3.4 - Greenhouse Example in SAS

3.4 - Greenhouse Example in SAS


In this section, we will modify our previous program for the greenhouse example to run an ANOVA model. The two SAS procedures that are commonly used are: proc glm and proc mixed. Here we utilizeĀ proc mixed.

data greenhouse;
input fert $ Height;
Control      21
Control      19.5
Control      22.5
Control      21.5
Control      20.5
Control      21
F1      32
F1      30.5
F1      25
F1      27.5
F1      28
F1      28.6
F2      22.5
F2      26
F2      28
F2      27
F2      26.5
F2      25.2
F3      28
F3      27.5
F3      31
F3      29.5
F3      30
F3      29.2

Any lines enclosed between starting with "/*" & ending with "*/" will be ignored by SAS. 

/* Recall, how to print the data and obtain summary statistics. See section 3.3*/

/*To run the ANOVA model, use proc mixed procedure*/
proc mixed data=greenhouse method=type3 plots=all; 
class fert;
model height=fert;
store myresults; /*myresults is an user defined object that stores results*/
title 'ANOVA of Greenhouse Data';

/*To conduct the pairwise comparisons using Tukey adjustment*/ 
/*lsmeans statement below outputs the estimates means, 
performs the Tukey paired  comparisons, plots the data. */
/*Use proc plm procedure for post estimation analysis*/
proc plm restore=myresults; 
lsmeans fert / adjust=tukey plot=meanplot cl lines; 

/* Testing for contrasts of interest with Bonferroni adjustment*/
proc plm restore=myresults; 
lsmeans fert / adjust=tukey plot=meanplot cl lines; 
estimate 'Compare control + F3  with F1 and F2 ' fert 1 -1  -1 1, 
		 'Compare control + F2 with F1' fert 1 -2 1 0/ adjust=bon;

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