830 South South Morgan St 2100
307 7230 South South Morgan St 1800
308 1431 West West Pershing Rd 9750
309 340 West West Pershing Rd 7700
310 268 East East Pershing Rd 3600
311 750 East East Pershing Rd 4900
312 1640 West West Roosevelt Rd 14100
313 813 West West Roosevelt Rd 15800
314 412 West West Roosevelt Rd 20650
315 52 East East Roosevelt RD 16600
316 125 East East 24th St 350
317 575 West West 26TH ST 3450
318 140 East East 26th St 3900
319 1533 East East 56th St 6800
320 1621 East East 57th St 19750
321 771 East East 60th St 1450
322 1171 West West 74th St 5050
323 3036 East East 83rd Pl 650
324 3223 East East 85th St 6150
325 77 East East Balbo Ave 5250
326 271 East East Balbo Dr 6200
327 530 East East Best Dr 2800
328 1073 South South Columbus Dr 18950
329 5065 South South Drexel Blvd 3300
330 1650 East East Midway Plaisance 6700
331 520 East East Morgan Dr 14100
332 650 East East Rainey Dr 8150
333 3319 West West Harrison St 1150
334 2380 West West Harrison St 2650
335 1973 West West Harrison St 3950
336 1739 West West Harrison St 5300
337 1519 West West Harrison St 4400
338 1015 West West Harrison St 7500
339 15 East East Harrison ST 2950
340 754 West West Harrison St 5500
341 1219 South South Jefferson St 2400
342 651 South South Jefferson St 3200
343 1300 East East Midway Plaisance 8350
344 830 East East Oakwood Blvd 2450
345 188 West West Polk St 4450
347 9943 South South Beverly Ave 5950
348 8349 South South Bond Ave 5550
349 8527 South South Burley Ave 9050
350 2010 South South Calumet Ave 1200
351 460 South South Canal St 7800
352 538 South South Clinton St 3650
354 9592 South South Colfax Ave 6550
355 1161 South South Columbus Dr 18900
356 6100 South South Cornell Dr 21500
357 637 South South Dearborn St 3900
358 682 South South Des Plaines St 3150
360 11043 South South Longwood Dr 3350
361 7409 South South Parnell Ave 600
362 5510 South South Payne Dr 8600
363 3027 South South Pitney Ct 900
364 6400 South South Richards Dr 4100
365 7020 South South St Lawrence Ave 2500
366 8620 South South Summit Ave 3100
367 9915 South South Van Vlissingen Rd 3400
368 634 South South Wabash Ave 4550
369 1130 South South Wabash Ave 5750
370 1040 South South Wells St 2100
371 5121 South South Woodlawn Ave 4050
372 1760 West West Ogden Ave 10050
373 2124 West West Ogden Ave 11350
374 2653 West West Ogden Ave 11950
375 2701 West West Pope John Paul II 3500
376 742 West West Root St 1600
377 5224 South South Woodlawn Ave 3600
378 4929 South South Woodlawn Ave 2750
379 4624 South South Woodlawn Ave 1500
380 1550 South South Lake Shore Dr 82600
381 5250 South South Lake Shore Dr 55800
382 10344 South South Torrence Ave 10800
383 10250 South South Ewing Ave 3400
384 10535 South South Wentworth Ave 4150
385 10452 South South Kedzie Ave 11000
386 11335 South South Michigan Ave 5950
387 11201 South South Cottage Grove Ave 3350
388 11750 South South State St 3900
389 11600 South South Halsted St 15150
390 11867 South South Vincennes Ave 3500
391 12423 South South Michigan Ave 4450
392 12007 South South State St 3150
393 12054 South South Wentworth Ave 1550
394 13027 South South Baltimore Ave 2200
395 12940 South South Torrence Ave 9300
396 13200 South South Torrence Ave 7550
397 6559 South South Damen Ave 10750
398 1600 West West Ogden Ave 9950
399 133 South South Ashland Ave 15850
400 120 South South Des Plaines St 4400
401 852 North North Ashland Ave 17200
402 2535 West West Pershing Rd 6150
403 4923 West West Grand Ave 6250
404 2125 North North Cicero Ave 19950
405 1463 West West Montrose Ave 8350
406 1440 West West 55th St 17600
407 1423 West West Lake St 4850
408 1425 West West Diversey Ave 10850
409 1125 North North Cicero Ave 18900
410 1117 North North Laramie Ave 9750
411 1055 North North Central Ave 11350
412 5862 West West Jackson Blvd 4900
413 5700 West West Washington St 5400
414 5838 West West Lake St 3550
416 5854 West West Division St 6100
417 5741 West West Grand Ave 10850
418 5900 West West Diversey Ave 10900
419 5850 West West Montrose Ave 11350
420 3541 East East 106th St 8250
421 13101 South South Brainard Ave 8100
422 3220 East East 134th St 2350
423 2851 North North Austin Ave 10650
424 618 West West Addison St 5800
425 1050 West West Hollywood Ave 17600
426 5333 North North Sheridan Ave 6250
428 2900 West West 26th St 6850
429 2531 West West 51st St 10100
430 2738 West West 47th St 11850
431 2703 West West Cermak Rd 7100
432 2700 West West Roosevelt Rd 9150
433 2439 West West 43rd St 2100
434 7430 West West Talcott Ave 6150
435 3654 West West 16th St 4750
436 5301 West West Irving Park Rd 17250
437 5400 West West Fullerton Ave 18950
438 3543 West West North Ave 19750
439 3656 West West Washington St 5900
440 3433 West West Madison St 7800
441 3534 West West Wrightwood Ave 5300
442 4856 West West Foster Ave 13800
443 4637 West West Roosevelt Rd 11300
445 4444 West West Chicago Ave 10700
446 4517 West West North Ave 17450
447 1303 West West Wilson Ave 6350
448 1450 West West Foster Ave 12050
449 1418 West West Bryn Mawr Ave 3250
450 54 West West Chicago Ave 11500
451 51 West West Ontario St 9200
452 1420 West West Pratt Blvd 3550
453 105 West West Congress Pkwy 38350
454 711 East East 111th St 8250
455 1650 West West North Ave 10450
457 1649 West West Foster Ave 12800
458 1828 West West Chicago Ave 8700
459 25 West West Van Buren St 3700
460 19 West West Jackson Blvd 5050
461 15 West West Adams St 5600
462 30 East East Monroe St 6500
463 15 West West Madison St 5750
464 10 West West Lake St 6850
465 27 West West Washington St 7150
466 24 West West Randolph St 9000
467 6526 North North California Ave 5700
468 3455 East East 112th St 3850
469 3980 West West 111th St 10100
470 738 West West 107th St 5450
471 3900 West West 79th St 16000
472 3908 West West Marquette St 9000
474 3933 West West 63rd St 12000
475 5858 South South Archer Ave 14350
476 4630 West West 55th St 11650
477 3535 West West 47th St 11800
478 4706 West West 47th St 15150
479 2719 West West 35th St 5800
480 3142 West West 16th St 1450
481 4733 West West Lake St 8050
482 4307 West West Grand Ave 5950
483 500 West West Fullerton Ave 9250
484 2293 North North Clybourn Ave 8200
485 8318 West West Addison St 5550
486 3845 West West Lawrence Ave 11900
487 8950 West West Lawrence Ave 12300
488 3816 West West Bryn Mawr Ave 7250
489 3318 West West Peterson Ave 19150
490 2314 West West Peterson Ave 22000
491 2307 West West Devon Ave 11100
492 7114 West West Devon Ave 11300
494 3947 West West Jackson Blvd 6650
495 2345 West West Jackson Blvd 2450
496 1645 West West Jackson Blvd 2750
497 1540 West West Jackson Blvd 3300
498 350 East East Jackson Dr 8800
499 1880 West West Adams St 1750
500 2344 West West Adams St 1700
501 3932 West West Madison St 9650
502 3542 West West Lake St 4700
503 3116 West West Lake St 2850
504 10 East East Washington St 6350
505 2324 West West Warren Blvd 3250
506 2335 West West Madison St 6600
507 1931 West West Lake St 3450
508 3165 West West Franklin Blvd 1950
509 1926 West West Grand Ave 9800
511 777 West West Chicago Ave 13800
512 1521 West West Chicago Ave 8550
513 3914 West West Division St 8450
514 3500 West West Grand Ave 7850
515 3045 West West Division St 8300
516 1925 West West Division St 13400
517 1504 West West Augusta Blvd 6400
518 161 East East Chicago Ave 9050
519 303 East East Chicago Ave 5950
520 206 West West Van Buren St 5250
521 2415 North North Pulaski Rd 12500
522 6445 West West Grand Ave 7400
523 5025 West West Armitage Ave 4850
524 2366 North North Central Ave 10000
525 740 West West Addison St 6450
526 662 West West Belmont Ave 10400
527 624 West West Division St 11050
528 250 West West 127th St 12850
529 446 West West 119th St 5750
530 3900 West West 31st St 10050
531 6780 West West Higgins Ave 8750
532 537 South South Dearborn St 5750
533 513 South South Damen Ave 16800
534 3515 West West Washington St 5250
535 3252 West West 31st St 10300
536 4247 North North Western Ave 20350
537 230 South South La Salle St 3850
538 210 South South Des Plaines St 3150
539 210 South South Clinton St 5800
540 225 South South Canal St 6050
541 209 South South Wells St 5800
542 210 South South Clark St 8250
543 239 South South Dearborn St 8950
544 400 South South Kostner Ave 9350
545 210 South South Kedzie Ave 7750
546 603 West West Monroe St 6900
547 2939 West West 63rd St 11100
548 3100 West West 59th St 10650
549 3105 West West Garfield Blvd 12400
550 2857 West West Pershing Rd 3900
551 2825 West West 31st St 8850
552 3260 West West Warren Blvd 2950
553 3233 West West Washington St 4100
554 3283 West West Wrightwood Ave 5000
555 3238 West West Fullerton Ave 16600
556 2501 West West 103rd St 11800
557 650 West West Washington St 9500
558 3313 West West Lawrence Ave 10500
559 4631 West West Harrison St 5750
560 4224 West West 31st St 10250
561 4040 West West Ogden St 10250
562 4047 West West Fullerton Ave 18950
563 4301 West West Diversey Ave 9350
564 5105 West West Addison St 11100
565 5103 West West North Ave 18250
566 155 West West Grand Ave 7100
567 4521 North North Central Ave 13800
568 4581 North North Western Ave 19150
569 6330 West West Touhy Ave 16850
570 5831 North North California Ave 5700
571 3815 West West Devon Ave 13550
573 2208 West West 111th St 11300
574 206 South South Cicero Ave 16850
575 135 South South Pulaski Rd 12100
576 49 South South Jefferson St 4550
577 909 West West Foster Ave 10100
578 158 East East 107th St 4000
579 350 East East 111th St 6100
580 3743 West West Belmont Ave 13100
581 5665 West West Bryn Mawr Ave 4450
582 11810 South South Western Ave 11800
583 11027 South South Pulaski Rd 16450
584 11450 South South Kedzie Ave 9800
585 9450 South South Jeffery Ave 9700
586 9401 South South Cottage Grove Ave 12200
588 8210 South South Exchange Ave 4850
589 8220 South South Kedzie Ave 10650
591 7825 South South Pulaski Rd 23300
593 7845 South South Cottage Grove Ave 13650
594 7829 South South Damen Ave 11850
595 6750 South South Kedzie Ave 13000
596 6210 South South Cicero Ave 29950
597 6224 South South Pulaski Rd 26150
598 6214 South South Kedzie Ave 12100
599 6217 South South Ashland Ave 18000
600 5433 South South Central Ave 13700
601 5410 South South Cicero Ave 35600
602 5413 South South Kedzie Ave 12150
603 5443 South South California Ave 9300
604 5411 South South Damen Ave 7000
605 4647 South South Archer Ave 16650
606 4611 South South Kedzie Ave 14600
607 4637 South South California Ave 10400
608 3835 South South Damen Ave 12900
609 3030 South South Kostner Ave 4800
610 3001 South South Kedzie Ave 12700
611 3026 South South California Ave 11700
612 2501 South South Hamlin Ave 1600
613 2130 South South Marshall Blvd 9400
614 2149 South South California Ave 8850
615 2157 South South Damen Ave 12350
616 1531 South South Kostner Ave 9750
617 1539 South South Pulaski Rd 10850
618 1142 South South Sacramento Ave 10000
619 1820 North North Kimball Ave 5250
620 211 South South Central Ave 12700
621 190 South South Laramie Ave 10550
622 857 West West Austin Ave 12400
623 1629 North North Ashland Ave 15350
624 2123 North North Damen Ave 11050
625 2032 North North Milwaukee Ave 7300
626 1640 North North Pulaski Rd 9650
628 1646 North North Laramie Ave 6600
629 1666 North North Narragansett Ave 6500
630 2393 North North Harlem Ave 11150
631 2427 North North Kedzie Ave 8700
632 2420 North North Sacramento Ave 8250
633 2435 North North Ashland Ave 20100
634 2900 North North Lake Shore Inner Dr 2350
635 2825 North North Halsted St 9750
636 2824 North North Sheffield Ave 5350
638 2851 North North Southport Ave 4300
639 2855 North North Ashland Ave 18700
640 3125 North North Kimball Ave 10000
641 2609 North North Kimball Ave 8050
642 2859 North North Central Park Ave 4500
643 2827 North North Pulaski Rd 11950
644 2830 North North Kostner Ave 3800
645 2845 North North Cicero Ave 22000
646 2836 North North Laramie Ave 7750
647 3280 North North Cumberland Ave 18850
648 3649 North North Cumberland Ave 19700
649 3250 North North Harlem Ave 14450
650 7825 West West Forest Preserve Ave 8000
651 3647 North North Oak Park Ave 9400
652 3658 North North Central Ave 11900
653 3620 North North Laramie Ave 8350
654 3255 North North Cicero Ave 20300
655 3647 North North Cicero Ave 19250
656 3628 North North Milwaukee Ave 7200
657 3235 North North Kedzie Ave 7500
658 3249 North North Elston Ave 7400
659 3242 North North California Ave 5950
660 3260 North North Western Ave (over pass) 16050
661 3220 North North Damen Ave 8500
662 3228 North North Sheffield Ave 4750
663 3232 North North Halsted St 11050
664 3620 North North Lake Shore Inner Dr 9450
665 3636 North North Broadway 5050
666 3654 North North Halsted St 8050
667 3733 North North Clark St 6300
668 3625 North North Ashland Ave 16050
669 4065 North North Narragansett Ave 13400
670 4055 North North Cicero Ave 15750
671 4059 North North Pulaski Rd 10550
672 4050 North North Elston Ave 10100
673 4453 North North Damen Ave 6500
674 4034 North North Ashland Ave 16700
675 4472 North North Clarendon St 2350
676 4421 North North Sheridan Rd 3750
677 4445 North North Pulaski Rd 13650
678 4810 North North Milwaukee Ave 13800
679 4853 North North Nagle Ave 11350
680 5659 North North Northwest Hwy 4950
682 5217 North North Elston Ave 9100
683 5237 North North Kedzie Ave 7350
684 5232 North North Western Ave 17300
685 5243 North North Broadway 12500
686 5725 North North Broadway 12950
687 6071 North North Western Ave 17300
688 7254 North North Rogers Ave 3800
689 7477 North North Clark St 9950
690 6082 North North Lincoln Ave 17800
691 6067 North North Kimball Ave 7800
693 6445 North North Central Ave 8750
694 6516 North North Harlem Ave 15900
695 324 South South Racine Ave 6250
696 220 South South Wabash Ave 5450
697 200 South South Michigan Ave 19500
698 249 South South Columbus Dr 15050
699 114 North North Hamlin Ave 7750
700 323 North North Pulaski Rd 12400
701 267 North North Central Park Ave 4400
702 243 North North Homan Ave 6300
703 222 North North Kedzie Ave 7250
704 220 North North Western Ave 17200
705 209 North North Damen Ave 10150
706 210 North North Halsted St 10150
708 549 North North Milwaukee Ave 5550
709 640 North North Wabash Ave 3700
710 840 North North Halsted St 11550
711 1240 North North Homan Ave 4450
712 1231 North North Western Ave 19050
714 1230 North North Clybourn Ave 7500
715 835 North North Clark St 8250
716 1667 North North Wells St 5350
717 1665 North North Sedgwick St 2850
718 11021 South South Ashland Ave 1000
719 5205 North North Nagle Ave 9150
720 6221 West West Gunnison St 6150
721 6135 West West Grand Ave 11400
722 6325 West West Fullerton Ave 15150
723 6257 West West Belmont Ave 12200
724 6050 West West Addison St 12100
725 6204 West West Irving Park Rd 15500
726 6656 West West Diversey Ave 11950
727 1928 North North Oak Park Ave 6500
728 7168 West West North Ave 18000
729 6570 West West North Ave 20850
730 1300 West West Washington St 2950
731 1234 West West Randolph St 3000
733 645 North North State St 11550
734 640 North North La Salle St 19500
735 635 North North Dearborn St 8200
736 641 North North Clark St 10600
737 633 North North Wells St 4700
738 6805 North North Northwest Hwy 8050
740 4306 West West 26th St 4200
741 4212 West West Armitage Ave 8850
742 180 North North La Salle St 11400
743 180 North North Wabash Ave 4100
744 163 North North Dearborn St 7050
745 175 North North Clark St 7250
746 176 North North Wells St 5300
747 162 North North Franklin St 8400
748 156 North North Jefferson St 4150
749 186 North North Des Plaines St 3650
750 3506 East East 95Th St 7250
751 11233 South South Avenue O 8000
752 10347 South South Cottage Grove Ave 6850
753 9761 South South Cottage Grove Ave 7000
755 9233 South South Commercial Ave 7250
757 7150 South South Cottage Grove Ave 10700
758 6336 South South Harlem Ave 29050
759 6335 South South Central Ave 7850
760 6312 South South California Ave 8300
762 3121 South South Pulaski Rd 14750
763 2235 South South Damen Ave 12000
764 1659 South South Homan Ave 2550
765 323 South South Central Ave 13300
766 1548 North North Laramie Ave 9200
768 2300 North North Racine Ave 6500
769 2318 North North Sacramento Ave 9200
770 2761 North North Narragansett Ave 11850
771 2739 North North Pulaski Rd 13250
772 2708 North North Halsted St 7250
773 3152 North North Milwaukee Ave 8400
774 3531 North North Broadway 7350
775 4710 North North Kedzie Ave 7750
776 4762 North North East River Rd 7000
777 5653 North North East River Rd 12650
778 5800 North North Cicero Ave 11350
779 5543 North North Lincoln Ave 12200
780 6719 North North Ashland Ave 2400
781 7127 North North Leigh Ave 4300
782 6333 North North Milwaukee Ave 13400
784 3150 South South State St 10900
786 715 South South Kedzie Ave 8150
787 750 North North Central Park Ave 5150
788 700 South South Pulaski Rd 11850
789 338 South South Homan Ave 7500
790 194 North North Damen Ave 9400
791 465 North North Desplaines St 2250
792 667 North North Sacramento Ave 10700
793 1526 North North Western Ave 19700
794 1136 North North Milwaukee Ave 7050
795 745 North North Fairbanks Ct 5350
796 1111 North North Clark St 7050
798 4732 South South Pulaski Rd 22850
799 3110 South South California Ave 15400
801 890 West West Lawrence Ave 7250
802 11159 South South Longwood Dr 2700
803 1527 West West Irving Park Rd 14900
804 22 West West Congress Pkwy 31350
805 20 West West Division St 9350
806 1 West West Grand Ave 9400
807 51 East East 119th St 3450
808 22 East East Division St 4200
809 2250 East East 130th St 11500
810 408 South South Clark St 6500
811 322 South South California Ave 6550
812 1345 West West 107th St 3950
813 1920 West West 115th St 3150
814 2600 East East 122nd St 2100
815 2350 West West 119th St 9950
816 3254 West West 115th St 7750
817 6431 West West 63rd St 9100
818 4019 West West 59th St 10100
819 2641 West West Pershing Rd 5500
820 4418 West West 26th St 7400
821 4042 West West Cermak Rd 11600
822 2605 West West Armitage Ave 8400
824 1625 West West Irving Park Rd 16500
825 2432 West West Irving Park Rd 21050
826 4825 West West Lawrence Ave 14450
827 9463 West West Higgins Rd 16050
829 3447 West West Foster Ave 13750
830 6080 North North Caldwell Ave 13550
831 45 West West 31st St 7050
832 4035 West West Madison St 10600
833 2845 West West Division St 9100
834 2458 West West Augusta Blvd 5700
836 10 East East Grand Ave 10050
837 112 North North California Ave 2550
838 25 North North Cicero Ave 18500
839 173 West West Ohio St 18850
840 40 West West 115th St 5850
841 2430 West West Ogden Ave 14950
842 2458 West West Addison St 13500
843 2324 West West Armitage Ave 8400
844 2830 West West 87th St 14700
845 2950 West West 83rd St 6100
846 2249 West West Montrose Ave 8200
847 1420 West West Madison St 6200
848 5434 West West Addison Ave 11450
849 7121 West West Addison Ave 10350
850 3521 North North Austin Ave 10850
851 2653 North North Austin Ave 11100
852 4308 North North Austin Ave 9750
853 1728 North North Austin Ave 10150
854 5532 West West Belmont Ave 11550
855 7368 West West Belmont Ave 12050
856 6845 West West Belmont Ave 12100
857 10 South South Canal St 6050
858 5947 North North Canfield Ave 8350
859 3501 North North Central Ave 13600
860 5601 North North Central Ave 9400
861 2459 North North Central Ave 12500
862 4256 North North Central Ave 12450
863 1710 North North Central Ave 10200
864 5050 North North Cicero Ave 12950
865 3450 North North Cumberland Ave 16500
866 5320 North North Cumberland Ave 20300
867 5850 North North Cumberland Ave 24700
868 4151 North North Cumberland Ave 21950
869 7729 West West Devon Ave 9650
870 6193 West West Devon Ave 16650
871 6891 West West Diversey Ave 8300
872 6041 West West Diversey Ave 10800
873 5980 North North East River Rd 9650
874 5140 North North East River Rd 11250
875 5110 North North Elston Ave 7950
876 8500 West West Forest Preserve Ave 5200
877 6916 West West Forest Preserve Ave 11950
878 6747 West West Foster Ave 7150
879 6058 West West Foster Ave 8650
880 5313 West West Foster Ave 12300
881 5835 West West Fullerton Ave 18550
882 7102 West West Grand Ave 9600
884 2920 North North Harlem Ave 11600
885 3731 North North Harlem Ave 16050
886 1837 North North Harlem Ave 13000
887 5898 North North Harlem Ave 16350
888 7317 North North Harlem Ave 13050
889 5731 West West Higgins Ave 5100
891 7455 West West Higgins Ave 7050
892 5842 West West Irving Park Rd 17650
893 6911 West West Irving Park Rd 14300
894 3400 North North Laramie Ave 7950
896 2426 North North Laramie Ave 7950
897 1748 North North Laramie Ave 6750
898 5439 West West Lawrence Ave 10400
900 5913 North North Lincoln Ave 15800
901 6534 West West Montrose Ave 12900
903 3725 North North Narragansett Ave 12100
904 2890 North North Narragansett Ave 12450
905 2228 North North Narragansett Ave 8100
906 4459 North North Narragansett Ave 10350
907 3130 North North Oak Park Ave 8550
908 4850 West West Peterson Ave 21400
910 7252 West West Touhy Ave 12600
911 71 South South Wacker Dr 10600
912 5749 North North Western Ave 17050
913 3023 West West Addison Ave 14900
914 4550 West West Addison Ave 11800
915 3636 West West Armitage Ave 9000
916 3308 West West Armitage Ave 9100
917 4459 West West Armitage Ave 8600
918 3317 West West Belmont Ave 16350
919 3524 West West Belmont Ave 13750
920 4621 West West Belmont Ave 12650
921 2737 West West Belmont Ave 11900
922 3945 West West Belmont Ave 8300
923 5417 North North California Ave 6400
924 3765 North North California Ave 6750
925 2027 North North California Ave 8050
926 7420 North North California Ave 5200
927 1751 North North Central Park Ave 5150
928 3120 West West Diversey Ave 9250
929 3809 West West Diversey Ave 8850
930 4632 West West Diversey Ave 11500
931 2671 West West Foster Ave 11850
932 3724 West West Fullerton Ave 17200
933 4710 West West Fullerton Ave 18700
934 3130 West West Fullerton Ave 15200
935 4240 West West Irving Park Rd 18550
936 3056 West West Irving Park Rd 23650
937 3842 West West Irving Park Rd 23250
938 4875 North North Kedzie Ave 7150
939 5437 North North Kimball Ave 6950
940 3630 North North Kimball Ave 9800
941 2231 North North Kimball Ave 6100
942 2230 North North Kostner Ave 6250
943 2925 West West Lawrence Ave 11700
944 4245 West West Lawrence Ave 11300
945 2761 North North Milwaukee Ave 9050
946 3758 West West Montrose Ave 11000
947 2932 West West North Ave 16950
948 3741 West West North Ave 18650
949 3335 West West North Ave 19300
950 2032 North North Pulaski Rd 10650
951 3723 North North Pulaski Rd 11350
952 3915 West West Roosevelt Rd 11950
953 1256 West West Addison Ave 9900
954 901 West West Addison Ave 8200
955 2257 West West Addison Ave 10900
956 1851 West West Armitage Ave 10500
957 612 West West Armitage Ave 6900
958 935 West West Armitage Ave 6550
959 3524 North North Ashland Ave 16900
960 5116 North North Ashland Ave 13350
961 1525 West West Belmont Ave 9600
962 1111 West West Belmont Ave 10450
963 2237 West West Belmont Ave 9350
964 3120 North North Broadway 5850
966 4034 North North Broadway 6500
967 5051 North North Broadway 12500
968 1103 West West Bryn Mawr Ave 8900
969 6137 North North Clark St 16050
970 2620 North North Clybourn Ave 8650
971 3137 North North Damen Ave 9600
972 4113 North North Damen Ave 6250
973 4855 North North Damen Ave 6050
974 1804 North North Damen Ave 8350
975 1614 West West Diversey Ave 11200
976 1059 West West Foster Ave 12100
978 1434 West West Fullerton Ave 12200
979 2034 North North Halsted St 9350
980 1140 West West Irving Park Rd 13100
981 2032 West West Irving Park Rd 20600
982 2665 North North Lakeview Ave 3400
983 1350 West West Lawrence Ave 10350
984 1058 West West Lawrence Ave 7900
985 2315 West West Lawrence Ave 13350
986 2136 North North Lincoln Ave 7200
987 4322 North North Lincoln Ave 7050
988 4900 North North Marine Dr 3250
989 1640 North North Milwaukee Ave 6400
990 1758 West West Montrose Ave 8400
991 929 West West North Ave 14000
992 3324 North North Racine Ave 4450
993 2519 North North Racine Ave 5650
994 5816 North North Ridge Ave 21550
995 6629 North North Sheridan Rd 20600
996 4926 North North Sheridan Rd 4400
997 2228 North North Southport Ave 4350
998 3643 North North Western Ave 22650
999 2160 North North Western Ave 19600
1000 5017 North North Western Ave 16550
1001 1768 North North Western Ave 20000
1002 901 South South Ashland Ave 21250
1003 5937 West West Augusta Blvd 4300
1004 1031 South South Austin Ave 13050
1005 148 North North Austin Ave 15750
1006 643 North North Central Ave 12400
1007 725 South South Central Park Ave 5350
1008 815 South South Cicero Ave 17600
1009 2532 West West Washington St 3500
1010 220 West West Washington St 7300
1011 855 West West Washington St 4750
1012 3935 West West Washington St 8150
1013 1350 North North Wells St 8850
1014 516 North North Wells St 8150
1015 15 South South Wells St 4950
1017 1023 North North Western Ave 18300
1018 652 North North Western Ave 16200
1019 350 South South Western Ave 16950
1020 1314 West West 18th St 4750
1021 3734 West West 26th St 9200
1022 4344 West West 26th St 8650
1023 891 South South Damen Ave 15700
1024 4435 West West Division St 8700
1025 5238 West West Division St 9100
1026 700 South South Halsted St 12650
1027 5212 West West Harrison St 3250
1028 1533 North North Kostner Ave 5300
1029 750 South South Kostner Ave 8750
1031 250 North North Kostner Ave 2850
1032 5124 West West Lake St 5700
1033 850 South South Laramie Ave 9400
1034 511 North North Laramie Ave 10300
1035 5937 West West Madison St 6700
1036 4640 West West Madison St 12350
1037 803 South South Racine Ave 7200
1038 5253 West West Roosevelt Rd 10850
1039 3300 West West Roosevelt Rd 10150
1041 250 East East 26th St 4200
1042 310 West West 31st St 7150
1043 52 East East 31st St 5850
1044 452 West West 47th St 9900
1045 316 West West 51st St 7200
1046 335 West West 59th St 8400
1047 344 West West 63rd St 5400
1048 253 East East 63rd St 8950
1049 1233 West West Adams St 1900
1050 555 West West Adams St 5850
1051 222 West West Adams St 8200
1052 1020 West West Adams St 2550
1053 2224 South South Archer Ave 7650
1054 755 North North Ashland Ave 15250
1055 1345 North North Ashland Ave 17500
1056 320 South South Ashland Ave 17850
1057 3654 West West Augusta Blvd 5550
1058 1824 West West Augusta Blvd 9450
1059 3049 West West Augusta Blvd 4250
1060 165 North North Canal St 5100
1061 536 North North Central Park Ave 3800
1062 64 North North Central Park Ave 6250
1063 303 East East Cermak Rd 12850
1065 3652 West West Chicago Ave 10000
1066 1020 West West Chicago Ave 12750
1067 2650 West West Chicago Ave 9400
1068 406 North North Clark St 10350
1069 670 South South Clark St 10200
1070 16 South South Clark St 7750
1071 613 North North Clark St 8650
1072 1101 South South Clark St 12900
1074 168 North North Clinton St 3450
1075 101 South South Clinton St 5750
1077 843 South South Columbus Dr 18500
1078 85 West West Congress Pkwy 36200
1079 40 East East Congress Pkwy 20350
1080 730 North North Damen Ave 7800

As you can see, this code uses the traffic table we created previously. Using the SELECT statement you can create new columns that contain either characters or numbers. With valid statements within the SELECT clause, you can use any expression for new columns. And, the new columns can be named by using the keyword AS followed by the names you would like to use. (Column names also follow the rules for SAS names.) In the above code, the first new column is created by a character function scan(), which substring is the orientation information from the existing column, count_location. The name for this new column is orientation after AS. (It may make no sense, just for the use of example.) The second new column is a math expression that estimates the traffic volume during weekends by multiplying daily vehicle volume by 0.5. Its alias is weekends_traffic_volume.

Launch and run the SAS program, and review the output to convince yourself that SAS does indeed create two new columns as you expect. But you should note that new columns only exist during the query unless you created a table out of it.

While observing the data in traffic, you may notice that some data are not formatted as you want. Fortunately, SAS provides many options in the SELECT statement so you can enhance the appearance of the query output.

Example 32.6

The following program adds the format to dates, labels columns, and adds titles to the output:

	TITLE "Traffic volume in Area SS";
	TITLE2 "During weekdays and weekends";
	select id, 
			Date_of_count label='Date of Count' format=mmddyy10.,
			count_location label='Location',
		passing_vehicle_volume label='Daily Volume' format=comma6.,
		passing_vehicle_volume * 0.5 as weekends_traffic_volume label='Weekends Volume' format=comma6.
	from  traffic;

Traffic volume in Area SS
During weekdays and weekends
ID Date of Count Location Street Daily Volume Weekends Volume
1 02/28/2006 2523 West 71st Street 14,600 7,300
2 03/09/2006 1708 West 71st Street 14,600 7,300
3 02/28/2006 1275 West 71st Street 16,500 8,250
5 02/28/2006 920 West 71st Street 18,200 9,100
6 02/28/2006 758 West 71st Street 21,600 10,800
7 02/28/2006 240 East 71st St 18,300 9,150
9 03/09/2006 2050 East 71st St 8,600 4,300
10 03/07/2006 8539 South Commercial Ave 10,000 5,000
11 03/07/2006 8933 South Commercial Ave 10,500 5,250
12 03/07/2006 9379 South Commercial Ave 12,700 6,350
13 03/07/2006 9730 South Commercial Ave 9,000 4,500
14 03/30/2006 4107 South Cottage Grove Ave 10,800 5,400
15 03/01/2006 4750 South Cottage Grove Ave 14,200 7,100
16 02/01/2006 5325 South Cottage Grove Ave 13,700 6,850
17 03/01/2006 6144 South Cottage Grove Ave 20,900 10,450
18 03/01/2006 6533 South Cottage Grove Ave 19,100 9,550
19 02/01/2006 6820 South Cottage Grove Ave 21,700 10,850
20 03/01/2006 7346 South Cottage Grove Ave 17,800 8,900
21 03/01/2006 8800 South Cottage Grove Ave 22,400 11,200
23 03/02/2006 10101 South Cottage Grove Ave 12,500 6,250
24 03/02/2006 1603 South Damen Ave 18,800 9,400
25 03/02/2006 1959 South Damen Ave 15,300 7,650
26 03/02/2006 2259 South Damen Ave 14,800 7,400
27 05/09/2006 2566 South Damen Ave 28,000 14,000
28 03/02/2006 3460 South Damen Ave 8,100 4,050
29 03/01/2006 3630 South Damen Ave 7,000 3,500
31 03/09/2006 4936 South Damen Ave 10,900 5,450
32 03/09/2006 5929 South Damen Ave 14,900 7,450
33 03/02/2006 6755 South Damen Ave 16,600 8,300
34 03/02/2006 7509 South Damen Ave 12,300 6,150
36 03/14/2006 3030 South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 19,900 9,950
37 03/02/2006 3748 South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 15,600 7,800
38 03/02/2006 4358 South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 14,500 7,250
39 02/28/2006 5450 South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 11,800 5,900
41 02/28/2006 7718 South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 16,700 8,350
42 02/28/2006 9243 South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 15,500 7,750
43 02/28/2006 10326 South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 11,100 5,550
44 03/07/2006 7669 South Exchange Ave 8,300 4,150
45 03/07/2006 7952 South Exchange Ave 7,400 3,700
47 05/02/2006 1407 South Indiana Ave 8,300 4,150
48 03/02/2006 1933 South Indiana Ave 6,100 3,050
52 05/02/2006 3420 South Indiana Ave 7,400 3,700
53 03/02/2006 3654 South Indiana Ave 6,000 3,000
55 03/02/2006 5848 South Indiana Ave 4,400 2,200
56 05/11/2006 10320 South Indianapolis Ave 38,500 19,250
57 03/08/2006 6602 South Jeffery Blvd 21,200 10,600
58 05/04/2006 6841 South Jeffery Blvd 23,700 11,850
60 05/04/2006 7335 South Jeffery Blvd 24,300 12,150
61 03/08/2006 8127 South Jeffery Blvd 13,400 6,700
62 05/04/2006 8645 South Jeffery Blvd 19,300 9,650
63 03/29/2006 8547 South Jeffery Blvd 12,400 6,200
64 05/04/2006 9633 South Jeffery Ave 7,700 3,850
65 05/02/2006 7345 South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 18,900 9,450
66 05/02/2006 2350 South Dr Martin Luther King Jr Dr 18,100 9,050
67 03/08/2006 5424 South Lake Park Ave 18,200 9,100
68 03/02/2006 1255 South Michigan Ave 20,600 10,300
69 03/02/2006 2317 South Michigan Ave 13,000 6,500
70 03/02/2006 2950 South Michigan Ave 13,200 6,600
71 03/02/2006 3311 South Michigan Ave 8,100 4,050
72 03/02/2006 3721 South Michigan Ave 8,000 4,000
73 03/02/2006 4563 South Michigan Ave 7,900 3,950
74 03/02/2006 5352 South Michigan Ave 7,900 3,950
75 03/15/2006 9642 South Michigan Ave 8,100 4,050
77 03/09/2006 6848 South South Shore Dr 35,100 17,550
78 03/09/2006 7732 South South Shore Dr 16,400 8,200
79 03/09/2006 2425 East South Shore Dr 17,300 8,650
81 05/02/2006 1420 South State St 23,100 11,550
82 03/07/2006 3333 South State St 10,100 5,050
83 05/02/2006 4605 South State St 21,500 10,750
84 03/07/2006 5625 South State St 16,100 8,050
85 05/02/2006 6416 South State St 19,300 9,650
86 03/28/2006 7539 South State St 12,500 6,250
87 05/02/2006 8149 South State St 7,500 3,750
88 03/08/2006 9124 South State St 4,900 2,450
89 05/02/2006 9940 South State St 7,300 3,650
90 03/07/2006 2130 South Wentworth Ave 4,500 2,250
91 03/07/2006 6629 South Wentworth Ave 7,100 3,550
92 03/08/2006 9532 South Wentworth Ave 4,900 2,450
93 03/08/2006 3430 South Archer Ave 23,400 11,700
94 03/08/2006 2140 South Archer Ave 11,800 5,900
95 03/08/2006 4709 South Archer Ave 27,800 13,900
96 03/08/2006 2345 South Archer Ave 13,300 6,650
97 03/08/2006 3247 South Archer Ave 15,100 7,550
98 03/21/2006 320 South Ashland Ave 29,300 14,650
99 03/21/2006 711 South Ashland Ave 38,700 19,350
100 03/21/2006 1447 South Ashland Ave 38,300 19,150
103 03/14/2006 6154 South Ashland Ave 23,500 11,750
104 03/21/2006 6480 South Ashland Ave 27,100 13,550
105 03/21/2006 7132 South Ashland Ave 35,000 17,500
106 03/21/2006 7500 South Ashland Ave 26,300 13,150
107 03/14/2006 8140 South Ashland Ave 26,300 13,150
108 03/14/2006 8822 South Ashland Ave 27,800 13,900
109 03/15/2006 719 South Clark St 13,600 6,800
110 03/22/2006 996 South Clark St 22,600 11,300
111 03/22/2006 1515 South Clark St 23,000 11,500
112 03/15/2006 1918 South Clark St 14,800 7,400
113 03/15/2006 2123 South Clark St 12,800 6,400
114 03/21/2006 700 South Halsted St 15,600 7,800
115 03/21/2006 1302 South Halsted St 13,400 6,700
116 03/21/2006 3541 South Halsted St 15,300 7,650
117 03/15/2006 5348 South Halsted St 15,000 7,500
118 03/21/2006 6020 South Halsted St 13,200 6,600
119 03/21/2006 6722 South Halsted St 13,500 6,750
120 03/21/2006 7328 South Halsted St 16,700 8,350
121 03/21/2006 8728 South Halsted St 30,900 15,450
122 03/21/2006 9550 South Halsted St 37,900 18,950
124 03/29/2006 7925 South Vincennes Ave 21,200 10,600
125 03/21/2006 8940 South Vincennes Ave 16,300 8,150
126 03/21/2006 9520 South Vincennes Ave 12,500 6,250
127 03/21/2006 10122 South Vincennes Ave 13,700 6,850
129 03/21/2006 10748 South Vincennes Ave 18,000 9,000
130 03/22/2006 721 South Western Ave 29,500 14,750
131 03/14/2006 2446 South Western Ave 25,500 12,750
132 03/22/2006 3225 South Western Ave 35,300 17,650
133 03/14/2006 4028 South Western Ave 25,600 12,800
135 03/23/2006 6642 South Western Ave 39,100 19,550
136 03/23/2006 7234 South Western Ave 40,500 20,250
137 03/14/2006 7521 South Western Ave 27,300 13,650
138 03/14/2006 8941 South Western Ave 30,800 15,400
139 03/23/2006 9933 South Western Ave 35,700 17,850
141 03/23/2006 10630 South Western Ave 36,600 18,300
142 03/23/2006 5420 South Western Blvd 20,100 10,050
143 03/09/2006 9750 South Stony Island Ave 43,500 21,750
144 03/14/2006 7648 South Stony Island Ave 72,900 36,450
145 03/14/2006 8450 South Stony Island Ave 61,500 30,750
146 03/09/2006 9348 South Stony Island Ave 47,900 23,950
147 04/04/2007 8216 South Stony Island Ave 61,600 30,800
148 03/14/2006 6840 South Stony Island Ave 52,500 26,250
149 03/14/2006 5640 South Stony Island Ave 12,500 6,250
150 05/04/2006 2936 East 92nd St 41,300 20,650
151 05/05/2006 3010 East 92nd St 28,500 14,250
152 03/21/2006 1354 West 99th Street 12,800 6,400
153 03/21/2006 1620 West 99th Street 11,300 5,650
154 05/04/2006 2701 East 100th St 11,000 5,500
155 05/04/2006 3250 East 100th St 12,800 6,400
156 03/21/2006 9621 South Avenue L 5,000 2,500
157 03/21/2006 10129 South Avenue L 4,200 2,100
158 05/09/2006 9604 South Beverly Ave 20,300 10,150
159 03/21/2006 9927 South Longwood Dr 5,300 2,650
160 05/04/2006 9150 South Harbor Ave 2,500 1,250
161 05/04/2006 8930 South Mackinaw Ave 13,800 6,900
162 03/28/2006 7206 South Yates Blvd 12,500 6,250
163 03/28/2006 2237 West 63rd Street 18,000 9,000
164 03/28/2006 1445 West 63rd Street 10,800 5,400
165 03/28/2006 519 West 63rd St 8,000 4,000
166 03/28/2006 120 East 63rd St 12,400 6,200
167 03/28/2006 642 East 67th St 12,600 6,300
168 03/28/2006 1440 East 67th St 9,200 4,600
169 03/28/2006 1733 East 67th St 10,300 5,150
170 03/28/2006 175 West 75th Street 17,600 8,800
171 05/09/2006 46 East 75th St 11,700 5,850
172 03/28/2006 504 East 75th St 16,100 8,050
173 03/28/2006 1744 East 75th St 13,100 6,550
174 03/28/2006 1908 West 76th Street 8,000 4,000
175 03/28/2006 718 West 76th Street 15,400 7,700
176 03/28/2006 320 East 76th St 8,600 4,300
177 03/28/2006 448 East 76th St 9,300 4,650
178 03/28/2006 1716 East 76th St 8,600 4,300
179 03/28/2006 2830 West 79th Street 33,300 16,650
181 03/28/2006 1344 West 79th Street 17,300 8,650
182 03/28/2006 1055 West 79th Street 17,600 8,800
183 03/28/2006 540 West 79th Street 19,200 9,600
184 03/28/2006 20 East 79th St 20,700 10,350
185 03/28/2006 65 East 79th St 17,600 8,800
186 03/28/2006 850 East 79th St 16,300 8,150
187 03/28/2006 2726 East 79th St 11,400 5,700
188 03/23/2006 1715 West 83rd Street 12,100 6,050
189 03/28/2006 1101 West 83rdStreet 15,100 7,550
190 03/23/2006 10 East 83rd St 18,400 9,200
191 03/28/2006 505 East 83rd Street 18,000 9,000
192 03/23/2006 1240 East 83rd Street 15,600 7,800
193 03/28/2006 1165 East 83rd Street 9,000 4,500
194 03/23/2006 2848 East 83rd Street 8,300 4,150
195 03/28/2006 3045 East 83rd St 7,300 3,650
196 03/23/2006 1720 West 87th Street 29,500 14,750
197 03/28/2006 1428 West 87th Street 31,600 15,800
198 03/23/2006 817 East 87th Street 21,300 10,650
199 03/28/2006 551 West 87th Street 28,600 14,300
200 03/28/2006 282 West 87th Street 15,800 7,900
201 03/28/2006 71 East 87th Street 24,600 12,300
202 03/23/2006 920 East 87th Street 19,400 9,700
203 03/28/2006 2040 East 87th Street 14,100 7,050
204 03/28/2006 3100 East 87th Street 8,800 4,400
205 03/22/2006 2108 West 95th Street 25,500 12,750
206 03/28/2006 1850 West 95th Street 31,600 15,800
207 03/28/2006 1222 West 95th Street 32,900 16,450
208 03/22/2006 948 West 95th Street 29,100 14,550
209 03/22/2006 305 West 95th Street 29,900 14,950
210 03/28/2006 202 West 95th Street 33,900 16,950
211 03/28/2006 206 East 95th Street 30,400 15,200
212 03/22/2006 1057 East 95th Street 22,000 11,000
213 03/22/2006 2097 East 95th Street 32,100 16,050
214 03/28/2006 3502 East 95th Street 16,800 8,400
216 03/28/2006 537 West 103rd Street 18,700 9,350
217 03/22/2006 112 West 103rd Street 18,600 9,300
218 03/28/2006 235 East 103rd St 21,700 10,850
219 03/22/2006 907 East 103rd St 17,800 8,900
220 03/28/2006 7141 South Chicago Ave 19,100 9,550
221 03/15/2006 2230 West Garfield Blvd 28,800 14,400
222 03/15/2006 1848 West Garfield Blvd 33,200 16,600
223 03/14/2006 226 East Garfield Blvd 31,800 15,900
224 03/22/2006 120 West Garfield Blvd 38,700 19,350
225 03/22/2006 1359 South Loomis St 4,200 2,100
226 03/09/2006 1905 South Loomis St 5,300 2,650
227 03/23/2006 5038 South Loomis St 2,000 1,000
228 03/23/2006 5710 South Loomis St 3,500 1,750
229 03/09/2006 6628 South Loomis St 5,500 2,750
230 03/09/2006 6732 South Loomis St 5,900 2,950
231 03/23/2006 7807 South Loomis St 6,600 3,300
232 03/23/2006 8210 South Loomis St 5,500 2,750
233 03/30/2006 1031 South Racine Ave 10,700 5,350
234 03/22/2006 1340 South Racine Ave 5,400 2,700
235 03/23/2006 3538 South Racine Ave 2,600 1,300
236 03/23/2006 4411 South Racine Ave 6,700 3,350
237 03/23/2006 5235 South Racine Ave 7,700 3,850
238 03/23/2006 6240 South Racine Ave 11,000 5,500
239 03/23/2006 6710 South Racine Ave 11,300 5,650
240 03/28/2006 7119 South Racine Ave 11,100 5,550
241 03/28/2006 7724 South Racine Ave 10,700 5,350
242 03/23/2006 8228 South Racine Ave 11,800 5,900
243 03/30/2006 2263 West 18th Street 6,700 3,350
244 03/30/2006 223 West 18th Street 8,500 4,250
245 04/26/2006 68 West 18th St 8,100 4,050
246 04/25/2006 118 West 18th St 3,800 1,900
247 03/30/2006 943 West 31st St 10,000 5,000
248 03/30/2006 1139 West 31st St 8,200 4,100
249 05/04/2006 315 West 31st St 16,100 8,050
250 04/25/2006 20 West 31st St 14,400 7,200
252 04/25/2006 217 East 31st St 14,000 7,000
253 03/30/2006 2307 West 35th St 10,200 5,100
254 03/29/2006 2017 West 35th St 15,200 7,600
255 04/25/2006 1301 West 35th St 17,000 8,500
256 04/25/2006 507 West 35th St 15,900 7,950
257 03/29/2006 256 East 35th St 10,200 5,100
258 05/09/2006 521 East 35th St 9,600 4,800
259 03/29/2006 1623 West 43rd St 6,100 3,050
260 03/29/2006 1430 West 43rd St 4,800 2,400
261 04/25/2006 506 West 43rd St 6,800 3,400
263 04/25/2006 450 East 43rd St 8,900 4,450
264 03/29/2006 1707 West 47th St 18,100 9,050
265 03/29/2006 1439 West 47th St 16,000 8,000
266 04/25/2006 20 West 47th St 15,300 7,650
267 04/27/2006 410 East 47th St 14,700 7,350
268 04/27/2006 1048 East 47th St 17,200 8,600
269 03/29/2006 1706 West 51st Street 9,600 4,800
270 03/29/2006 929 West 51st Street 8,900 4,450
271 04/27/2006 715 West 51st St 8,500 4,250
272 04/27/2006 40 West 51st St 9,400 4,700
273 04/27/2006 329 East 51st St 8,800 4,400
274 04/27/2006 718 East 51st St 9,100 4,550
277 04/27/2006 944 West 55th Street 33,800 16,900
278 04/27/2006 410 East 55th St 22,800 11,400
279 04/27/2006 1340 East 55th St 15,700 7,850
280 03/28/2006 2635 West 59th Street 13,400 6,700
281 03/28/2006 1715 West 59th Street 11,700 5,850
282 04/27/2006 1115 West 59th St 16,300 8,150
283 04/27/2006 609 West 59th St 14,700 7,350
284 03/28/2006 124 West 59th Street 8,900 4,450
285 03/28/2006 261 East 59th St 6,500 3,250
286 03/30/2006 2525 South Blue Island Ave 18,100 9,050
287 03/30/2006 2358 South Blue Island Ave 13,400 6,700
288 03/30/2006 1623 South Blue Island Ave 5,200 2,600
289 03/30/2006 2235 West Cermak Rd 13,700 6,850
290 03/30/2006 1730 West Cermak Rd 11,500 5,750
291 04/25/2006 1248 West Cermak Rd 17,300 8,650
292 05/09/2006 234 West Cermak Rd 16,700 8,350
293 05/08/2006 415 West Cermak Rd 12,300 6,150
294 04/25/2006 20 West Cermak Rd 19,900 9,950
295 04/25/2006 67 East Cermak Rd 14,700 7,350
296 05/02/2006 120 East Cermak Rd 15,800 7,900
298 04/27/2006 1015 East Hyde Park Blvd 9,700 4,850
299 04/27/2006 5434 South Hyde Park Blvd 7,400 3,700
300 03/28/2006 2509 West Marquette Rd 14,900 7,450
301 03/28/2006 2208 West Marquette Rd 15,300 7,650
302 04/27/2006 660 West Marquette Rd 19,900 9,950
303 04/27/2006 205 East Marquette Rd 16,800 8,400
304 04/27/2006 840 East Marquette Rd 14,200 7,100
305 03/09/2006 3610 South Morgan St 5,300 2,650
306 03/09/2006 6830 South Morgan St 4,200 2,100
307 03/09/2006 7230 South Morgan St 3,600 1,800
308 04/25/2006 1431 West Pershing Rd 19,500 9,750
309 04/25/2006 340 West Pershing Rd 15,400 7,700
310 04/25/2006 268 East Pershing Rd 7,200 3,600
311 04/25/2006 750 East Pershing Rd 9,800 4,900
312 04/25/2006 1640 West Roosevelt Rd 28,200 14,100
313 04/25/2006 813 West Roosevelt Rd 31,600 15,800
314 04/25/2006 412 West Roosevelt Rd 41,300 20,650
315 05/04/2006 52 East Roosevelt RD 33,200 16,600
316 03/30/2006 125 East 24th St 700 350
317 03/28/2006 575 West 26TH ST 6,900 3,450
318 03/28/2006 140 East 26th St 7,800 3,900
319 03/28/2006 1533 East 56th St 13,600 6,800
320 03/28/2006 1621 East 57th St 39,500 19,750
321 03/28/2006 771 East 60th St 2,900 1,450
322 03/28/2006 1171 West 74th St 10,100 5,050
323 03/28/2006 3036 East 83rd Pl 1,300 650
324 03/28/2006 3223 East 85th St 12,300 6,150
325 04/26/2006 77 East Balbo Ave 10,500 5,250
326 04/26/2006 271 East Balbo Dr 12,400 6,200
327 04/26/2006 530 East Best Dr 5,600 2,800
328 04/26/2006 1073 South Columbus Dr 37,900 18,950
329 03/28/2006 5065 South Drexel Blvd 6,600 3,300
330 03/28/2006 1650 East Midway Plaisance 13,400 6,700
331 03/28/2006 520 East Morgan Dr 28,200 14,100
332 03/28/2006 650 East Rainey Dr 16,300 8,150
333 03/28/2006 3319 West Harrison St 2,300 1,150
334 03/28/2006 2380 West Harrison St 5,300 2,650
335 04/26/2006 1973 West Harrison St 7,900 3,950
336 03/28/2006 1739 West Harrison St 10,600 5,300
337 04/26/2006 1519 West Harrison St 8,800 4,400
338 04/26/2006 1015 West Harrison St 15,000 7,500
339 03/28/2006 15 East Harrison ST 5,900 2,950
340 04/26/2006 754 West Harrison St 11,000 5,500
341 03/28/2006 1219 South Jefferson St 4,800 2,400
342 04/26/2006 651 South Jefferson St 6,400 3,200
343 03/28/2006 1300 East Midway Plaisance 16,700 8,350
344 03/28/2006 830 East Oakwood Blvd 4,900 2,450
345 05/02/2006 188 West Polk St 8,900 4,450
347 03/28/2006 9943 South Beverly Ave 11,900 5,950
348 03/28/2006 8349 South Bond Ave 11,100 5,550
349 03/28/2006 8527 South Burley Ave 18,100 9,050
350 10/17/2006 2010 South Calumet Ave 2,400 1,200
351 10/02/2006 460 South Canal St 15,600 7,800
352 10/02/2006 538 South Clinton St 7,300 3,650
354 10/18/2006 9592 South Colfax Ave 13,100 6,550
355 09/21/2006 1161 South Columbus Dr 37,800 18,900
356 10/26/2006 6100 South Cornell Dr 43,000 21,500
357 09/19/2006 637 South Dearborn St 7,800 3,900
358 10/03/2006 682 South Des Plaines St 6,300 3,150
360 08/24/2006 11043 South Longwood Dr 6,700 3,350
361 10/04/2006 7409 South Parnell Ave 1,200 600
362 05/04/2006 5510 South Payne Dr 17,200 8,600
363 05/04/2006 3027 South Pitney Ct 1,800 900
364 05/04/2006 6400 South Richards Dr 8,200 4,100
365 05/04/2006 7020 South St Lawrence Ave 5,000 2,500
366 05/09/2006 8620 South Summit Ave 6,200 3,100
367 05/04/2006 9915 South Van Vlissingen Rd 6,800 3,400
368 05/02/2006 634 South Wabash Ave 9,100 4,550
369 05/02/2006 1130 South Wabash Ave 11,500 5,750
370 05/11/2006 1040 South Wells St 4,200 2,100
371 05/04/2006 5121 South Woodlawn Ave 8,100 4,050
372 05/09/2006 1760 West Ogden Ave 20,100 10,050
373 05/09/2006 2124 West Ogden Ave 22,700 11,350
374 05/09/2006 2653 West Ogden Ave 23,900 11,950
375 05/09/2006 2701 West Pope John Paul II 7,000 3,500
376 05/09/2006 742 West Root St 3,200 1,600
377 05/02/2006 5224 South Woodlawn Ave 7,200 3,600
378 05/02/2006 4929 South Woodlawn Ave 5,500 2,750
379 05/02/2006 4624 South Woodlawn Ave 3,000 1,500
380 04/05/2006 1550 South Lake Shore Dr 165200 82,600
381 04/05/2006 5250 South Lake Shore Dr 111600 55,800
382 11/14/2006 10344 South Torrence Ave 21,600 10,800
383 10/18/2006 10250 South Ewing Ave 6,800 3,400
384 11/01/2006 10535 South Wentworth Ave 8,300 4,150
385 08/22/2006 10452 South Kedzie Ave 22,000 11,000
386 09/06/2006 11335 South Michigan Ave 11,900 5,950
387 10/04/2006 11201 South Cottage Grove Ave 6,700 3,350
388 08/31/2006 11750 South State St 7,800 3,900
389 08/31/2006 11600 South Halsted St 30,300 15,150
390 08/23/2006 11867 South Vincennes Ave 7,000 3,500
391 11/14/2006 12423 South Michigan Ave 8,900 4,450
392 08/31/2006 12007 South State St 6,300 3,150
393 08/29/2006 12054 South Wentworth Ave 3,100 1,550
394 11/08/2006 13027 South Baltimore Ave 4,400 2,200
395 08/31/2006 12940 South Torrence Ave 18,600 9,300
396 11/08/2006 13200 South Torrence Ave 15,100 7,550
397 10/11/2006 6559 South Damen Ave 21,500 10,750
398 10/12/2006 1600 West Ogden Ave 19,900 9,950
399 08/31/2006 133 South Ashland Ave 31,700 15,850
400 10/02/2006 120 South Des Plaines St 8,800 4,400
401 08/31/2006 852 North Ashland Ave 34,400 17,200
402 09/26/2006 2535 West Pershing Rd 12,300 6,150
403 10/23/2006 4923 West Grand Ave 12,500 6,250
404 10/16/2006 2125 North Cicero Ave 39,900 19,950
405 10/24/2006 1463 West Montrose Ave 16,700 8,350
406 10/11/2006 1440 West 55th St 35,200 17,600
407 10/19/2006 1423 West Lake St 9,700 4,850
408 08/10/2006 1425 West Diversey Ave 21,700 10,850
409 10/16/2006 1125 North Cicero Ave 37,800 18,900
410 10/23/2006 1117 North Laramie Ave 19,500 9,750
411 11/13/2006 1055 North Central Ave 22,700 11,350
412 11/14/2006 5862 West Jackson Blvd 9,800 4,900
413 10/19/2006 5700 West Washington St 10,800 5,400
414 11/14/2006 5838 West Lake St 7,100 3,550
416 11/15/2006 5854 West Division St 12,200 6,100
417 10/23/2006 5741 West Grand Ave 21,700 10,850
418 08/10/2006 5900 West Diversey Ave 21,800 10,900
419 10/25/2006 5850 West Montrose Ave 22,700 11,350
420 10/18/2006 3541 East 106th St 16,500 8,250
421 11/08/2006 13101 South Brainard Ave 16,200 8,100
422 08/31/2006 3220 East 134th St 4,700 2,350
423 10/25/2006 2851 North Austin Ave 21,300 10,650
424 08/15/2006 618 West Addison St 11,600 5,800
425 06/19/2007 1050 West Hollywood Ave 35,200 17,600
426 10/12/2006 5333 North Sheridan Ave 12,500 6,250
428 10/16/2006 2900 West 26th St 13,700 6,850
429 01/09/2007 2531 West 51st St 20,200 10,100
430 08/10/2006 2738 West 47th St 23,700 11,850
431 09/14/2006 2703 West Cermak Rd 14,200 7,100
432 10/19/2006 2700 West Roosevelt Rd 18,300 9,150
433 08/17/2006 2439 West 43rd St 4,200 2,100
434 10/11/2006 7430 West Talcott Ave 12,300 6,150
435 09/14/2006 3654 West 16th St 9,500 4,750
436 08/24/2006 5301 West Irving Park Rd 34,500 17,250
437 08/17/2006 5400 West Fullerton Ave 37,900 18,950
438 10/18/2006 3543 West North Ave 39,500 19,750
439 10/19/2006 3656 West Washington St 11,800 5,900
440 10/12/2006 3433 West Madison St 15,600 7,800
441 10/16/2006 3534 West Wrightwood Ave 10,600 5,300
442 08/10/2006 4856 West Foster Ave 27,600 13,800
443 10/19/2006 4637 West Roosevelt Rd 22,600 11,300
445 10/19/2006 4444 West Chicago Ave 21,400 10,700
446 10/18/2006 4517 West North Ave 34,900 17,450
447 09/26/2006 1303 West Wilson Ave 12,700 6,350
448 08/20/2006 1450 West Foster Ave 24,100 12,050
449 10/24/2006 1418 West Bryn Mawr Ave 6,500 3,250
450 09/19/2006 54 West Chicago Ave 23,000 11,500
451 09/26/2006 51 West Ontario St 18,400 9,200
452 08/23/2006 1420 West Pratt Blvd 7,100 3,550
453 09/27/2006 105 West Congress Pkwy 76,700 38,350
454 08/29/2006 711 East 111th St 16,500 8,250
455 10/18/2006 1650 West North Ave 20,900 10,450
457 08/22/2006 1649 West Foster Ave 25,600 12,800
458 11/14/2006 1828 West Chicago Ave 17,400 8,700
459 09/20/2006 25 West Van Buren St 7,400 3,700
460 09/28/2006 19 West Jackson Blvd 10,100 5,050
461 10/03/2006 15 West Adams St 11,200 5,600
462 09/19/2006 30 East Monroe St 13,000 6,500
463 10/03/2006 15 West Madison St 11,500 5,750
464 10/02/2006 10 West Lake St 13,700 6,850
465 09/26/2006 27 West Washington St 14,300 7,150
466 09/19/2006 24 West Randolph St 18,000 9,000
467 08/23/2006 6526 North California Ave 11,400 5,700
468 10/18/2006 3455 East 112th St 7,700 3,850
469 08/22/2006 3980 West 111th St 20,200 10,100
470 08/29/2006 738 West 107th St 10,900 5,450
471 08/15/2006 3900 West 79th St 32,000 16,000
472 08/22/2006 3908 West Marquette St 18,000 9,000
474 08/15/2006 3933 West 63rd St 24,000 12,000
475 09/12/2006 5858 South Archer Ave 28,700 14,350
476 09/12/2006 4630 West 55th St 23,300 11,650
477 08/22/2006 3535 West 47th St 23,600 11,800
478 11/14/2006 4706 West 47th St 30,300 15,150
479 09/26/2006 2719 West 35th St 11,600 5,800
480 09/14/2006 3142 West 16th St 2,900 1,450
481 10/19/2006 4733 West Lake St 16,100 8,050
482 11/13/2006 4307 West Grand Ave 11,900 5,950
483 08/16/2006 500 West Fullerton Ave 18,500 9,250
484 10/24/2006 2293 North Clybourn Ave 16,400 8,200
485 08/14/2006 8318 West Addison St 11,100 5,550
486 08/10/2006 3845 West Lawrence Ave 23,800 11,900
487 08/16/2006 8950 West Lawrence Ave 24,600 12,300
488 09/19/2006 3816 West Bryn Mawr Ave 14,500 7,250
489 08/22/2006 3318 West Peterson Ave 38,300 19,150
490 08/22/2006 2314 West Peterson Ave 44,000 22,000
491 08/30/2006 2307 West Devon Ave 22,200 11,100
492 08/15/2006 7114 West Devon Ave 22,600 11,300
494 10/18/2006 3947 West Jackson Blvd 13,300 6,650
495 10/05/2006 2345 West Jackson Blvd 4,900 2,450
496 10/05/2006 1645 West Jackson Blvd 5,500 2,750
497 10/05/2006 1540 West Jackson Blvd 6,600 3,300
498 09/28/2006 350 East Jackson Dr 17,600 8,800
499 10/05/2006 1880 West Adams St 3,500 1,750
500 10/05/2006 2344 West Adams St 3,400 1,700
501 11/15/2006 3932 West Madison St 19,300 9,650
502 11/13/2006 3542 West Lake St 9,400 4,700
503 11/13/2006 3116 West Lake St 5,700 2,850
504 09/26/2006 10 East Washington St 12,700 6,350
505 11/15/2006 2324 West Warren Blvd 6,500 3,250
506 10/12/2006 2335 West Madison St 13,200 6,600
507 10/19/2006 1931 West Lake St 6,900 3,450
508 10/12/2006 3165 West Franklin Blvd 3,900 1,950
509 10/23/2006 1926 West Grand Ave 19,600 9,800
511 09/19/2006 777 West Chicago Ave 27,600 13,800
512 10/18/2006 1521 West Chicago Ave 17,100 8,550
513 11/13/2006 3914 West Division St 16,900 8,450
514 10/23/2006 3500 West Grand Ave 15,700 7,850
515 10/18/2006 3045 West Division St 16,600 8,300
516 09/21/2006 1925 West Division St 26,800 13,400
517 10/18/2006 1504 West Augusta Blvd 12,800 6,400
518 10/03/2006 161 East Chicago Ave 18,100 9,050
519 10/03/2006 303 East Chicago Ave 11,900 5,950
520 09/20/2006 206 West Van Buren St 10,500 5,250
521 10/05/2006 2415 North Pulaski Rd 25,000 12,500
522 10/23/2006 6445 West Grand Ave 14,800 7,400
523 08/10/2006 5025 West Armitage Ave 9,700 4,850
524 10/26/2006 2366 North Central Ave 20,000 10,000
525 08/15/2006 740 West Addison St 12,900 6,450
526 10/16/2006 662 West Belmont Ave 20,800 10,400
527 09/21/2006 624 West Division St 22,100 11,050
528 08/29/2006 250 West 127th St 25,700 12,850
529 08/29/2006 446 West 119th St 11,500 5,750
530 09/14/2006 3900 West 31st St 20,100 10,050
531 08/22/2006 6780 West Higgins Ave 17,500 8,750
532 09/19/2006 537 South Dearborn St 11,500 5,750
533 08/16/2006 513 South Damen Ave 33,600 16,800
534 10/19/2006 3515 West Washington St 10,500 5,250
535 09/14/2006 3252 West 31st St 20,600 10,300
536 08/16/2006 4247 North Western Ave 40,700 20,350
537 09/21/2006 230 South La Salle St 7,700 3,850
538 10/04/2006 210 South Des Plaines St 6,300 3,150
539 10/02/2006 210 South Clinton St 11,600 5,800
540 10/03/2006 225 South Canal St 12,100 6,050
541 09/19/2006 209 South Wells St 11,600 5,800
542 09/20/2006 210 South Clark St 16,500 8,250
543 09/20/2006 239 South Dearborn St 17,900 8,950
544 09/05/2006 400 South Kostner Ave 18,700 9,350
545 10/09/2006 210 South Kedzie Ave 15,500 7,750
546 09/20/2006 603 West Monroe St 13,800 6,900
547 08/15/2006 2939 West 63rd St 22,200 11,100
548 10/26/2006 3100 West 59th St 21,300 10,650
549 10/11/2006 3105 West Garfield Blvd 24,800 12,400
550 09/26/2006 2857 West Pershing Rd 7,800 3,900
551 09/14/2006 2825 West 31st St 17,700 8,850
552 10/05/2006 3260 West Warren Blvd 5,900 2,950
553 10/05/2006 3233 West Washington St 8,200 4,100
554 09/21/2006 3283 West Wrightwood Ave 10,000 5,000
555 11/14/2006 3238 West Fullerton Ave 33,200 16,600
556 08/24/2006 2501 West 103rd St 23,600 11,800
557 09/27/2006 650 West Washington St 19,000 9,500
558 08/16/2006 3313 West Lawrence Ave 21,000 10,500
559 10/18/2006 4631 West Harrison St 11,500 5,750
560 11/15/2006 4224 West 31st St 20,500 10,250
561 11/15/2006 4040 West Ogden St 20,500 10,250
562 08/16/2006 4047 West Fullerton Ave 37,900 18,950
563 08/10/2006 4301 West Diversey Ave 18,700 9,350
564 08/14/2006 5105 West Addison St 22,200 11,100
565 10/18/2006 5103 West North Ave 36,500 18,250
566 11/07/2006 155 West Grand Ave 14,200 7,100
567 08/23/2006 4521 North Central Ave 27,600 13,800
568 08/16/2006 4581 North Western Ave 38,300 19,150
569 08/15/2006 6330 West Touhy Ave 33,700 16,850
570 08/23/2006 5831 North California Ave 11,400 5,700
571 08/09/2006 3815 West Devon Ave 27,100 13,550
573 08/22/2006 2208 West 111th St 22,600 11,300
574 10/23/2006 206 South Cicero Ave 33,700 16,850
575 10/04/2006 135 South Pulaski Rd 24,200 12,100
576 10/02/2006 49 South Jefferson St 9,100 4,550
577 08/24/2006 909 West Foster Ave 20,200 10,100
578 08/29/2006 158 East 107th St 8,000 4,000
579 08/29/2006 350 East 111th St 12,200 6,100
580 10/16/2006 3743 West Belmont Ave 26,200 13,100
581 09/18/2006 5665 West Bryn Mawr Ave 8,900 4,450
582 08/22/2006 11810 South Western Ave 23,600 11,800
583 08/22/2006 11027 South Pulaski Rd 32,900 16,450
584 08/22/2006 11450 South Kedzie Ave 19,600 9,800
585 09/06/2006 9450 South Jeffery Ave 19,400 9,700
586 10/04/2006 9401 South Cottage Grove Ave 24,400 12,200
588 10/18/2006 8210 South Exchange Ave 9,700 4,850
589 08/15/2006 8220 South Kedzie Ave 21,300 10,650
591 08/15/2006 7825 South Pulaski Rd 46,600 23,300
593 10/18/2006 7845 South Cottage Grove Ave 27,300 13,650
594 10/11/2006 7829 South Damen Ave 23,700 11,850
595 10/11/2006 6750 South Kedzie Ave 26,000 13,000
596 10/23/2006 6210 South Cicero Ave 59,900 29,950
597 08/15/2006 6224 South Pulaski Rd 52,300 26,150
598 08/10/2006 6214 South Kedzie Ave 24,200 12,100
599 10/31/2006 6217 South Ashland Ave 36,000 18,000
600 09/12/2006 5433 South Central Ave 27,400 13,700
601 08/02/2006 5410 South Cicero Ave 71,200 35,600
602 08/10/2006 5413 South Kedzie Ave 24,300 12,150
603 08/17/2006 5443 South California Ave 18,600 9,300
604 10/11/2006 5411 South Damen Ave 14,000 7,000
605 10/11/2006 4647 South Archer Ave 33,300 16,650
606 08/10/2006 4611 South Kedzie Ave 29,200 14,600
607 08/22/2006 4637 South California Ave 20,800 10,400
608 08/17/2006 3835 South Damen Ave 25,800 12,900
609 09/12/2006 3030 South Kostner Ave 9,600 4,800
610 08/10/2006 3001 South Kedzie Ave 25,400 12,700
611 08/17/2006 3026 South California Ave 23,400 11,700
612 09/14/2006 2501 South Hamlin Ave 3,200 1,600
613 09/14/2006 2130 South Marshall Blvd 18,800 9,400
614 08/15/2006 2149 South California Ave 17,700 8,850
615 08/17/2006 2157 South Damen Ave 24,700 12,350
616 09/14/2006 1531 South Kostner Ave 19,500 9,750
617 09/12/2006 1539 South Pulaski Rd 21,700 10,850
618 10/10/2006 1142 South Sacramento Ave 20,000 10,000
619 10/09/2006 1820 North Kimball Ave 10,500 5,250
620 10/18/2006 211 South Central Ave 25,400 12,700
621 10/23/2006 190 South Laramie Ave 21,100 10,550
622 10/26/2006 857 West Austin Ave 24,800 12,400
623 08/31/2006 1629 North Ashland Ave 30,700 15,350
624 10/26/2006 2123 North Damen Ave 22,100 11,050
625 10/23/2006 2032 North Milwaukee Ave 14,600 7,300
626 11/01/2006 1640 North Pulaski Rd 19,300 9,650
628 11/13/2006 1646 North Laramie Ave 13,200 6,600
629 10/25/2006 1666 North Narragansett Ave 13,000 6,500
630 11/13/2006 2393 North Harlem Ave 22,300 11,150
631 10/09/2006 2427 North Kedzie Ave 17,400 8,700
632 11/14/2006 2420 North Sacramento Ave 16,500 8,250
633 08/29/2006 2435 North Ashland Ave 40,200 20,100
634 09/18/2006 2900 North Lake Shore Inner Dr 4,700 2,350
635 10/16/2006 2825 North Halsted St 19,500 9,750
636 10/04/2006 2824 North Sheffield Ave 10,700 5,350
638 10/16/2006 2851 North Southport Ave 8,600 4,300
639 08/29/2006 2855 North Ashland Ave 37,400 18,700
640 10/09/2006 3125 North Kimball Ave 20,000 10,000
641 10/09/2006 2609 North Kimball Ave 16,100 8,050
642 10/17/2006 2859 North Central Park Ave 9,000 4,500
643 11/20/2006 2827 North Pulaski Rd 23,900 11,950
644 09/06/2006 2830 North Kostner Ave 7,600 3,800
645 10/11/2006 2845 North Cicero Ave 44,000 22,000
646 10/23/2006 2836 North Laramie Ave 15,500 7,750
647 10/25/2006 3280 North Cumberland Ave 37,700 18,850
648 11/14/2006 3649 North Cumberland Ave 39,400 19,700
649 10/25/2006 3250 North Harlem Ave 28,900 14,450
650 10/25/2006 7825 West Forest Preserve Ave 16,000 8,000
651 10/25/2006 3647 North Oak Park Ave 18,800 9,400
652 11/13/2006 3658 North Central Ave 23,800 11,900
653 10/23/2006 3620 North Laramie Ave 16,700 8,350
654 10/11/2006 3255 North Cicero Ave 40,600 20,300
655 10/11/2006 3647 North Cicero Ave 38,500 19,250
656 08/23/2006 3628 North Milwaukee Ave 14,400 7,200
657 12/11/2006 3235 North Kedzie Ave 15,000 7,500
658 09/18/2006 3249 North Elston Ave 14,800 7,400
659 10/09/2006 3242 North California Ave 11,900 5,950
660 10/24/2006 3260 North Western Ave (over pass) 32,100 16,050
661 08/16/2006 3220 North Damen Ave 17,000 8,500
662 10/04/2006 3228 North Sheffield Ave 9,500 4,750
663 10/16/2006 3232 North Halsted St 22,100 11,050
664 09/18/2006 3620 North Lake Shore Inner Dr 18,900 9,450
665 10/16/2006 3636 North Broadway 10,100 5,050
666 10/18/2006 3654 North Halsted St 16,100 8,050
667 07/26/2006 3733 North Clark St 12,600 6,300
668 08/29/2006 3625 North Ashland Ave 32,100 16,050
669 10/10/2006 4065 North Narragansett Ave 26,800 13,400
670 08/09/2006 4055 North Cicero Ave 31,500 15,750
671 09/18/2006 4059 North Pulaski Rd 21,100 10,550
672 08/10/2006 4050 North Elston Ave 20,200 10,100
673 08/16/2006 4453 North Damen Ave 13,000 6,500
674 08/29/2006 4034 North Ashland Ave 33,400 16,700
675 10/04/2006 4472 North Clarendon St 4,700 2,350
676 08/29/2006 4421 North Sheridan Rd 7,500 3,750
677 10/05/2006 4445 North Pulaski Rd 27,300 13,650
678 01/09/2007 4810 North Milwaukee Ave 27,600 13,800
679 08/22/2006 4853 North Nagle Ave 22,700 11,350
680 08/22/2006 5659 North Northwest Hwy 9,900 4,950
682 08/10/2006 5217 North Elston Ave 18,200 9,100
683 08/24/2006 5237 North Kedzie Ave 14,700 7,350
684 08/15/2006 5232 North Western Ave 34,600 17,300
685 08/24/2006 5243 North Broadway 25,000 12,500
686 08/24/2006 5725 North Broadway 25,900 12,950
687 08/22/2006 6071 North Western Ave 34,600 17,300
688 09/18/2006 7254 North Rogers Ave 7,600 3,800
689 08/23/2006 7477 North Clark St 19,900 9,950
690 08/15/2006 6082 North Lincoln Ave 35,600 17,800
691 08/15/2006 6067 North Kimball Ave 15,600 7,800
693 08/15/2006 6445 North Central Ave 17,500 8,750
694 08/16/2006 6516 North Harlem Ave 31,800 15,900
695 10/23/2006 324 South Racine Ave 12,500 6,250
696 09/19/2006 220 South Wabash Ave 10,900 5,450
697 09/26/2006 200 South Michigan Ave 39,000 19,500
698 11/07/2006 249 South Columbus Dr 30,100 15,050
699 10/12/2006 114 North Hamlin Ave 15,500 7,750
700 10/04/2006 323 North Pulaski Rd 24,800 12,400
701 11/13/2006 267 North Central Park Ave 8,800 4,400
702 09/27/2006 243 North Homan Ave 12,600 6,300
703 10/09/2006 222 North Kedzie Ave 14,500 7,250
704 10/24/2006 220 North Western Ave 34,400 17,200
705 08/16/2006 209 North Damen Ave 20,300 10,150
706 10/02/2006 210 North Halsted St 20,300 10,150
708 10/24/2006 549 North Milwaukee Ave 11,100 5,550
709 09/19/2006 640 North Wabash Ave 7,400 3,700
710 09/18/2006 840 North Halsted St 23,100 11,550
711 09/27/2006 1240 North Homan Ave 8,900 4,450
712 09/01/2006 1231 North Western Ave 38,100 19,050
714 10/23/2006 1230 North Clybourn Ave 15,000 7,500
715 09/20/2006 835 North Clark St 16,500 8,250
716 10/12/2006 1667 North Wells St 10,700 5,350
717 10/04/2006 1665 North Sedgwick St 5,700 2,850
718 08/24/2006 11021 South Ashland Ave 2,000 1,000
719 08/22/2006 5205 North Nagle Ave 18,300 9,150
720 10/10/2006 6221 West Gunnison St 12,300 6,150
721 10/23/2006 6135 West Grand Ave 22,800 11,400
722 08/17/2006 6325 West Fullerton Ave 30,300 15,150
723 10/16/2006 6257 West Belmont Ave 24,400 12,200
724 11/07/2006 6050 West Addison St 24,200 12,100
725 08/24/2006 6204 West Irving Park Rd 31,000 15,500
726 08/10/2006 6656 West Diversey Ave 23,900 11,950
727 10/25/2006 1928 North Oak Park Ave 13,000 6,500
728 12/20/2006 7168 West North Ave 36,000 18,000
729 10/18/2006 6570 West North Ave 41,700 20,850
730 11/14/2006 1300 West Washington St 5,900 2,950
731 10/05/2006 1234 West Randolph St 6,000 3,000
733 01/09/2007 645 North State St 23,100 11,550
734 09/21/2006 640 North La Salle St 39,000 19,500
735 09/20/2006 635 North Dearborn St 16,400 8,200
736 09/28/2006 641 North Clark St 21,200 10,600
737 09/20/2006 633 North Wells St 9,400 4,700
738 08/15/2006 6805 North Northwest Hwy 16,100 8,050
740 09/12/2006 4306 West 26th St 8,400 4,200
741 11/08/2006 4212 West Armitage Ave 17,700 8,850
742 09/21/2006 180 North La Salle St 22,800 11,400
743 11/07/2006 180 North Wabash Ave 8,200 4,100
744 09/26/2006 163 North Dearborn St 14,100 7,050
745 09/28/2006 175 North Clark St 14,500 7,250
746 09/19/2006 176 North Wells St 10,600 5,300
747 11/07/2006 162 North Franklin St 16,800 8,400
748 10/02/2006 156 North Jefferson St 8,300 4,150
749 10/02/2006 186 North Des Plaines St 7,300 3,650
750 10/18/2006 3506 East 95Th St 14,500 7,250
751 10/18/2006 11233 South Avenue O 16,000 8,000
752 10/04/2006 10347 South Cottage Grove Ave 13,700 6,850
753 10/04/2006 9761 South Cottage Grove Ave 14,000 7,000
755 10/18/2006 9233 South Commercial Ave 14,500 7,250
757 12/19/2006 7150 South Cottage Grove Ave 21,400 10,700
758 09/12/2006 6336 South Harlem Ave 58,100 29,050
759 09/12/2006 6335 South Central Ave 15,700 7,850
760 10/11/2006 6312 South California Ave 16,600 8,300
762 09/14/2006 3121 South Pulaski Rd 29,500 14,750
763 08/17/2006 2235 South Damen Ave 24,000 12,000
764 09/14/2006 1659 South Homan Ave 5,100 2,550
765 10/18/2006 323 South Central Ave 26,600 13,300
766 10/23/2006 1548 North Laramie Ave 18,400 9,200
768 10/26/2006 2300 North Racine Ave 13,000 6,500
769 10/09/2006 2318 North Sacramento Ave 18,400 9,200
770 10/25/2006 2761 North Narragansett Ave 23,700 11,850
771 11/14/2006 2739 North Pulaski Rd 26,500 13,250
772 11/09/2006 2708 North Halsted St 14,500 7,250
773 08/22/2006 3152 North Milwaukee Ave 16,800 8,400
774 10/16/2006 3531 North Broadway 14,700 7,350
775 09/18/2006 4710 North Kedzie Ave 15,500 7,750
776 08/17/2006 4762 North East River Rd 14,000 7,000
777 08/16/2006 5653 North East River Rd 25,300 12,650
778 08/08/2006 5800 North Cicero Ave 22,700 11,350
779 08/16/2006 5543 North Lincoln Ave 24,400 12,200
780 08/25/2006 6719 North Ashland Ave 4,800 2,400
781 11/14/2006 7127 North Leigh Ave 8,600 4,300
782 08/15/2006 6333 North Milwaukee Ave 26,800 13,400
784 10/18/2006 3150 South State St 21,800 10,900
786 10/10/2006 715 South Kedzie Ave 16,300 8,150
787 10/12/2006 750 North Central Park Ave 10,300 5,150
788 10/04/2006 700 South Pulaski Rd 23,700 11,850
789 09/27/2006 338 South Homan Ave 15,000 7,500
790 11/01/2006 194 North Damen Ave 18,800 9,400
791 10/02/2006 465 North Desplaines St 4,500 2,250
792 10/09/2006 667 North Sacramento Ave 21,400 10,700
793 10/02/2006 1526 North Western Ave 39,400 19,700
794 10/30/2006 1136 North Milwaukee Ave 14,100 7,050
795 10/31/2006 745 North Fairbanks Ct 10,700 5,350
796 09/27/2006 1111 North Clark St 14,100 7,050
798 08/15/2006 4732 South Pulaski Rd 45,700 22,850
799 08/17/2006 3110 South California Ave 30,800 15,400
801 10/31/2006 890 West Lawrence Ave 14,500 7,250
802 08/24/2006 11159 South Longwood Dr 5,400 2,700
803 08/29/2006 1527 West Irving Park Rd 29,800 14,900
804 09/27/2006 22 West Congress Pkwy 62,700 31,350
805 09/21/2006 20 West Division St 18,700 9,350
806 09/21/2006 1 West Grand Ave 18,800 9,400
807 08/29/2006 51 East 119th St 6,900 3,450
808 09/21/2006 22 East Division St 8,400 4,200
809 11/08/2006 2250 East 130th St 23,000 11,500
810 09/20/2006 408 South Clark St 13,000 6,500
811 10/10/2006 322 South California Ave 13,100 6,550
812 08/24/2006 1345 West 107th St 7,900 3,950
813 10/31/2006 1920 West 115th St 6,300 3,150
814 08/29/2006 2600 East 122nd St 4,200 2,100
815 08/24/2006 2350 West 119th St 19,900 9,950
816 08/22/2006 3254 West 115th St 15,500 7,750
817 10/11/2006 6431 West 63rd St 18,200 9,100
818 08/15/2006 4019 West 59th St 20,200 10,100
819 09/26/2006 2641 West Pershing Rd 11,000 5,500
820 11/16/2006 4418 West 26th St 14,800 7,400
821 11/14/2006 4042 West Cermak Rd 23,200 11,600
822 08/09/2006 2605 West Armitage Ave 16,800 8,400
824 08/29/2006 1625 West Irving Park Rd 33,000 16,500
825 08/30/2006 2432 West Irving Park Rd 42,100 21,050
826 08/10/2006 4825 West Lawrence Ave 28,900 14,450
827 08/16/2006 9463 West Higgins Rd 32,100 16,050
829 08/15/2006 3447 West Foster Ave 27,500 13,750
830 08/09/2006 6080 North Caldwell Ave 27,100 13,550
831 10/18/2006 45 West 31st St 14,100 7,050
832 10/13/2006 4035 West Madison St 21,200 10,600
833 10/18/2006 2845 West Division St 18,200 9,100
834 10/18/2006 2458 West Augusta Blvd 11,400 5,700
836 11/07/2006 10 East Grand Ave 20,100 10,050
837 10/09/2006 112 North California Ave 5,100 2,550
838 10/23/2006 25 North Cicero Ave 37,000 18,500
839 09/21/2006 173 West Ohio St 37,700 18,850
840 08/29/2006 40 West 115th St 11,700 5,850
841 11/02/2006 2430 West Ogden Ave 29,900 14,950
842 08/14/2006 2458 West Addison St 27,000 13,500
843 08/09/2006 2324 West Armitage Ave 16,800 8,400
844 08/17/2006 2830 West 87th St 29,400 14,700
845 08/17/2006 2950 West 83rd St 12,200 6,100
846 11/14/2006 2249 West Montrose Ave 16,400 8,200
847 10/12/2006 1420 West Madison St 12,400 6,200
848 08/14/2006 5434 West Addison Ave 22,900 11,450
849 08/14/2006 7121 West Addison Ave 20,700 10,350
850 10/25/2006 3521 North Austin Ave 21,700 10,850
851 10/25/2006 2653 North Austin Ave 22,200 11,100
852 08/23/2006 4308 North Austin Ave 19,500 9,750
853 10/26/2006 1728 North Austin Ave 20,300 10,150
854 10/16/2006 5532 West Belmont Ave 23,100 11,550
855 11/14/2006 7368 West Belmont Ave 24,100 12,050
856 10/16/2006 6845 West Belmont Ave 24,200 12,100
857 09/19/2006 10 South Canal St 12,100 6,050
858 08/31/2006 5947 North Canfield Ave 16,700 8,350
859 10/26/2006 3501 North Central Ave 27,200 13,600
860 08/22/2006 5601 North Central Ave 18,800 9,400
861 10/26/2006 2459 North Central Ave 25,000 12,500
862 08/23/2006 4256 North Central Ave 24,900 12,450
863 10/26/2006 1710 North Central Ave 20,400 10,200
864 08/08/2006 5050 North Cicero Ave 25,900 12,950
865 10/25/2006 3450 North Cumberland Ave 33,000 16,500
866 08/17/2006 5320 North Cumberland Ave 40,600 20,300
867 08/17/2006 5850 North Cumberland Ave 49,400 24,700
868 08/17/2006 4151 North Cumberland Ave 43,900 21,950
869 08/15/2006 7729 West Devon Ave 19,300 9,650
870 08/15/2006 6193 West Devon Ave 33,300 16,650
871 08/16/2006 6891 West Diversey Ave 16,600 8,300
872 08/10/2006 6041 West Diversey Ave 21,600 10,800
873 08/16/2006 5980 North East River Rd 19,300 9,650
874 08/16/2006 5140 North East River Rd 22,500 11,250
875 08/10/2006 5110 North Elston Ave 15,900 7,950
876 10/25/2006 8500 West Forest Preserve Ave 10,400 5,200
877 08/23/2006 6916 West Forest Preserve Ave 23,900 11,950
878 08/22/2006 6747 West Foster Ave 14,300 7,150
879 10/11/2006 6058 West Foster Ave 17,300 8,650
880 08/10/2006 5313 West Foster Ave 24,600 12,300
881 08/17/2006 5835 West Fullerton Ave 37,100 18,550
882 11/15/2006 7102 West Grand Ave 19,200 9,600
884 12/11/2006 2920 North Harlem Ave 23,200 11,600
885 10/25/2006 3731 North Harlem Ave 32,100 16,050
886 10/26/2006 1837 North Harlem Ave 26,000 13,000
887 08/15/2006 5898 North Harlem Ave 32,700 16,350
888 08/15/2006 7317 North Harlem Ave 26,100 13,050
889 08/22/2006 5731 West Higgins Ave 10,200 5,100
891 08/22/2006 7455 West Higgins Ave 14,100 7,050
892 08/24/2006 5842 West Irving Park Rd 35,300 17,650
893 08/24/2006 6911 West Irving Park Rd 28,600 14,300
894 10/23/2006 3400 North Laramie Ave 15,900 7,950
896 10/23/2006 2426 North Laramie Ave 15,900 7,950
897 10/24/2006 1748 North Laramie Ave 13,500 6,750
898 08/24/2006 5439 West Lawrence Ave 20,800 10,400
900 10/17/2006 5913 North Lincoln Ave 31,600 15,800
901 08/23/2006 6534 West Montrose Ave 25,800 12,900
903 10/25/2006 3725 North Narragansett Ave 24,200 12,100
904 10/26/2006 2890 North Narragansett Ave 24,900 12,450
905 10/25/2006 2228 North Narragansett Ave 16,200 8,100
906 08/22/2006 4459 North Narragansett Ave 20,700 10,350
907 10/25/2006 3130 North Oak Park Ave 17,100 8,550
908 09/21/2006 4850 West Peterson Ave 42,800 21,400
910 08/15/2006 7252 West Touhy Ave 25,200 12,600
911 09/19/2006 71 South Wacker Dr 21,200 10,600
912 08/16/2006 5749 North Western Ave 34,100 17,050
913 08/14/2006 3023 West Addison Ave 29,800 14,900
914 08/14/2006 4550 West Addison Ave 23,600 11,800
915 08/09/2006 3636 West Armitage Ave 18,000 9,000
916 08/09/2006 3308 West Armitage Ave 18,200 9,100
917 08/10/2006 4459 West Armitage Ave 17,200 8,600
918 10/16/2006 3317 West Belmont Ave 32,700 16,350
919 10/16/2006 3524 West Belmont Ave 27,500 13,750
920 10/16/2006 4621 West Belmont Ave 25,300 12,650
921 10/16/2006 2737 West Belmont Ave 23,800 11,900
922 12/11/2006 3945 West Belmont Ave 16,600 8,300
923 08/15/2006 5417 North California Ave 12,800 6,400
924 11/16/2006 3765 North California Ave 13,500 6,750
925 10/09/2006 2027 North California Ave 16,100 8,050
926 08/22/2006 7420 North California Ave 10,400 5,200
927 11/14/2006 1751 North Central Park Ave 10,300 5,150
928 08/10/2006 3120 West Diversey Ave 18,500 9,250
929 08/10/2006 3809 West Diversey Ave 17,700 8,850
930 08/10/2006 4632 West Diversey Ave 23,000 11,500
931 08/15/2006 2671 West Foster Ave 23,700 11,850
932 08/17/2006 3724 West Fullerton Ave 34,400 17,200
933 08/17/2006 4710 West Fullerton Ave 37,400 18,700
934 11/14/2006 3130 West Fullerton Ave 30,400 15,200
935 08/24/2006 4240 West Irving Park Rd 37,100 18,550
936 10/16/2006 3056 West Irving Park Rd 47,300 23,650
937 08/02/2006 3842 West Irving Park Rd 46,500 23,250
938 08/16/2006 4875 North Kedzie Ave 14,300 7,150
939 08/15/2006 5437 North Kimball Ave 13,900 6,950
940 10/09/2006 3630 North Kimball Ave 19,600 9,800
941 10/09/2006 2231 North Kimball Ave 12,200 6,100
942 09/06/2006 2230 North Kostner Ave 12,500 6,250
943 10/31/2006 2925 West Lawrence Ave 23,400 11,700
944 08/10/2006 4245 West Lawrence Ave 22,600 11,300
945 08/23/2006 2761 North Milwaukee Ave 18,100 9,050
946 08/23/2006 3758 West Montrose Ave 22,000 11,000
947 10/17/2006 2932 West North Ave 33,900 16,950
948 10/18/2006 3741 West North Ave 37,300 18,650
949 10/16/2006 3335 West North Ave 38,600 19,300
950 10/05/2006 2032 North Pulaski Rd 21,300 10,650
951 10/05/2006 3723 North Pulaski Rd 22,700 11,350
952 10/19/2006 3915 West Roosevelt Rd 23,900 11,950
953 08/15/2006 1256 West Addison Ave 19,800 9,900
954 08/15/2006 901 West Addison Ave 16,400 8,200
955 11/07/2006 2257 West Addison Ave 21,800 10,900
956 08/09/2006 1851 West Armitage Ave 21,000 10,500
957 11/16/2006 612 West Armitage Ave 13,800 6,900
958 10/11/2006 935 West Armitage Ave 13,100 6,550
959 08/29/2006 3524 North Ashland Ave 33,800 16,900
960 08/22/2006 5116 North Ashland Ave 26,700 13,350
961 10/16/2006 1525 West Belmont Ave 19,200 9,600
962 10/16/2006 1111 West Belmont Ave 20,900 10,450
963 10/16/2006 2237 West Belmont Ave 18,700 9,350
964 10/16/2006 3120 North Broadway 11,700 5,850
966 08/29/2006 4034 North Broadway 13,000 6,500
967 08/24/2006 5051 North Broadway 25,000 12,500
968 09/18/2006 1103 West Bryn Mawr Ave 17,800 8,900
969 08/24/2006 6137 North Clark St 32,100 16,050
970 10/23/2006 2620 North Clybourn Ave 17,300 8,650
971 08/16/2006 3137 North Damen Ave 19,200 9,600
972 08/29/2006 4113 North Damen Ave 12,500 6,250
973 08/16/2006 4855 North Damen Ave 12,100 6,050
974 08/16/2006 1804 North Damen Ave 16,700 8,350
975 08/10/2006 1614 West Diversey Ave 22,400 11,200
976 08/24/2006 1059 West Foster Ave 24,200 12,100
978 08/16/2006 1434 West Fullerton Ave 24,400 12,200
979 10/16/2006 2034 North Halsted St 18,700 9,350
980 08/31/2006 1140 West Irving Park Rd 26,200 13,100
981 08/24/2006 2032 West Irving Park Rd 41,200 20,600
982 10/06/2006 2665 North Lakeview Ave 6,800 3,400
983 11/07/2006 1350 West Lawrence Ave 20,700 10,350
984 10/31/2006 1058 West Lawrence Ave 15,800 7,900
985 08/23/2006 2315 West Lawrence Ave 26,700 13,350
986 08/29/2006 2136 North Lincoln Ave 14,400 7,200
987 09/18/2006 4322 North Lincoln Ave 14,100 7,050
988 09/18/2006 4900 North Marine Dr 6,500 3,250
989 10/23/2006 1640 North Milwaukee Ave 12,800 6,400
990 10/31/2006 1758 West Montrose Ave 16,800 8,400
991 10/16/2006 929 West North Ave 28,000 14,000
992 10/26/2006 3324 North Racine Ave 8,900 4,450
993 11/16/2006 2519 North Racine Ave 11,300 5,650
994 10/17/2006 5816 North Ridge Ave 43,100 21,550
995 08/24/2006 6629 North Sheridan Rd 41,200 20,600
996 10/11/2006 4926 North Sheridan Rd 8,800 4,400
997 10/17/2006 2228 North Southport Ave 8,700 4,350
998 08/31/2006 3643 North Western Ave 45,300 22,650
999 08/31/2006 2160 North Western Ave 39,200 19,600
1000 08/15/2006 5017 North Western Ave 33,100 16,550
1001 09/28/2006 1768 North Western Ave 40,000 20,000
1002 08/31/2006 901 South Ashland Ave 42,500 21,250
1003 10/18/2006 5937 West Augusta Blvd 8,600 4,300
1004 10/26/2006 1031 South Austin Ave 26,100 13,050
1005 10/26/2006 148 North Austin Ave 31,500 15,750
1006 10/18/2006 643 North Central Ave 24,800 12,400
1007 10/12/2006 725 South Central Park Ave 10,700 5,350
1008 10/26/2006 815 South Cicero Ave 35,200 17,600
1009 10/05/2006 2532 West Washington St 7,000 3,500
1010 09/26/2006 220 West Washington St 14,600 7,300
1011 09/19/2006 855 West Washington St 9,500 4,750
1012 11/15/2006 3935 West Washington St 16,300 8,150
1013 09/19/2006 1350 North Wells St 17,700 8,850
1014 09/19/2006 516 North Wells St 16,300 8,150
1015 09/19/2006 15 South Wells St 9,900 4,950
1017 10/11/2006 1023 North Western Ave 36,600 18,300
1018 10/05/2006 652 North Western Ave 32,400 16,200
1019 10/24/2006 350 South Western Ave 33,900 16,950
1020 10/16/2006 1314 West 18th St 9,500 4,750
1021 09/14/2006 3734 West 26th St 18,400 9,200
1022 09/12/2006 4344 West 26th St 17,300 8,650
1023 08/16/2006 891 South Damen Ave 31,400 15,700
1024 10/18/2006 4435 West Division St 17,400 8,700
1025 10/18/2006 5238 West Division St 18,200 9,100
1026 10/25/2006 700 South Halsted St 25,300 12,650
1027 11/15/2006 5212 West Harrison St 6,500 3,250
1028 09/06/2006 1533 North Kostner Ave 10,600 5,300
1029 09/05/2006 750 South Kostner Ave 17,500 8,750
1031 09/05/2006 250 North Kostner Ave 5,700 2,850
1032 10/19/2006 5124 West Lake St 11,400 5,700
1033 10/23/2006 850 South Laramie Ave 18,800 9,400
1034 10/23/2006 511 North Laramie Ave 20,600 10,300
1035 12/13/2006 5937 West Madison St 13,400 6,700
1036 10/12/2006 4640 West Madison St 24,700 12,350
1037 09/20/2006 803 South Racine Ave 14,400 7,200
1038 10/19/2006 5253 West Roosevelt Rd 21,700 10,850
1039 10/19/2006 3300 West Roosevelt Rd 20,300 10,150
1041 10/17/2006 250 East 26th St 8,400 4,200
1042 10/19/2006 310 West 31st St 14,300 7,150
1043 10/18/2006 52 East 31st St 11,700 5,850
1044 10/19/2006 452 West 47th St 19,800 9,900
1045 10/19/2006 316 West 51st St 14,400 7,200
1046 09/20/2006 335 West 59th St 16,800 8,400
1047 09/20/2006 344 West 63rd St 10,800 5,400
1048 09/20/2006 253 East 63rd St 17,900 8,950
1049 10/05/2006 1233 West Adams St 3,800 1,900
1050 09/20/2006 555 West Adams St 11,700 5,850
1051 09/20/2006 222 West Adams St 16,400 8,200
1052 09/19/2006 1020 West Adams St 5,100 2,550
1053 10/19/2006 2224 South Archer Ave 15,300 7,650
1054 10/26/2006 755 North Ashland Ave 30,500 15,250
1055 08/31/2006 1345 North Ashland Ave 35,000 17,500
1056 08/31/2006 320 South Ashland Ave 35,700 17,850
1057 10/18/2006 3654 West Augusta Blvd 11,100 5,550
1058 10/18/2006 1824 West Augusta Blvd 18,900 9,450
1059 10/18/2006 3049 West Augusta Blvd 8,500 4,250
1060 01/24/2007 165 North Canal St 10,200 5,100
1061 11/13/2006 536 North Central Park Ave 7,600 3,800
1062 10/12/2006 64 North Central Park Ave 12,500 6,250
1063 10/17/2006 303 East Cermak Rd 25,700 12,850
1065 11/14/2006 3652 West Chicago Ave 20,000 10,000
1066 10/18/2006 1020 West Chicago Ave 25,500 12,750
1067 10/18/2006 2650 West Chicago Ave 18,800 9,400
1068 09/27/2006 406 North Clark St 20,700 10,350
1069 09/20/2006 670 South Clark St 20,400 10,200
1070 09/27/2006 16 South Clark St 15,500 7,750
1071 09/27/2006 613 North Clark St 17,300 8,650
1072 09/21/2006 1101 South Clark St 25,800 12,900
1074 01/30/2007 168 North Clinton St 6,900 3,450
1075 10/02/2006 101 South Clinton St 11,500 5,750
1077 09/19/2006 843 South Columbus Dr 37,000 18,500
1078 09/27/2006 85 West Congress Pkwy 72,400 36,200
1079 02/21/2007 40 East Congress Pkwy 40,700 20,350
1080 08/16/2006 730 North Damen Ave 15,600 7,800

Launch and run the SAS program and then review the resulting output to convince yourself that the data has been formatted and labeled as you expect. Except for titles, you can also add a footnote to the output using a footnote statement. But unlike using title and footnote statements with other SAS steps, both statements have to be placed either before the PROC SQL statement or between the PROC SQL statement and the SELECT statement.

One more thing we will talk about in this section is the CASE operator, which just follows the SELECT clause to create new columns conditionally. You must remember that this applies only to IF-THEN-ELSE statements that are available in the DATA step. In PROC SQL, the CASE operator can perform the equivalent functions. First, let’s look at the syntax for the CASE construct.

WHEN when-condition THEN result-expression
<… WHEN when-condition THEN
<ELSE result-expression>
END AS < column name>

As in IF-THEN statements, you can add as many WHEN conditions as you want. The conditions can be any valid SAS expression, including calculations, functions, and logical operators. It works as IF-THEN statements, too. If the conditions have been met, SAS will carry out the corresponding actions following the keyword THEN. If the WHEN condition is false, then PROC SQL executes the ELSE expression. You can create a new column and name it with AS keywords after END. The ELSE and AS keywords are optional. But it’s good practice to keep original columns while creating new ones.

Example 32.7

The following SAS program uses the CASE operator to assign different salary raise plans for each salary range:

	select Name,
		employee_annual_salary label='salary' format=dollar12.2,
	'next year raise:',
		when employee_annual_salary=.                 then .
		when         employee_annual_salary < 85000   then 0.05
		when 85000 <= employee_annual_salary < 125000 then 0.03
		when employee_annual_salary >=125000          then 0.01
	else 0
		end as raise format=percent8.
	from stat482.salary;

Name Department salary   raise
WARNER PROCUREMENT $76,980.00 next year raise: 5%
EDWARDS POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
PENDARVIS POLICE $103,590.00 next year raise: 3%
CLARK FIRE $85,680.00 next year raise: 3%
FOLINO POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
SAWYER CITY COUNCIL $117,333.00 next year raise: 3%
WALTON POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
QUINLAN TRANSPORTN $95,888.04 next year raise: 3%
SOTO WATER MGMNT $79,040.00 next year raise: 5%
RUSS WATER MGMNT $79,040.00 next year raise: 5%
MC GUIRE POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
GAWRISCH POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
CANO FIRE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
CLARK STREETS & SAN $72,862.40 next year raise: 5%
GIBOWICZ POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
MANCILLA POLICE $90,456.00 next year raise: 3%
WYATT WATER MGMNT $65,686.40 next year raise: 5%
VALLE FIRE $54,114.00 next year raise: 5%
SISSAC PUBLIC LIBRARY $12,407.20 next year raise: 5%
ARMSTEAD POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
WESTBROOK TRANSPORTN $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
KAIM FIRE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
PAOLINO POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
WILSON WATER MGMNT $97,032.00 next year raise: 3%
LANE POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
PAMBUKU POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
HUGHES POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
MIENTUS FIRE $99,324.00 next year raise: 3%
HARRIS STREETS & SAN $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
WOOD FIRE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
PEKIC TRANSPORTN $55,328.00 next year raise: 5%
FLYNT LAW $25,152.40 next year raise: 5%
ROMERO POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
ROBINSON WATER MGMNT $93,745.60 next year raise: 3%
REMIASZ POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
CADIZ CITY COUNCIL $41,220.00 next year raise: 5%
DAVILO FIRE $93,648.00 next year raise: 3%
GUNDERSEN FIRE $90,018.00 next year raise: 3%
VILLANUEVA STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
LAMMERSFELD AVIATION $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
GARCIA STREETS & SAN $63,708.00 next year raise: 5%
RABANALES FINANCE $87,912.00 next year raise: 3%
MIRANDA STREETS & SAN $43,201.60 next year raise: 5%
KELLY FIRE $65,946.00 next year raise: 5%
DURKIN POLICE $99,888.00 next year raise: 3%
CLEMENS FIRE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
ODUM POLICE $106,920.00 next year raise: 3%
RUSSELL POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
HARRIS SR POLICE $92,316.00 next year raise: 3%
GILLERLAIN POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
MONSOUR FIRE $99,888.00 next year raise: 3%
PLANTZ GENERAL SERVICES $102,060.00 next year raise: 3%
PRINGLE POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
WILLIAMS POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
FORD FIRE $100,440.00 next year raise: 3%
KWAN PUBLIC LIBRARY $72,840.00 next year raise: 5%
CAIN POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
CRAIG FIRE $99,888.00 next year raise: 3%
SMITH POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
TERRONES POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
CHRISTIAN FIRE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
DANIELS POLICE $106,920.00 next year raise: 3%
CAMPANELLA AVIATION $55,428.00 next year raise: 5%
ALANIZ POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
BYERLY POLICE $93,648.00 next year raise: 3%
MALONEY FIRE $127,566.00 next year raise: 1%
SLINIC FIRE $85,680.00 next year raise: 3%
MOLLOY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $102,060.00 next year raise: 3%
WEST FAMILY & SUPPORT $73,200.00 next year raise: 5%
TARASIEWICZ TRANSPORTN $75,732.80 next year raise: 5%
HUNTLEY STREETS & SAN $55,968.00 next year raise: 5%
RUSH FIRE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
GIPSON BUILDINGS $95,880.00 next year raise: 3%
BROWN FAMILY & SUPPORT $76,512.00 next year raise: 5%
SPREYNE AVIATION $22,120.80 next year raise: 5%
SIMPSON POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
PIERCE POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
KADING FIRE $88,680.00 next year raise: 3%
BUEHRING BUILDINGS $93,228.00 next year raise: 3%
FIORE AVIATION $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
DALY FIRE $73,296.00 next year raise: 5%
ELLIOTT FIRE $93,648.00 next year raise: 3%
PAYTON HEALTH $88,116.00 next year raise: 3%
GARDNER DoIT $90,252.00 next year raise: 3%
KIBBLE POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
GILLEN FIRE $93,594.00 next year raise: 3%
BALEY FIRE $54,114.00 next year raise: 5%
GAVIN AVIATION $98,675.20 next year raise: 3%
BAYLIAN POLICE $69,684.00 next year raise: 5%
BUBACZ POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
SHELTON STREETS & SAN $43,201.60 next year raise: 5%
SHEA HEALTH $54,492.00 next year raise: 5%
MARTINEZ POLICE $19,188.00 next year raise: 5%
PULLEN BUILDINGS $97,760.04 next year raise: 3%
STUCK POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
SUKALO WATER MGMNT $88,566.40 next year raise: 3%
O'CONNOR POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
LABELLE POLICE $97,044.00 next year raise: 3%
CALHOUN STREETS & SAN $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
MUELLER POLICE $92,316.00 next year raise: 3%
GAJEWSKI HEALTH $95,880.00 next year raise: 3%
PALOMAR FIRE $79,404.00 next year raise: 5%
CASA JR TRANSPORTN $80,912.00 next year raise: 5%
PATTERSON PUBLIC LIBRARY $72,840.00 next year raise: 5%
CAMPBELL WATER MGMNT $79,040.00 next year raise: 5%
PEKIC FINANCE $95,880.00 next year raise: 3%
CALICDAN POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
NIEGO FIRE $143,682.00 next year raise: 1%
PRICE FIRE $103,590.00 next year raise: 3%
TATE JR POLICE $103,590.00 next year raise: 3%
WHITE STREETS & SAN $72,862.40 next year raise: 5%
YANEZ AVIATION $70,380.00 next year raise: 5%
COWART SMITH POLICE $87,780.00 next year raise: 3%
FENNER STREETS & SAN $43,201.60 next year raise: 5%
VALENZUELA POLICE $93,648.00 next year raise: 3%
PORTILLO POLICE $92,316.00 next year raise: 3%
JIMENEZ PROCUREMENT $113,448.00 next year raise: 3%
GINDEN WATER MGMNT $93,745.60 next year raise: 3%
WILLIAMS AVIATION $40,788.80 next year raise: 5%
MABERY POLICE $92,316.00 next year raise: 3%
TURNER II POLICE $46,206.00 next year raise: 5%
JOHNSON POLICE $46,206.00 next year raise: 5%
FITZGERALD OEMC $64,188.00 next year raise: 5%
REALFORD FAMILY & SUPPORT $2,756.00 next year raise: 5%
GUTTILLO FIRE $99,324.00 next year raise: 3%
PAVELA WATER MGMNT $88,566.40 next year raise: 3%
BRADSHAW POLICE $99,888.00 next year raise: 3%
CEBALLOS WATER MGMNT $113,448.00 next year raise: 3%
EGAN POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
GUERRERO WATER MGMNT $60,408.00 next year raise: 5%
GREEN DISABILITIES $36,264.00 next year raise: 5%
MINGO STREETS & SAN $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
HARTS FIRE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
FERMAN FIRE $131,466.00 next year raise: 1%
SHIELDS POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
MARTINEZ POLICE $46,206.00 next year raise: 5%
O NEILL POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
WILLIAMS FIRE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
SHUM TRANSPORTN $104,736.00 next year raise: 3%
SANCHEZ STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
MALECKI POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
WREN TRANSPORTN $64,308.00 next year raise: 5%
HOWARD TRANSPORTN $95,888.04 next year raise: 3%
LANDEROZ STREETS & SAN $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
KOCHANEY FIRE $65,946.00 next year raise: 5%
MONTES DE OCA TRANSPORTN $37,812.00 next year raise: 5%
BESSLER AVIATION $63,648.00 next year raise: 5%
RIMKUS POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
LOPEZ SR GENERAL SERVICES $46,592.00 next year raise: 5%
HOFFMAN POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
GARCIA POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
ROGERS POLICE $18,324.80 next year raise: 5%
FUNK FIRE $101,688.00 next year raise: 3%
GREGORY POLICE $13,790.40 next year raise: 5%
KIERNA STREETS & SAN $40,560.00 next year raise: 5%
BROWN OEMC $19,656.00 next year raise: 5%
MENDIOLA POLICE $22,131.20 next year raise: 5%
HALKO GENERAL SERVICES $46,592.00 next year raise: 5%
BOWDERY STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
WRZESINSKI FIRE $105,918.00 next year raise: 3%
BLUSTAIN POLICE $97,416.00 next year raise: 3%
MUHAMMAD FAMILY & SUPPORT $80,328.00 next year raise: 5%
GOLDSMITH POLICE $110,370.00 next year raise: 3%
BURT FAMILY & SUPPORT $60,780.00 next year raise: 5%
CASTRO OEMC $52,320.00 next year raise: 5%
POLIT STREETS & SAN $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
CARLSEN BUSINESS AFFAIRS $57,456.00 next year raise: 5%
WARREN STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
AUGUST BOARD OF ELECTION $74,988.00 next year raise: 5%
ROSALES POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
KROGSTAD STREETS & SAN $97,968.00 next year raise: 3%
BELLUOMINI FIRE $93,594.00 next year raise: 3%
PAGAN FINANCE $84,780.00 next year raise: 5%
MITCHELL POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
WHITE BUSINESS AFFAIRS $55,428.00 next year raise: 5%
HEINE TRANSPORTN $95,888.04 next year raise: 3%
LOPEZ WATER MGMNT $93,745.60 next year raise: 3%
VERDIN POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
PFEST POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
SUERTH WATER MGMNT $97,968.00 next year raise: 3%
FRUEH LAW $25,152.40 next year raise: 5%
ONESTO POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
MURPHY POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
FRANKO POLICE $106,920.00 next year raise: 3%
PUP STREETS & SAN $73,028.80 next year raise: 5%
WEST POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
GRAY STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
ROSADO BUILDINGS $92,304.00 next year raise: 3%
HILL POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
RADDATZ POLICE $110,370.00 next year raise: 3%
BROWN POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
MURPHY POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
BLACKMAN POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
SHEPARD WATER MGMNT $91,520.00 next year raise: 3%
DEL CID POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
JONES GENERAL SERVICES $46,592.00 next year raise: 5%
HOOKER POLICE $92,316.00 next year raise: 3%
GOLLADAY POLICE $17,232.80 next year raise: 5%
CAAL PUBLIC LIBRARY $27,372.80 next year raise: 5%
WOOD FIRE $93,648.00 next year raise: 3%
HANEY GENERAL SERVICES $66,684.00 next year raise: 5%
HURMAN POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
WILLIS OEMC $19,676.80 next year raise: 5%
GOGOLA ADMIN HEARNG $91,980.00 next year raise: 3%
MC NABB FIRE $105,918.00 next year raise: 3%
TAYLOR POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
MC NAMARA FIRE $85,680.00 next year raise: 3%
OLMSTEAD FIRE $90,456.00 next year raise: 3%
HERBSTER FIRE $88,680.00 next year raise: 3%
MATURA POLICE $92,316.00 next year raise: 3%
WASINSKI FIRE $99,888.00 next year raise: 3%
NOVAK POLICE $69,684.00 next year raise: 5%
BARNES POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
DURHAM POLICE $58,020.00 next year raise: 5%
LUCAS FIRE $85,680.00 next year raise: 3%
DUDLEY POLICE $97,044.00 next year raise: 3%
KOWALCZYK FIRE $87,534.00 next year raise: 3%
TAGGART STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
SHAFFER POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
SANCHEZ POLICE $69,684.00 next year raise: 5%
COLVIN POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
JOHNSON POLICE $17,492.80 next year raise: 5%
FLEMING POLICE $100,440.00 next year raise: 3%
THEODOROPOULOS POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
TEFFT POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
MARTIN POLICE $69,684.00 next year raise: 5%
JAROSZ OEMC $65,676.00 next year raise: 5%
CHICO FAMILY & SUPPORT $66,120.00 next year raise: 5%
PETTENON STREETS & SAN $74,464.00 next year raise: 5%
HERRERA POLICE $89,718.00 next year raise: 3%
TORRES WATER MGMNT $79,040.00 next year raise: 5%
SIPCHEN POLICE $90,456.00 next year raise: 3%
FITZMAURICE STREETS & SAN $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
GLOVER OEMC $61,260.00 next year raise: 5%
MICHALSKI POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
CASEY POLICE $110,370.00 next year raise: 3%
WARD FIRE $54,114.00 next year raise: 5%
CULLOTON POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
MACELLAIO JR WATER MGMNT $101,920.00 next year raise: 3%
DAVIS POLICE $99,888.00 next year raise: 3%
DARLING LAW $149,160.00 next year raise: 1%
PASCUA POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
HULL GENERAL SERVICES $71,780.80 next year raise: 5%
LEHNERT FIRE $88,680.00 next year raise: 3%
NASH FINANCE $103,740.00 next year raise: 3%
GLAZEWSKI POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
WALKER SMITH PROCUREMENT $77,280.00 next year raise: 5%
QUEZADA FIRE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
MC COY POLICE $110,370.00 next year raise: 3%
ECKELS FINANCE $50,904.00 next year raise: 5%
KILPONEN POLICE $69,684.00 next year raise: 5%
DI VITO TRANSPORTN $93,808.00 next year raise: 3%
CHAN POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
MIRANDA OEMC $77,220.00 next year raise: 5%
SIMMONS JR WATER MGMNT $57,384.00 next year raise: 5%
MITCHELL OEMC $19,656.00 next year raise: 5%
GRISWOLD FIRE $90,798.00 next year raise: 3%
CHAVOLLA POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
HAFFNER AVIATION $73,908.00 next year raise: 5%
ROBERTS FIRE $79,404.00 next year raise: 5%
HOLDER WATER MGMNT $108,534.40 next year raise: 3%
KEREAKES POLICE $83,616.00 next year raise: 5%
MORENO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $77,280.00 next year raise: 5%
JORDAN STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
COLEMAN BUSINESS AFFAIRS $84,072.00 next year raise: 5%
SUMNER PUBLIC LIBRARY $72,840.00 next year raise: 5%
COLBERT POLICE $60,780.00 next year raise: 5%
JONES WATER MGMNT $43,950.40 next year raise: 5%
AUGUSTAVE LAW $84,864.00 next year raise: 5%
KOEGLER POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
DOYLE POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
SPOSATO PUBLIC LIBRARY $95,880.00 next year raise: 3%
CUNNINGHAM POLICE $90,456.00 next year raise: 3%
CAMACHO FINANCE $69,888.00 next year raise: 5%
RICE HEALTH $52,848.00 next year raise: 5%
CARDOZA GENERAL SERVICES $92,248.00 next year raise: 3%
ADAMS POLICE $95,880.00 next year raise: 3%
GONZALEZ TRANSPORTN $79,040.00 next year raise: 5%
WILKERSON FAMILY & SUPPORT $2,756.00 next year raise: 5%
BURT WATER MGMNT $88,968.00 next year raise: 3%
PENSON POLICE $13,790.40 next year raise: 5%
ORTIZ POLICE $69,684.00 next year raise: 5%
TAYLOR FIRE $108,462.00 next year raise: 3%
ANDERSON POLICE $93,648.00 next year raise: 3%
DOTSON POLICE $80,424.00 next year raise: 5%
ADAMS GENERAL SERVICES $43,950.40 next year raise: 5%
DALCAMO FIRE $85,680.00 next year raise: 3%
PERFETTI POLICE $112,068.00 next year raise: 3%
JACKSON POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
JACOBS POLICE $106,920.00 next year raise: 3%
HACKETT POLICE $99,888.00 next year raise: 3%
SANTANA FAMILY & SUPPORT $66,684.00 next year raise: 5%
MC DOWELL POLICE $16,692.00 next year raise: 5%
HENRY AVIATION $108,534.40 next year raise: 3%
JONES FIRE $97,044.00 next year raise: 3%
ESPINOZA STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
MIRO POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
ALDAHONDO POLICE $80,778.00 next year raise: 5%
CODA POLICE $73,296.00 next year raise: 5%
COATS HEALTH $73,200.00 next year raise: 5%
VALLE STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
FRAZIER TRANSPORTN $65,124.80 next year raise: 5%
BRYSON STREETS & SAN $80,112.00 next year raise: 5%
GILDERSLEEVE OEMC $73,764.00 next year raise: 5%
SMITH JR OEMC $19,656.00 next year raise: 5%
MC DONAGH FIRE $91,764.00 next year raise: 3%
SOTO III POLICE $46,206.00 next year raise: 5%
ROBINSON WATER MGMNT $79,040.00 next year raise: 5%
PEREZ FIRE $85,680.00 next year raise: 3%
AVALOS POLICE $86,520.00 next year raise: 3%
LIBUNAO HEALTH $97,224.00 next year raise: 3%
PORADZISZ OEMC $67,212.00 next year raise: 5%
SOBOTKA GENERAL SERVICES $73,908.00 next year raise: 5%
CUMMINGS POLICE $99,888.00 next year raise: 3%
GARCIA STREETS & SAN $72,384.00 next year raise: 5%
KULISZ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $90,948.00 next year raise: 3%
AVILES CITY COUNCIL $42,396.00 next year raise: 5%
IRELAND FIRE $113,400.00 next year raise: 3%
TRAYLOR FIRE $85,680.00 next year raise: 3%
PROKOPOWICZ HEALTH $63,708.00 next year raise: 5%
KAMPER FIRE $87,534.00 next year raise: 3%
YOUNG STREETS & SAN $74,464.00 next year raise: 5%
BRADY TRANSPORTN $95,888.04 next year raise: 3%

You already know the format and label options from the previous explanations. There are a couple of new things in this example, however. First, you can insert a character(or numeric) constant as a new column in the table. Here a character string “next year raise” has been added between salary and raise. Raise is also a new column that has been created by the CASE operator based on the current annual salary of each person.

Download the SAS data set salary.sas7bdat on your computer and revise the libname statement to reflect the directory where you save the file. Then launch and run the program. Review the query result to convince yourself that the raised values have been assigned correctly.

The CASE operator has two forms of syntax. In fact, if you use only one column for WHEN condition(s), this column’s name can be put after CASE and before WHEN. So you don’t have to repeat the column’s name in each WHEN condition. Below is the syntax for this form:

CASE <column-name>
when-condition THEN result-expression
<… WHEN when-condition THEN
<ELSE result-expression>
END AS < column name>

Example 32.8

The following program uses the simpler form of CASE construct to decide compensation (Yes or N/A) based on departments:

PROC SQL outobs=20;
	select Name,
		employee_annual_salary label='salary' format=dollar12.2,
	case department
      when  'POLICE'             then 'Yes'
      when  'FIRE'               then 'Yes'
      else  'N/A'
      end as Compensation
	from stat482.salary;

Name Department salary Compensation
EDWARDS POLICE $83,616.00 Yes
PENDARVIS POLICE $103,590.00 Yes
CLARK FIRE $85,680.00 Yes
FOLINO POLICE $83,616.00 Yes
WALTON POLICE $89,718.00 Yes
MC GUIRE POLICE $86,520.00 Yes
GAWRISCH POLICE $86,520.00 Yes
CANO FIRE $86,520.00 Yes
CLARK STREETS & SAN $72,862.40 N/A
GIBOWICZ POLICE $83,616.00 Yes
MANCILLA POLICE $90,456.00 Yes
VALLE FIRE $54,114.00 Yes
ARMSTEAD POLICE $80,778.00 Yes

The above code uses the same data set as the previous example, salary. It assigns the different compensation plans based on which department people work for and creates a new column, Compensation, for the result. This time, the column name Department has been put outside the WHEN conditions and into the CASE operator. So we don’t need coding like “WHEN department=’POLICE’” anymore.

Another feature is the option you can use in the PROC SQL statement, OUTOBS=n. It can be used to limit the number of rows displayed in the output. So in this case, we would expect the table in the output window shows the first 20 rows of the data. And such a warning message will be delivered in the log file.

WARNING: Statement terminated early due to OUTBOS=20 option.

Note that OUTOBS= will also affect tables that are created by the CREATE TABLE statement.

Launch and run the program. Then check the query result to make sure the records have been processed as expected. Note that you have to be cautious with this simpler form. For instance, if you move Employee_annual_salary out of the WHEN conditions in the program of Example7, SAS will report an error and not execute!

32.3 - Using the WHERE Clause

32.3 - Using the WHERE Clause

As you know, the WHERE statement or option in the DATA step or other procedures is very useful in selecting observations from a data set based on some criteria. In PROC SQL, the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement can also be used to subset data based on specified conditions. Any valid SAS expression can be put inside the WHERE clause, including functions, comparison or logical operators, and even some special operators. Making good use of it can increase programming efficiency and save computing resources greatly. As always, we will work through this subject with examples.

Example 32.9

The following example uses the WHERE clause to select employees who work at a police department and have the job title of sergeant:

	select Name,
	from stat482.salary
	where Department='POLICE' AND Position_title='SERGEANT';

Name Department Employee Annual Salary

To run this program, please download the SAS data set salary.sas7bdat and save it to your computer.

Reading through the program, you must have known that it selects the name, department, and annual salary information from salary data for police sergeants. Note that the columns in the WHERE clause do not have to be specified in the SELECT clause, (such as Position title), which is used in the WHERE clause but not in the SELECT clause. However, for the sake of the results checking, I would suggest keeping these columns in the query until verified.

Launch and run the SAS program, and review the output to convince yourself that the records have been selected as described.

We saw two types of operators used in the above program, the comparison (=) and the logical (and). Besides these common ones, another type that could be very useful in your programming is called a conditional operator. You may know some of them already, like IN, CONTAINS, and MISSING. You can find the complete list of operators in the SAS documentation. Next, let’s look at a couple of examples of this using BETWEEN AND and LIKE.

BETWEEN value-1 AND value-2

Both value-1 and value-2 are end values. So you can use the BETWEEN AND operator to specify a range of values, such as from one date to another, or from lower limit to upper limit. The smaller value does not have to be the first.

Example 32.10

The following program uses the operator, BETWEEN AND, to select observations from salary data whose annual salary is between \65,000 and \70,000, and also works in the Fire department:

	select Name,
		Employee_annual_salary label='Salary' format=DOLLAR12.2
	from stat482.salary
	where  Employee_annual_salary between 65000 and 70000
		and Department='FIRE';

Name Department Salary
KELLY FIRE $65,946.00
KOCHANEY FIRE $65,946.00

Launch and run the SAS program, and review the query output to convince yourself that the SAS yield the result as expected.

Column LIKE ‘pattern’

With the LIKE operator, you have to specify a column name and the pattern to be matched. Regarding the pattern, first, it is case-sensitive and has to be enclosed in quotation marks; secondly, it may contain a special character, either an underscore(_) and/or a percent sign(%). The underscore character stands for any single character and the percent sign for any sequence of zero or more characters. For example, assume that you are working with a table containing these values for a column.

  • Cathy
  • Kathy
  • Kathie
  • Katherine

Now using different patterns, the selection results are different:

Patterns  Results
Kath_ Kathy
Kath__ Kathie
Kath% Kathy, Kathie, Katherine
_ath% All of the names above

Example 32.11

The following program shows the use of the LIKE operator in a WHERE clause to select name, department, position title and annual salary information for people whose name starts with R and the third letter is B:

	select Name,
		Employee_annual_salary label='Salary' format=DOLLAR12.2
	from stat482.salary
	where  Name like 'R_B%';

Name Department Position Title Salary

Launch and run the SAS program, and review the query output to convince yourself that the SAS behaves as described.

Another point worthy of being made here is the CALCULATED keywords. In the last section, you learned that we can perform calculations in the SELECT statement and assign an alias to that new column. However, because SAS processes the WHERE clause prior to the SELECT clause, you will run into a problem if the calculated column is used in a WHERE clause as a condition. Therefore, the keyword CALCULATED has to be inserted into the WHERE clause along with the alias to inform SAS that the value is calculated within the query. This point will be illustrated by the following programs.

Example 32.12

The following program attempts to calculate the bonus for every employee, then select ones who have more than $2,000 as a bonus:

	select Name,
		Employee_annual_salary label='Salary' format=DOLLAR12.2,
		Employee_annual_salary * 0.02 as Bonus
	from stat482.salary
	where  Bonus >2000 ;

Launch and run the SAS program. You may want to see what’s going wrong yourself. In the log window, SAS delivered an error message that the column Bonus cannot be found.

ERROR: The Following columns were not found in the contributing tables: Bonus.

That’s because SAS processes the WHERE clause before the SELECT clause. To make it right, add CALCULATED in the WHERE clause as shown below.

	select Name,
		Employee_annual_salary label='Salary' format=DOLLAR12.2,
		Employee_annual_salary * 0.02 as Bonus format=DOLLAR10.2
	from stat482.salary
	where  CALCULATED Bonus >2000 ;

Name Department Salary Bonus
PENDARVIS POLICE $103,590.00 $2,071.80
SAWYER CITY COUNCIL $117,333.00 $2,346.66
ODUM POLICE $106,920.00 $2,138.40
PLANTZ GENERAL SERVICES $102,060.00 $2,041.20
FORD FIRE $100,440.00 $2,008.80
DANIELS POLICE $106,920.00 $2,138.40
MALONEY FIRE $127,566.00 $2,551.32
NIEGO FIRE $143,682.00 $2,873.64
PRICE FIRE $103,590.00 $2,071.80
TATE JR POLICE $103,590.00 $2,071.80
JIMENEZ PROCUREMENT $113,448.00 $2,268.96
CEBALLOS WATER MGMNT $113,448.00 $2,268.96
FERMAN FIRE $131,466.00 $2,629.32
SHUM TRANSPORTN $104,736.00 $2,094.72
FUNK FIRE $101,688.00 $2,033.76
WRZESINSKI FIRE $105,918.00 $2,118.36
GOLDSMITH POLICE $110,370.00 $2,207.40
FRANKO POLICE $106,920.00 $2,138.40
RADDATZ POLICE $110,370.00 $2,207.40
MC NABB FIRE $105,918.00 $2,118.36
FLEMING POLICE $100,440.00 $2,008.80
CASEY POLICE $110,370.00 $2,207.40
MACELLAIO JR WATER MGMNT $101,920.00 $2,038.40
DARLING LAW $149,160.00 $2,983.20
NASH FINANCE $103,740.00 $2,074.80
MC COY POLICE $110,370.00 $2,207.40
HOLDER WATER MGMNT $108,534.40 $2,170.69
TAYLOR FIRE $108,462.00 $2,169.24
PERFETTI POLICE $112,068.00 $2,241.36
JACOBS POLICE $106,920.00 $2,138.40
HENRY AVIATION $108,534.40 $2,170.69
IRELAND FIRE $113,400.00 $2,268.00

Now it’s working! Make the same change to your program. Check the output to make sure that SAS processes the data properly.

An alternative to using the keyword CALCULATED is to repeat the calculation expression in the WHERE clause. In the preceding program, the WHERE clause can be rewritten as:

where Employee_annual_salary *0.02 >2000;

But note that this is not an efficient way to do this because SAS has to do the calculation twice.

32.4 - Sorting Data

32.4 - Sorting Data

The SELECT and FROM clauses are indispensable in the SELECT statement. Other clauses may be optional but very useful when querying a table. The last section introduced the WHERE clause and how to use it to select rows conditionally. From previous examples, you may have noticed that the order of observations might remain the same as they were in the original data set. If, however, you want to specify the order of data, you will need the ORDER BY clause to sort the data as you want.

Example 32.13

The following SAS program uses the ORDER BY in SELECT statement inside PROC SQL to sort the data in the file survey.sas7bdat by the values of gender and GPA:

	select ID,
	from stat482.survey
	where SATV is not null and GPA>3
	order by Gender, GPA ;

1219 Female 3.01 630 590
1039 Female 3.02 560 560
1125 Female 3.08 470 510
1203 Female 3.1 500 610
1139 Female 3.1 530 600
1068 Female 3.1 550 610
1116 Female 3.1 560 550
1072 Female 3.1 570 570
1138 Female 3.12 560 580
1120 Female 3.16 680 670
1102 Female 3.2 620 630
1142 Female 3.2 720 500
1020 Female 3.2 600 630
1201 Female 3.21 760 660
1089 Female 3.25 500 600
1133 Female 3.27 450 550
1144 Female 3.27 640 600
1163 Female 3.3 600 590
1038 Female 3.3 680 650
1069 Female 3.3 600 490
1033 Female 3.3 650 600
1115 Female 3.3 580 620
1057 Female 3.3 600 600
1037 Female 3.3 500 400
1109 Female 3.31 500 490
1215 Female 3.33 650 630
1078 Female 3.33 570 490
1060 Female 3.36 540 550
1030 Female 3.36 450 450
1129 Female 3.4 500 540
1100 Female 3.4 490 520
1196 Female 3.41 480 560
1046 Female 3.42 660 580
1165 Female 3.45 560 500
1148 Female 3.46 620 640
1082 Female 3.48 550 690
1096 Female 3.48 750 550
1168 Female 3.5 650 560
1091 Female 3.5 800 650
1018 Female 3.5 600 750
1181 Female 3.5 600 550
1123 Female 3.51 560 530
1177 Female 3.53 520 500
1063 Female 3.53 560 590
1015 Female 3.55 400 600
1058 Female 3.55 585 590
1160 Female 3.57 700 700
1159 Female 3.59 640 440
1202 Female 3.6 460 540
1004 Female 3.6 710 560
1086 Female 3.6 540 570
1035 Female 3.61 500 550
1187 Female 3.62 780 660
1149 Female 3.63 640 700
1110 Female 3.63 700 600
1011 Female 3.67 690 690
1044 Female 3.7 570 560
1145 Female 3.7 500 450
1207 Female 3.7 640 670
1052 Female 3.7 600 620
1218 Female 3.71 540 560
1174 Female 3.74 680 600
1118 Female 3.74 650 700
1031 Female 3.75 640 620
1073 Female 3.76 600 550
1005 Female 3.76 600 520
1055 Female 3.76 760 600
1204 Female 3.77 650 630
1199 Female 3.77 620 640
1134 Female 3.78 650 600
1208 Female 3.78 550 400
1010 Female 3.8 580 540
1197 Female 3.8 600 700
1205 Female 3.8 550 550
1077 Female 3.81 560 610
1105 Female 3.81 510 680
1179 Female 3.83 660 660
1023 Female 3.88 670 680
1094 Female 3.89 640 710
1067 Female 3.9 640 560
1065 Female 3.9 575 600
1081 Female 3.94 620 600
1014 Female 4 700 700
1075 Female 4 650 550
1214 Female 4 590 500
1157 Male 3.02 400 400
1047 Male 3.02 700 570
1084 Male 3.03 690 690
1140 Male 3.04 540 600
1152 Male 3.05 600 500
1130 Male 3.06 660 620
1151 Male 3.08 590 590
1053 Male 3.08 420 490
1097 Male 3.1 640 430
1137 Male 3.1 580 640
1090 Male 3.12 560 330
1185 Male 3.13 600 600
1101 Male 3.13 570 490
1209 Male 3.14 580 580
1041 Male 3.16 620 760
1220 Male 3.19 480 480
1153 Male 3.2 550 630
1071 Male 3.2 650 660
1119 Male 3.2 640 630
1045 Male 3.2 680 710
1217 Male 3.21 620 400
1200 Male 3.21 650 590
1222 Male 3.24 510 680
1175 Male 3.3 640 600
1170 Male 3.3 610 590
1016 Male 3.3 640 600
1095 Male 3.33 690 650
1212 Male 3.35 570 480
1098 Male 3.36 540 520
1027 Male 3.36 550 600
1017 Male 3.38 720 580
1087 Male 3.4 580 570
1161 Male 3.4 600 630
1036 Male 3.42 530 760
1221 Male 3.42 590 610
1194 Male 3.46 640 600
1009 Male 3.48 690 620
1029 Male 3.5 680 680
1048 Male 3.51 650 590
1024 Male 3.51 600 730
1034 Male 3.53 670 630
1206 Male 3.53 620 630
1111 Male 3.54 540 570
1150 Male 3.55 630 650
1106 Male 3.57 620 500
1042 Male 3.66 640 640
1169 Male 3.67 650 670
1019 Male 3.7 600 720
1080 Male 3.72 660 660
1079 Male 3.72 700 640
1059 Male 3.72 800 750
1173 Male 3.73 580 590
1166 Male 3.74 700 520
1070 Male 3.76 600 610
1062 Male 3.76 670 670
1226 Male 3.78 630 520
1162 Male 3.83 710 710
1006 Male 3.86 610 720
1180 Male 3.86 720 500
1172 Male 3.87 780 580
1122 Male 3.88 670 510
1131 Male 3.92 730 800
1007 Male 3.94 710 670
1028 Male 4 610 600

Download survey data to your own computer and change the directory if needed to reflect the local directory where you saved the file. Then launch and run the SAS program, and review the output to convince yourself that the query result is in order first by gender and then by GPA.

Several things need to be pointed out regarding the above program:

  1. You can use one or more columns in ORDER BY to sort the data. A comma is used to separate multiple column names. In this example, two columns have been used, Gender and GPA. So the data will be sorted by Gender first, then by GPA in order.
  2. By default, the values of column(s) will be sorted ascendingly. For example, there are two values in Gender, Female, and Male. In the query result, Female records are listed first, then male ones because SAS sorted them by the first letter in alphabetical order. As to GPA order, since it’s numeric, SAS sorted observations by number values of GPA inside each gender group.
  3. The WHERE clause is used to select observations that her/his SAT verbal score is not missing and GPA greater than 3. “is not null” and “is not missing” are interchangeable to indicate no missing values included.

As in PROC SORT, if you want to change the default ascending order into descending order, you just need to specify DESC following the column name.

Example 32.14

The following SAS program sorts the data survey.sas7bdat by the values of gender in descending order and then by GPA ascendingly:

	select ID,
	from stat482.survey
	where SATV is not null and GPA>3
	order by Gender desc, 3 ;

1047 Male 3.02 700 570
1157 Male 3.02 400 400
1084 Male 3.03 690 690
1140 Male 3.04 540 600
1152 Male 3.05 600 500
1130 Male 3.06 660 620
1053 Male 3.08 420 490
1151 Male 3.08 590 590
1137 Male 3.1 580 640
1097 Male 3.1 640 430
1090 Male 3.12 560 330
1185 Male 3.13 600 600
1101 Male 3.13 570 490
1209 Male 3.14 580 580
1041 Male 3.16 620 760
1220 Male 3.19 480 480
1045 Male 3.2 680 710
1071 Male 3.2 650 660
1119 Male 3.2 640 630
1153 Male 3.2 550 630
1200 Male 3.21 650 590
1217 Male 3.21 620 400
1222 Male 3.24 510 680
1175 Male 3.3 640 600
1016 Male 3.3 640 600
1170 Male 3.3 610 590
1095 Male 3.33 690 650
1212 Male 3.35 570 480
1098 Male 3.36 540 520
1027 Male 3.36 550 600
1017 Male 3.38 720 580
1161 Male 3.4 600 630
1087 Male 3.4 580 570
1221 Male 3.42 590 610
1036 Male 3.42 530 760
1194 Male 3.46 640 600
1009 Male 3.48 690 620
1029 Male 3.5 680 680
1048 Male 3.51 650 590
1024 Male 3.51 600 730
1034 Male 3.53 670 630
1206 Male 3.53 620 630
1111 Male 3.54 540 570
1150 Male 3.55 630 650
1106 Male 3.57 620 500
1042 Male 3.66 640 640
1169 Male 3.67 650 670
1019 Male 3.7 600 720
1080 Male 3.72 660 660
1079 Male 3.72 700 640
1059 Male 3.72 800 750
1173 Male 3.73 580 590
1166 Male 3.74 700 520
1070 Male 3.76 600 610
1062 Male 3.76 670 670
1226 Male 3.78 630 520
1162 Male 3.83 710 710
1180 Male 3.86 720 500
1006 Male 3.86 610 720
1172 Male 3.87 780 580
1122 Male 3.88 670 510
1131 Male 3.92 730 800
1007 Male 3.94 710 670
1028 Male 4 610 600
1219 Female 3.01 630 590
1039 Female 3.02 560 560
1125 Female 3.08 470 510
1072 Female 3.1 570 570
1139 Female 3.1 530 600
1068 Female 3.1 550 610
1116 Female 3.1 560 550
1203 Female 3.1 500 610
1138 Female 3.12 560 580
1120 Female 3.16 680 670
1020 Female 3.2 600 630
1142 Female 3.2 720 500
1102 Female 3.2 620 630
1201 Female 3.21 760 660
1089 Female 3.25 500 600
1144 Female 3.27 640 600
1133 Female 3.27 450 550
1163 Female 3.3 600 590
1038 Female 3.3 680 650
1037 Female 3.3 500 400
1069 Female 3.3 600 490
1033 Female 3.3 650 600
1057 Female 3.3 600 600
1115 Female 3.3 580 620
1109 Female 3.31 500 490
1078 Female 3.33 570 490
1215 Female 3.33 650 630
1060 Female 3.36 540 550
1030 Female 3.36 450 450
1129 Female 3.4 500 540
1100 Female 3.4 490 520
1196 Female 3.41 480 560
1046 Female 3.42 660 580
1165 Female 3.45 560 500
1148 Female 3.46 620 640
1082 Female 3.48 550 690
1096 Female 3.48 750 550
1181 Female 3.5 600 550
1168 Female 3.5 650 560
1018 Female 3.5 600 750
1091 Female 3.5 800 650
1123 Female 3.51 560 530
1177 Female 3.53 520 500
1063 Female 3.53 560 590
1058 Female 3.55 585 590
1015 Female 3.55 400 600
1160 Female 3.57 700 700
1159 Female 3.59 640 440
1086 Female 3.6 540 570
1004 Female 3.6 710 560
1202 Female 3.6 460 540
1035 Female 3.61 500 550
1187 Female 3.62 780 660
1149 Female 3.63 640 700
1110 Female 3.63 700 600
1011 Female 3.67 690 690
1044 Female 3.7 570 560
1145 Female 3.7 500 450
1052 Female 3.7 600 620
1207 Female 3.7 640 670
1218 Female 3.71 540 560
1174 Female 3.74 680 600
1118 Female 3.74 650 700
1031 Female 3.75 640 620
1073 Female 3.76 600 550
1055 Female 3.76 760 600
1005 Female 3.76 600 520
1204 Female 3.77 650 630
1199 Female 3.77 620 640
1134 Female 3.78 650 600
1208 Female 3.78 550 400
1010 Female 3.8 580 540
1205 Female 3.8 550 550
1197 Female 3.8 600 700
1077 Female 3.81 560 610
1105 Female 3.81 510 680
1179 Female 3.83 660 660
1023 Female 3.88 670 680
1094 Female 3.89 640 710
1067 Female 3.9 640 560
1065 Female 3.9 575 600
1081 Female 3.94 620 600
1075 Female 4 650 550
1014 Female 4 700 700
1214 Female 4 590 500

There are only two places that are different from the program in the previous example. DESC has been added after Gender to tell SAS to sort the data descending. Another way to refer to the column rather than its name is its location in the SELECT clause. GPA is listed as the third one so we can use 3 to specify GPA.

Launch and run the SAS program, and then review the output to convince yourself that the output from this query is in descending order of Gender and in ascending order of GPA.

Up until now, you might think that ORDER BY can perform the same as PROC SORT. Actually, it can do more than that. Let’s find out with the next example.

Example 32.15

The following program sorts the survey data first by gender in descending order as before, then by mean values of SAT math and verbal scores in ascending order:

	select *
	from stat482.survey
	where SATV is not null and GPA>3
	order by Gender desc, MEAN(SATM,SATV) ;

id Gender GPA SmokeCigarettes SATM SATV
1157 Male 3.02 No 400 400
1090 Male 3.12 No 560 330
1053 Male 3.08 No 420 490
1220 Male 3.19 No 480 480
1217 Male 3.21 No 620 400
1212 Male 3.35 No 570 480
1101 Male 3.13 No 570 490
1098 Male 3.36 No 540 520
1097 Male 3.1 No 640 430
1152 Male 3.05 No 600 500
1111 Male 3.54 No 540 570
1106 Male 3.57 No 620 500
1140 Male 3.04 Yes 540 600
1226 Male 3.78 No 630 520
1087 Male 3.4 No 580 570
1027 Male 3.36 No 550 600
1209 Male 3.14 No 580 580
1173 Male 3.73 No 580 590
1122 Male 3.88 No 670 510
1153 Male 3.2 No 550 630
1151 Male 3.08 No 590 590
1222 Male 3.24 No 510 680
1185 Male 3.13 No 600 600
1221 Male 3.42 Yes 590 610
1170 Male 3.3 No 610 590
1070 Male 3.76 No 600 610
1028 Male 4 No 610 600
1137 Male 3.1 No 580 640
1166 Male 3.74 No 700 520
1180 Male 3.86 No 720 500
1161 Male 3.4 No 600 630
1175 Male 3.3 Yes 640 600
1016 Male 3.3 No 640 600
1194 Male 3.46 No 640 600
1048 Male 3.51 No 650 590
1200 Male 3.21 No 650 590
1206 Male 3.53 No 620 630
1119 Male 3.2 No 640 630
1047 Male 3.02 No 700 570
1150 Male 3.55 No 630 650
1042 Male 3.66 No 640 640
1130 Male 3.06 No 660 620
1036 Male 3.42 No 530 760
1034 Male 3.53 No 670 630
1017 Male 3.38 No 720 580
1071 Male 3.2 No 650 660
1009 Male 3.48 No 690 620
1080 Male 3.72 No 660 660
1169 Male 3.67 No 650 670
1019 Male 3.7 No 600 720
1006 Male 3.86 No 610 720
1024 Male 3.51 No 600 730
1079 Male 3.72 No 700 640
1062 Male 3.76 No 670 670
1095 Male 3.33 No 690 650
1172 Male 3.87 Yes 780 580
1029 Male 3.5 No 680 680
1041 Male 3.16 No 620 760
1007 Male 3.94 No 710 670
1084 Male 3.03 No 690 690
1045 Male 3.2 No 680 710
1162 Male 3.83 No 710 710
1131 Male 3.92 No 730 800
1059 Male 3.72 No 800 750
1037 Female 3.3 No 500 400
1030 Female 3.36 No 450 450
1145 Female 3.7 No 500 450
1208 Female 3.78 No 550 400
1125 Female 3.08 No 470 510
1109 Female 3.31 No 500 490
1133 Female 3.27 No 450 550
1015 Female 3.55 No 400 600
1202 Female 3.6 No 460 540
1100 Female 3.4 No 490 520
1177 Female 3.53 No 520 500
1196 Female 3.41 No 480 560
1129 Female 3.4 No 500 540
1035 Female 3.61 No 500 550
1078 Female 3.33 No 570 490
1165 Female 3.45 No 560 500
1159 Female 3.59 No 640 440
1069 Female 3.3 No 600 490
1060 Female 3.36 No 540 550
1123 Female 3.51 No 560 530
1214 Female 4 No 590 500
1089 Female 3.25 Yes 500 600
1218 Female 3.71 No 540 560
1205 Female 3.8 No 550 550
1086 Female 3.6 No 540 570
1116 Female 3.1 No 560 550
1203 Female 3.1 No 500 610
1039 Female 3.02 No 560 560
1010 Female 3.8 No 580 540
1005 Female 3.76 No 600 520
1044 Female 3.7 No 570 560
1139 Female 3.1 No 530 600
1072 Female 3.1 No 570 570
1138 Female 3.12 No 560 580
1181 Female 3.5 No 600 550
1073 Female 3.76 No 600 550
1063 Female 3.53 No 560 590
1068 Female 3.1 No 550 610
1077 Female 3.81 No 560 610
1065 Female 3.9 No 575 600
1058 Female 3.55 No 585 590
1163 Female 3.3 No 600 590
1105 Female 3.81 No 510 680
1075 Female 4 No 650 550
1067 Female 3.9 No 640 560
1057 Female 3.3 No 600 600
1115 Female 3.3 No 580 620
1168 Female 3.5 No 650 560
1081 Female 3.94 No 620 600
1142 Female 3.2 No 720 500
1052 Female 3.7 No 600 620
1219 Female 3.01 No 630 590
1020 Female 3.2 No 600 630
1082 Female 3.48 No 550 690
1144 Female 3.27 No 640 600
1046 Female 3.42 No 660 580
1033 Female 3.3 No 650 600
1134 Female 3.78 No 650 600
1102 Female 3.2 No 620 630
1148 Female 3.46 No 620 640
1031 Female 3.75 No 640 620
1199 Female 3.77 No 620 640
1004 Female 3.6 No 710 560
1174 Female 3.74 No 680 600
1215 Female 3.33 No 650 630
1204 Female 3.77 No 650 630
1110 Female 3.63 No 700 600
1096 Female 3.48 No 750 550
1197 Female 3.8 No 600 700
1207 Female 3.7 No 640 670
1179 Female 3.83 No 660 660
1038 Female 3.3 No 680 650
1149 Female 3.63 No 640 700
1023 Female 3.88 No 670 680
1018 Female 3.5 No 600 750
1120 Female 3.16 No 680 670
1118 Female 3.74 No 650 700
1094 Female 3.89 No 640 710
1055 Female 3.76 No 760 600
1011 Female 3.67 Yes 690 690
1160 Female 3.57 No 700 700
1014 Female 4 No 700 700
1201 Female 3.21 Yes 760 660
1187 Female 3.62 No 780 660
1091 Female 3.5 No 800 650

Since all columns will be used in the query, * is used to specify all columns after SELECT. The WHERE clause remains the same. In the ORDER BY clause, besides Gender, one function is used to calculate the average scores of SATM and SATV, then uses the calculation results to sort the data inside each gender group. To get the same result, could you try other SAS steps and count how many of them will be needed?

Launch and run the SAS program, and review the output to convince yourself that the data has been sorted in the desired order.

One more thing, you may notice a note in the log window when running this program.

NOTE: The query as specified involves ordering by an item that doesn't appear in its SELECT clause.

That’s because MEAN(SATM, SATV) is not listed in the SELECT clause, only in the ORDER BY clause.

32.5 - Summarizing and Grouping Data

32.5 - Summarizing and Grouping Data

In previous sections, we use the SQL procedure to generate detailed reports. Sometimes, the summarized report is also necessary for us to explore data. To do that, we will need summary functions and/or the GROUP BY clause in PROC SQL.

Many summary functions that are used in other SAS steps can also work well in PROC SQL. Below is the table of summary functions you can request:

Summary function Description
AVG, MEAN mean or average of values
COUNT, FREQ, N number of non-missing values
CSS the corrected sum of squares
CV coefficient of variation(percent)
MAX largest value
MIN smallest value
NMISS number of missing values
PRT probability of a greater absolute value of the student's t
RANGE range of values
STD standard deviation
STDERR standard error of the mean
SUM sum of values
T student's t-value for testing the hypothesis
USS the uncorrected sum of squares
VAR variance

Note: some functions have multiple names. The first listed is the SQL name.

Next, we will work through examples to see how these functions perform calculations in PROC SQL. Along the way, the GROUP BY clause will be introduced and work with the functions.

In this section, the data from survey.sas7bdat will be used for all examples. First, make sure the file is downloaded to your computer and revise the libname as needed.

Example 32.16

The following program uses the AVG() function to calculate the mean scores of SAT math and verbal test:

	select avg(SATM) as average_Math,
		avg(SATV) as average_Verbal
	from stat482.survey;

average_Math average_Verbal
599.0046 580.3256

First launch and run the SAS program. When checking the output you will see two overall average scores have been calculated for SATM and SATV separately. There is only one observation in the output window.

Let’s review the function in the code. In this case, either MEAN() or AVG() can be used to calculate the average. Only one argument (column) is inside the function AVG(). So the statistic is calculated across all rows for one column.

AVG(STAM)—the overall average score of SATM

AVG(STAV)—the overall average score of SATV

arrows pointing down along the STAM and STAV average columns in the SAS tableview

Quite simple, right? Let’s add one more argument to the function. Can you guess how many observations will be in the output?

Example 32.17

In the following program, two columns are the arguments of the function MEAN():

	select mean(SATM, SATV) as average
	from stat482.survey;


We changed the program a little bit. Both SATM and SATV are put inside the function as arguments. Launch and run the SAS program. You will see there are 226 observations, which is the same as in the original survey data.

If you add more than one column as arguments of summary functions, SAS will perform the calculation across the columns for each row to generate the above output.

arrows pointing to the right across the SATM and SATV rows

In this case, the summary function is not performing aggregation anymore. SAS then looks for a like-named function in BASE SAS. If yes, the calculation will be performed for each row; if not, an error message will be output in the log window. You can try to change MEAN() to AVG() to see what will happen.

ERROR: Function AVG could not be located.

Example 32.18

The following program uses only one argument for MEAN(), but add one more column in the SELECT clause:

	select Gender,
		mean(SATM) as average_Math
	from stat482.survey;

Gender average_Math
Male 599.0046
Female 599.0046
Female 599.0046
Female 599.0046
Female 599.0046
Male 599.0046
Male 599.0046
Male 599.0046
Male 599.0046
Female 599.0046
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In the above program, the the SELECT statement changed again. This time, only one argument is for the MEAN() function to calculate the overall average score of SAT math grades. Outside the function, another column has been selected as well. What output will it produce?

Launch and run the SAS program. You may be surprised that the output contains 226 rows. Review the output you will see two things that have been done by the above code:

  1. It calculated the overall average math score for all students.
  2. It displayed all rows in the output because Gender is not an argument of MEAN() function.

Note that the overall average math score is just repeated for each row. You can find a message like the one below in the log window. When you submit such a program, SAS calculate the statistic first. Then merge it back with other columns. That’s how “remerging” happens.

NOTE: The query requires remerging summary statistics back with the original data

The above result is not what we wanted. Now, let’s see how to use the GROUP BY clause to make it reasonable.

Example 32.19

The following example calculates the average SAT math score for each gender group:

	select Gender,
				mean(SATM) as average_Math
	from stat482.survey
	group by Gender;

Gender average_Math
Female 589.5082
Male 611.3298

The above program seems identical to the program in the previous example except for one more clause: GROUP BY. Finally, we get it right and obtain the desired result: the average SAT math scores for female and male students. Of course, you can make further use of GROUP BY by adding multiple columns. Let’s find out with the next example.

Example 32.20

The following program uses both Gender and SmokeCigarettes in the GROUP BY clause to calculate the average SAT math scores:

	select Gender,
		mean(SATM) as average_Math
	from stat482.survey
	group by 1, 2;

Gender SmokeCigarettes average_Math
Female No 589.6552
Female Yes 586.6667
Male No 613.2353
Male Yes 593.3333

Launch and run the SAS program, then review the output. As you can see, the average math scores are calculated for each smoking group (Yes or No) inside each gender group (Female or Male).

Just one more thing about this program, the columns can also be referred to by their locations in the SELECT clause as in the WHERE clause. Here, 1 and 2 are used to refer to Gender and SmokeCigarettes.

Next, we will pay attention to one special summary function in SQL, which is COUNT(). You can use the COUN() function to count the non-missing values.

Example 32.21

The following example count the number of rows in survey data, the number of non-missing records for math and verbal test scores, and the distinct values of gender:

	select count(*) as No_obs,
		count(SATM) as No_Math_records,
		count(SATV) as No_Verbal_records,
		count(distinct Gender) as Gender_group
	from stat482.survey;

No_obs No_Math_records No_Verbal_records Gender_group
226 216 215 2

The above code reveals three different common ways of using the COUNT() function.

  1. Count(*) is to count total number of rows in a table. COUNT() is the only function that allows you to use * as an argument.
  2. Count(column) is to count the number of non-missing values in a column. In the program, we count the number of non-missing values for math and verbal scores.
  3. Count(distinct column) is to count the total number of unique values in a column. In the above example, we count the number of gender categories.

Launch and run the SAS program, then review the output. With knowledge of some of the missing values inside the table, we are not surprised to see the first three numbers unmatched. The total number of rows in survey data is 226. The total numbers of non-missing values of math and verbal scores are 216 and 215, separately. Both numbers are less than 226, which means there are missing values in each column, and SATV has one more value missing. There are only two categories in Gender, Male and Female. So the last count is 2.

32.6 - Using the HAVING Clause

32.6 - Using the HAVING Clause

Previously we learned how to use the GROUP BY clause to group and summarize data. Sometimes, we want to select certain groups from the result. That’s when the HAVING clause comes into play.

In this section, we are going to use the salary.sas7bdat data for all examples. Download this SAS data file onto your own computer and change the libname to be the directory where you save the data.

Example 32.22

The following program calculates the average salary for each department, then select three departments as needed in the query output:

	select Department,
			avg(Employee_annual_salary) as Avg_salary format=DOLLAR12.2
	from stat482.salary
	group by Department
	having Department in ('LAW','FINANCE','FIRE')
	order by Avg_salary;

Department Avg_salary
LAW $71,082.20
FINANCE $82,184.00
FIRE $90,742.33

Let’s review the program first. The code selects the column Department and uses the summary function AVG() to compute the average salaries. Since the GROUP BY clause also is also present in the SELECT statement, the averages are for each department. The user is only interested in three departments, Law, Finance and Fire. So we use the HAVING clause to select only these three to be output. Finally, we ask SAS to sort the data by average salaries. This program contains every clause we have learned so far except the WHERE clause, which we will address later.

Launch and run the SAS program and review the output to make sure you understand the output.

You may wonder if WHERE can do the same thing as HAVING does in the above program. You can try replacing Having with WHERE clause as following. You will get identical output as before.

		select Department,
				   avg(Employee_annual_salary) as Avg_salary format=DOLLAR12.2
		from stat482.salary
		where Department in ('LAW','FINANCE','FIRE')
		group by Department
		order by Avg_salary;

However, let’s not assume that WHERE and HAVING are the same based on this. There are some big differences between them. Generally speaking, HAVING has control on grouped data during output; WHERE controls input data row by row. Let’s see more examples about these two commands.

Example 32.23

The following program calculates the average salary for each department and choose ones having more than $70,000:

select Department,
		avg(Employee_annual_salary) as Avg_salary format=DOLLAR12.2
    from stat482.salary
    group by Department
  	having Avg_salary > 70000
  	order by Avg_salary;

Department Avg_salary
LAW $71,082.20
HEALTH $75,066.86
TRANSPORTN $79,438.18
POLICE $81,850.26
FINANCE $82,184.00
WATER MGMNT $84,780.42
PROCUREMENT $89,236.00
DoIT $90,252.00
FIRE $90,742.33
ADMIN HEARNG $91,980.00
BUILDINGS $94,793.01

Only a small change has been made to this program. The condition in the HAVING clause changed the department average salary more than $70,000. So, the expression used in the HAVING statement is a summary function. And, the data is sorted by average values.

Launch and run the SAS program and review the output. As we expect, all departments having more than $70,000 average salary are listed as the query result.

Next, let’s try using WHERE to perform the same task.

	select Department,
    	avg(Employee_annual_salary) as Avg_salary format=DOLLAR12.2
	from stat482.salary
	where calculated Avg_salary > 70000
	group by Department
	order by Avg_salary;

You must remember that to use the computed result in the WHERE clause, the keyword “CALCULATED” should be inserted. Oops! SAS gives us an error message like this:

ERROR: Summary functions are restricted to the SELECT and HAVING clauses only.

This example illustrates a big difference between HAVING and WHERE. The summary functions can be used in a HAVING clause but not in a WHERE clause, because HAVING works on grouped data, but WHERE evaluates existing or calculated data row by row.

Based on our current experiences with these two clauses, you might prefer to use HAVING since it can be used for both situations. However, don’t rush to this conclusion either. You will find out more in the next example.

Example 32.24

The following two SAS program are similar. The only difference is that the first program uses a WHERE clause and the second program uses a HAVING clause. They try to accomplish the same task: count how many employees at each position inside Police Department:

	select Position_Title,
		count(*) as Employees
	from stat482.salary
	where Department='POLICE'
	group by Position_Title;

	select Position_Title,
		count(*) as Employees
	from stat482.salary
	group by Position_Title
	having Department='POLICE';

Position Title Employees

Position Title Employees

Now, Launch and run both programs. The output on the top is from the program using WHERE clause; the output on the bottom is the partial output from the program using HAVING clause.

You might be surprised to see how different these two results are. One would expect a result like the output on the top. But the output on the bottom has so many more rows, and even some numbers do not match! Let’s review the code to understand what happened. There are two columns in the SELECT clause, Position_Title and a summary function, count(*), which counts total number of rows for each position group since we specify Position_Title in the GROUP BY clause. Unlike the programs in the previous example, the expression used inside WHERE and HAVING references another column, Department, which is not in the SELECT clause. Therefore, SAS handles them differently in the two programs.

The first program uses the WHERE clause. Since SAS processes the WHERE clause before SELECT and on a row-by-row basis, the records from Police department are selected from the data first. Then SAS counts the number of employees under each position title inside the department. For example, there is only one person who is a “CLINICAL THERAPIST III” in the Police Department. So the count is 1. We obtained the desired output.

On the other hand, the second program uses the HAVING clause. It is equivalent to the following program but without Department column in the output:

select Position Title,
    count(*) as employees
from stat482.salary
group by Position_Title
having Department='POLICE';

In this program, SAS counts employee numbers on each position across all departments because of GROUP BY clause. For example, there is each one person titled “CLINICAL THERAPIST III” in POLICE department and HEALTH department. So the total count on this position is 2. Since there is an extra column in SELECT clause besides the summary function and a GROUP BY column, all rows are in the output with counts on each job position. For instance, under position title “CLINICAL THERAPIST III”, both records have 2 as value of “Employees”. At last, SAS evaluates the condition (Department=POLICE) in HAVING clause to select rows for the output. That’s why you see Employees=2 for position title “CLINICAL THERAPIST III” in the output from the second query.

We have seen two examples that show the differences between HAVING and WHERE so far. Since SAS handles them so differently, when it comes to WHERE or HAVING, pick one that fits your needs the best.

Last but not the least, let’s check out one more cool feature of HAVING clause.

Example 32.25

The following program selects the departments whose average salary is lower than the overall salary level:

	select Department,
		avg(Employee_annual_salary) as Avg_salary format=DOLLAR12.2
	from stat482.salary
	group by Department
	having Avg_salary < (select avg(Employee_annual_salary) from stat482.salary)
	order by Avg_salary;

Department Avg_salary
OEMC $49,116.80
FAMILY & SUPPORT $53,642.00
CITY COUNCIL $66,983.00
AVIATION $67,704.48
STREETS & SAN $68,625.08
LAW $71,082.20
HEALTH $75,066.86

Going through this program, you may not find anything unusual until HAVING clause. Inside the clause it’s not a standard expression as before, but a query:

(select avg(Employee_annual_salary) from stat482.salary)

Such kind of query is called subquery, inner query or nested query. You can use this query-expression in a HAVING or WHERE clause. The subquery used in this example is to calculate the overall average salary. The result is compared with average salaries of each department. Then SAS evaluates the condition “Less than” in HAVING clause to select departments who have less average salaries to output.

Launch and run the SAS program, and review the query result. Convince yourself that the departments’ information has been selected as described.

32.7 - Querying Multiple Tables

32.7 - Querying Multiple Tables

So far, all the examples in this lesson are querying a single table. However, as a matter of fact, you can specify multiple tables in the FROM clause. Querying more than one table at a time makes PROC SQL even more powerful in data manipulation.

The following examples use two tables:

Survey Data (survey.sas7bdat) contains:

ID, Gender, GPA, SmokeCigarrets, SATM, SATV

id Gender GPA SmokeCig SATM SATV
1001 Male 2.67 No 700 700
1002 Female 2.98 No 700 500
1003 Female 2.67 No 470 470
1004 Female 3.6 No 710 560
1005 Female 3.76 No 600 520
1006 Male 3.86 No 610 720
1007 Male 3.94 No 710 670
1008 Male 2.8 Yes 610 580
1009 Male 3.48 No 690 620

Survey2 Data (survey2.sas7bdat) contains:

ID, Seating, DiveInfluence, Height, Weight

id Seating DriverInfluen Height Weight
1001 Middle No 68 190
1002 Middle No 54 110
1003 Middle No 65 225
1004 Middle No 52 135
1005 Back No 72 128
1006 Middle No 70 188
1007 Back No 70 155
1008 Middle Yes 68 160
1009 Front No 72 160

Download these two tables if you have not done so. Revise the libnameto reflect the directory where you save the files.

Example 32.26

The following program attempts to get demographic information about students from two separate tables, survey, and survey2:

	create table demo_info as
	select ID,
	from stat482.survey, stat482.survey2;

example of the data table output that would have displayed without the create table clause

Let’s review the code. In this SQL procedure, we used the CREATE TABLE clause to save and name the new table as demo_info. The subsequent SELECT clause chooses ID, gender, height, and weight columns from two tables. In FROM clause, two tables’ names are listed.

Launch and run the SAS program. You should expect no result in the output window because the CREATE TABLE clause suppresses output. On the other hand, check the log window and you will find the error message: “Ambiguous reference, column ID is in more than one table”.

ERROR: Ambiguous reference, column ID is in more than one table.

As you observed two tables, the ID is in both tables and contains the same information. If a column in the SELECT statement appears in multiple tables, the table it is chosen from has to be specified by adding the table’s name in front as this:


So to make it right, we revise the previous program a little bit: change ID to survey.ID, which means that we use ID from survey data. The other change is the tables’ names. You can give any table an alias with or without the keyword AS after its original name. In the following program, we use S1 for survey data and S2 to survey2 data. And as you can see, it’s okay to use one level alias even for a permanent file. This makes life easier! In this way, ID can be specified as S1.ID.

		create table demo_info as
		select s1.ID,
	from stat482.survey as s1, stat482.survey2 as s2;

Everything seems good. Now launch and run the SAS program. As before, there is no output because of the CREATE TABLE statement. Check the log file in which there are two notes that need your attention.

NOTE: The execution of this query involves performing one or more Cartesian product joins that can not be optimized.

NOTE: Table WORK.DEMO_INFO created, with 51076 rows and 4 columns.

The first is “ The execution of this query involves performing one or more Cartesian product joins that can not be optimized”. What is a Cartesian product? It refers to a query result in which each row in the first table is combined with every row in the second table. If you specify multiple tables in FROM clause but do not use a WHERE clause to choose needed rows, a Cartesian product is generated. For example,

If we submit the following program:

Select *
from table1, table2;

Table 1 has 3 rows; Table 2 has 3 rows as well. Their Cartesian product contains (3*3)9 rows.


name value1
x 1
y 2
z 3
\(\times \)


name value2
A 4
B 5
C 6


name value1 name value2
x 1 A 4
x 1 B 5
x 1 C 6
y 2 A 4
y 2 B 5
y 2 C 6
z 3 A 4
z 3 B 5
z 3 C 6

In the program for this example, there is no WHERE clause. So SAS generated a Cartesian product and gave you the note. Both Survey and Survey2 have 226 rows in the table. The query should have (226*226) = 51076 rows as the result. That’s why you got the other note, “Table Work.demo_info created, with 51076 rows and 4 columns.” Clearly, this can’t be correct. How do we get the desired result? Let’s make a final push.

Example 32.27

The following program selects the demographic information of students (ID, gender, height, and weight) from two tables, survey and survey2:

	create table demo_info as
	select s1.ID,
	from stat482.survey as s1, stat482.survey2 as s2
	where s1.ID = s2.ID;
	select *
	from demo_info;

id Gender Height Weight
1001 Male 67 190
1002 Female 54 110
1003 Female 65 225
1004 Female 52 135
1005 Female 72 128
1006 Male 70 188
1007 Male 70 155
1008 Male 68 160
1009 Male 72 160
1010 Female 52 117
1011 Female 64 120
1012 Female 65 130
1013 Female 65 120
1014 Female 67 125
1015 Female 62 129
1016 Male 70 165
1017 Male 68 165
1018 Female 68 125
1019 Male 65 180
1020 Female 68 160
1021 Male 65 135
1022 Male 73 168
1023 Female 65 130
1024 Male 72 170
1025 Female 63 110
1026 Female 63 155
1027 Male 68 155
1028 Male 73 160
1029 Male 69 155
1030 Female 54 120
1031 Female 70 132
1032 Male 62 200
1033 Female 64 155
1034 Male 70 170
1035 Female 65 155
1036 Male 72 175
1037 Female 63 130
1038 Female 67 123
1039 Female 64 125
1040 Female 68 140
1041 Male 75 215
1042 Male 68 185
1043 Female 63 130
1044 Female 61 210
1045 Male 68 145
1046 Female 65 120
1047 Male 74 165
1048 Male 74 182
1049 Male 70 175
1050 Male 68 170
1051 Female 65 135
1052 Female 69 150
1053 Male 75 184
1054 Male 73 230
1055 Female 68 120
1056 Male 69 165
1057 Female 53 150
1058 Female 67 143
1059 Male 72 175
1060 Female 56 130
1061 Male 69 195
1062 Male 72 165
1063 Female 66 135
1064 Male 72 200
1065 Female 63 113
1066 Female 69 125
1067 Female 67 150
1068 Female 68 132
1069 Female 68 140
1070 Male 68 155
1071 Male 70 180
1072 Female 64 133
1073 Female 64 125
1074 Female 64 150
1075 Female 63 112
1076 Female 62 130
1077 Female 66 125
1078 Female 64 180
1079 Male 70 150
1080 Male 69 145
1081 Female 68 150
1082 Female 71 174
1083 Female 63 114
1084 Male 74 140
1085 Male 72 200
1086 Female 63 145
1087 Male 71 168
1088 Male 57 240
1089 Female 60 140
1090 Male 64 150
1091 Female 63 105
1092 Male 68 147
1093 Female 62 115
1094 Female 64 115
1095 Male 76 190
1096 Female 67 180
1097 Male 69 132
1098 Male 67 155
1099 Female 65 135
1100 Female 64 120
1101 Male 58 210
1102 Female 66 175
1103 Female 75 125
1104 Male 71 184
1105 Female 78 135
1106 Male 68 165
1107 Female 68 135
1108 Female 64 105
1109 Female 67 150
1110 Female 65 124
1111 Male 70 200
1112 Female 65 130
1113 Female 68 160
1114 Female 59 190
1115 Female 63 120
1116 Female 68 142
1117 Female . .
1118 Female 62 130
1119 Male 73 180
1120 Female 68 155
1121 Female 63 190
1122 Male 69 138
1123 Female 66 120
1124 Male 73 180
1125 Female 59 100
1126 Male 72 160
1127 Female 69 145
1128 Female 56 129
1129 Female 59 110
1130 Male 72 180
1131 Male 66 145
1132 Male 75 267
1133 Female 61 120
1134 Female 66 135
1135 Male 72 195
1136 Female 84 115
1137 Male 69 200
1138 Female 72 137
1139 Female 62 125
1140 Male 70 165
1141 Male 73 175
1142 Female 65 110
1143 Male 72 180
1144 Female 65 140
1145 Female 67 155
1146 Female 64 160
1147 Male 71 165
1148 Female 62 117
1149 Female 67 128
1150 Male 73 195
1151 Male 75 190
1152 Male 67 122
1153 Male 69 160
1154 Male 69 133
1155 Female 98 160
1156 Male 75 190
1157 Male 81 290
1158 Male 70 150
1159 Female 67 150
1160 Female 68 170
1161 Male 74 180
1162 Male 68 136
1163 Female 69 135
1164 Female 67 165
1165 Female 64 130
1166 Male 74 173
1167 Male 66 140
1168 Female 67 157
1169 Male 71 165
1170 Male 72 160
1171 Female 62 145
1172 Male 70 175
1173 Male 70 135
1174 Female 68 145
1175 Male 71 155
1176 Male 68 175
1177 Female 71 125
1178 Male 78 210
1179 Female 62 114
1180 Male 73 155
1181 Female 67 105
1182 Female 68 140
1183 Female 66 150
1184 Male 73 180
1185 Male 72 165
1186 Female 66 189
1187 Female 61 115
1188 Female 66 115
1189 Female 68 120
1190 Female 106 170
1191 Female 58 170
1192 Female 73 118
1193 Female 64 126
1194 Male 71 175
1195 Male 68 170
1196 Female 64 128
1197 Female 63 130
1198 Female 67 125
1199 Female 68 140
1200 Male 68 155
1201 Female 67 175
1202 Female 62 105
1203 Female 67 160
1204 Female 65 105
1205 Female 65 130
1206 Male 69 135
1207 Female 63 112
1208 Female 72 115
1209 Male 72 190
1210 Male 70 165
1211 Male 72 170
1212 Male 75 230
1213 Male 72 157
1214 Female 64 98
1215 Female 65 150
1216 Female 65 200
1217 Male 71 154
1218 Female 62 135
1219 Female 60 115
1220 Male 69 215
1221 Male 69 160
1222 Male 67 170
1223 Male 71 155
1224 Male 60 170
1225 Female 75 148
1226 Male 69 151

Let’s check through the code. Only one more clause has been added to the query, WHERE. We use the WHERE clause to subset the whole Cartesian product by only selecting the rows with matched ID numbers. Note that the column names in the WHERE clause do not have to be the same. At last, to be able to check the table in person, another query is added to display the data in the output window.

Launch and run the SAS program, and review the log file and the output.

NOTE: Table WORK.DEMO_INFO creates, with 226 rows and 4 columns.

Finally, we got what we want. As you can see from the query result, it’s like combining two columns from each table horizontally. SAS also calls it join. In this particular case, since we only chose the matched rows, it’s also called the inner join. Such a type of join is very similar to Merge By in the DATA step but requires less computing resources and less coding. There are other types of join and data union (a vertical combination of rows) in PROC SQL which are beyond this lesson’s scope. If you are interested, you can explore them yourself with the foundation of this lesson!

32.8 - Summary

32.8 - Summary

In this lesson, we’ve learned the basics of PROC SQL and how to use each clause of the SELECT statement to generate a query.

The homework for this lesson will give you more practice with the SQL procedure so that you become even more familiar with how it works and can use it in your own SAS programming.

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