5: Multi-Factor ANOVA

5: Multi-Factor ANOVA


Introduction to Multi-factor ANOVA

Researchers often identify more than one experimental factor of interest. In this situation one option is to set up separate, independent experiments in which a single treatment (or factor) is used in each experiment. Then the data from each experiment can be analyzed using the one-way ANOVA methods we learned about in previous lessons.

This approach might appear to have the advantage of a concentrated focus on a single treatment as well as simplicity of computations. However, there are several disadvantages.

  • First, environmental factors or experimental material conditions may change during the process. This could distort the assessment of the relative importance of different treatments on the response variable.
  • Second, it is inefficient. Setting up and running multiple separate experiments usually will involve more work and resources.
  • Last, and probably the most important, this one-at-a-time approach does not allow the examination of how several treatments jointly impact the response.

ANOVA methodology can be extended to accommodate this multi-factor setting. Here is Dr. Rosenberger and Dr. Shumway talking about some of the things to look out for as you work your way through this lesson.

To put it into perspective, let’s take a look at the phrase ‘Experimental Design’, a term that you often hear. We are going to take this colloquial phrase and divide it into two formal components:

  1. The Treatment Design
  2. The Randomization Design

We will use the treatment design component to address the nature of the experimental factors under study and the randomization design component to address how treatments are assigned to experimental units. An experimental unit is defined to be that which receives a specific treatment level, or in a multi-factor setting, a specific treatment or factor combination. Note that the ANOVA model pertaining to a given study depends on both the treatment design and the randomization process.

The following figure illustrates the conceptual division between the treatment design and the randomization design. The terms that are in boldface type will be addressed in detail in this or future lessons.

Experimental Design

Treatment Design


How many factors are there?


How many levels of each factor are there?


If there is more than 1 factor, how are they related?

Crossed (Factorial): each level of factor occurs with all levels of other factors.

Nested: levels of a factor are unique to different levels of another factor.


Are factors fixed or random effects?


Are there continuous covariates? (Analysis of Covariance -ANCOVA)

Randomization Design


More in lessons 7, 8, 11, and 12!



Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

  1. Identify factorial, nested, and cross-nested treatment designs.
  2. Use main effects and interaction effects in factorial designs.
  3. Create nested designs and identify the nesting effects.
  4. Use statistical software to analyze data from different treatment designs via ANOVA and mean comparison procedures.

5.1 - Factorial or Crossed Treatment Design

5.1 - Factorial or Crossed Treatment Design

In multi-factor experiments, combinations of factor levels are applied to experimental units. To illustrate this idea consider again the single-factor greenhouse experiment discussed in previous lessons. Suppose there is suspicion that the different fertilizer types may be more effective for certain species of plant. To accommodate this, the experiment can be extended to a multi-factor study by including plant species as an additional factor along with fertilizer type. This will allow for assessment as to whether or not the optimal height growth is perhaps attainable by a unique combination of fertilizer type and plant species. A treatment design that enables analysis of treatment combinations is a factorial design. Within this design, responses are observed at each level of all combinations of the factors. In this setting the factors are said to be "crossed"; thus the design is also sometimes referred to as a crossed design.

A factorial design with \(t\) factors can be defined using the notation “\(l_1 \times l_2 \times ... \times l_t\)”, where \(l_i\) is the number of levels in the \(i^{th}\) factor for \(i=1,2,...,t\). For example, a factorial design with 2 factors, A and B, where A has 4 levels and B has 3 levels,  would be a \(4 \times 3\) factorial design.

One complete replication of a factorial design with \(t\) factors requires \(l_1 \times l_2 \times ... \times l_t\) experimental units and this quantity is called the replicate size. If \(r\) is the number of complete replicates, then the total number of observations \(N\) is equal to \(r \times (l_1 \times l_2 \times... \times l_t)\). It is easy to see that with the addition of more and more crossed factors, the replicate size will increase rapidly and design modifications may have to be made to make the experiment more manageable (discussed more in later lessons).

In a factorial experiment it is important to differentiate between the lone (or main) effects of a factor on the response and the combined effects of a group of factors on the response. The main effect of factor A is the effect of A on the response ignoring the effect of all other factors. The main effect of a given factor is equivalent to the factor effect associated with the single-factor experiment using only that particular factor. The combined effect of a specific combination of \(t\) different factors is called the interaction effect (more details later). Typically, the interaction effect of most interest is the two-way interaction effect between only two of the \(t\) possible factors. Two-way interactions are typically denoted by the product of the two letters assigned to the two factors. For example, in a factorial design with 3 factors A, B, C, the two-way interaction effects are denoted \(A\times B\), \(A\times C\), and \(B\times C\) (or just \(AB\), \(AC\), and \(BC\)). Likewise, the three-way interaction effect of these 3 factors is denoted by \(A\times B\times C\).

Let us now examine how the degrees of freedom (df) values of a single-factor ANOVA can be extended to the ANOVA of a two-factor factorial design. Note that the interaction effects are additional terms that need to be included in a multi-factor ANOVA, but the ANOVA rules studied in Lesson 2 for single-factor situations still apply for the main effect of each factor. If the two factors of the design are denoted by A and B with \(a\) and \(b\) as their number of levels respectively, then the df values of the two main effects are \((a-1)\) and \((b-1).\) The df value for the two-way interaction effect is \((a-1)(b-1)\), the product of df values for A and B. The ANOVA table below gives the layout of the df values for a \(2\times 2\) factorial design with 5 complete replications. Note that in this experiment, \(r\) equals 5, and \(N\) is equal to 20.

Source d.f.
Factor A (a - 1) = 1
Factor B (b - 1) = 1
Factor A × Factor B (a - 1)(b - 1) = 1
Error 19 - 3 = 16
Total \(N - 1 = (r a b) - 1 = 19\)


If in the single-factor model,


 \(\tau_i\) is effectively replaced with \(\alpha_i+\beta_j+(\alpha\beta)_{ij}\), then the resulting equation shown below will represent the model equation of a two-factor factorial design. 

\(Y_{ijk}=\mu+ \alpha_i+\beta_j+(\alpha\beta)_{ij} +\epsilon_{ijk}\)

where \( \alpha_i\) is the main effect of factor A, \(\beta_j\) is the main effect of factor B, and \((\alpha\beta)_{ij}\) is the interaction effect \((i=1,2,...a, j=1,2,...,b, k=1,2,...,r)\).

This reflects the following partitioning of treatment deviations from the grand mean:

\(\underbrace{\bar{Y}_{ij.}-\bar{Y}_{...}}_{\substack{\text{Deviation of estimated treatment mean} \\ \text{ around overall mean}}} = \underbrace{\bar{Y}_{i..}-\bar{Y}_{...}}_{\text{A main effect}} + \underbrace{\bar{Y}_{.j.}-\bar{Y}_{...}}_{\text{B main effect}} +\underbrace{\bar{Y}_{ij.}-\bar{Y}_{i..}-\bar{Y}_{.j.}+\bar{Y}_{...}}_{\text{AB interaction effect}}\)

The main effects for Factor A and Factor B are straightforward to interpret, but what exactly is an interaction effect? Delving in further, an interaction can be defined as the difference in the response to one factor at various levels of another factor. Notice that \((\alpha\beta)_{ij}\), the interaction term in the model, is multiplicative, and as a result may have a large impact on the response variable. Interactions go by different names in various fields. In medicine for example, physicians commonly ask about current medications before prescribing a new medication. They do this out of a concern for interaction effects of either interference (a canceling effect) or synergism (a compounding effect).

Graphically, in a two factor factorial design with each factor having 2 levels, the interaction can be represented by two non-parallel lines connecting means (adapted from Zar, H. Biostatistical Analysis, 5th Ed., 1999). This is because the interaction reflects the difference in response between the two different levels of one factor for both levels of the other factor. So, if there is no interaction, then this difference in response will be the same, which will result in two parallel lines graphically. Examples of several interaction plots can be seen below. Notice, parallel lines are a consistent feature in all settings with no interaction, whereas in plots depicting interaction, the lines do cross (or would cross if the lines kept going).


Graph 1
A 1 A 2 Y B 2 B 1

In graph 1 there is no effect of Factor A, a small effect of Factor B (and if there were no effect of Factor B the two lines would coincide), and no interaction between Factor A and Factor B.

Graph 2
A 1 A 2 Y B 2 B 1

Graph 2 shows a large effect of Factor A small effect of Factor B, and no interaction.

Graph 3
A 1 A 2 Y B 2 B 1

No effect of Factor A, larger effect of Factor B, and no interaction in graph 3.

Graph 4
A 1 A 2 Y B 2 B 1

In graph 4 there is a large effect of Factor A, a large effect of Factor B , and no interaction.

Graph 5
A 1 A 2 Y B 2 B 1

This is evidence of no effect of Factor A, no effect of Factor B but an interaction between A and B in graph 5.

Graph 6
A 1 A 2 Y B 2 B 1

Large effect of Factor A, no effect of Factor B with a slight interaction in graph 6.

Graph 7
A 1 A 2 Y B 2 B 1

No effect of Factor A, a large effect of Factor B, with a very large interaction in graph 7.

Graph 8
A 1 A 2 Y B 2 B 1

A small effect of Factor A, a large effect of Factor B with a large interaction in graph 8.

In the presence of multiple factors with their interactions multiple hypotheses can be tested. For a two-factor factorial design, those hypotheses are the following. 

Main effect of Factor A:

\(H_0 \colon \alpha_{1} =\alpha_{2}= \cdots =\alpha_{a} = 0\)
\(H_A \colon \text{ not all }\alpha_{i} \text{ are equal to zero}\)

Main effect of Factor B:

\(H_0 \colon \beta_{1} =\beta_{2}= \cdots =\beta_{b} = 0\)
\(H_A \colon \text{ not all }\beta_{j} \text{ are equal to zero}\)

A × B interaction effect:

\(H_0 \colon \text{ there is no interaction }\)
\(H_A \colon \text{ an interaction exists }\)

When testing these hypotheses, it is important to test for the significance of the interaction effect first. If the interaction is significant, the main effects are of no consequence - rather the differences among different factor level combinations should be looked into. The greenhouse example, extended to include a second (crossed) factor will illustrate the steps.

5.2 - Two-Factorial: Greenhouse Example

5.2 - Two-Factorial: Greenhouse Example

Let us return to the greenhouse example with plant species as a predictive factor in addition to fertilizer type. The study then becomes a \(2 \times 4\) factorial as 2 types of plant species and 4 types of fertilizers are investigated.  The total number of experimental units (plants) that are needed now is 48, as \(r=6\) and there are 8 plant species and fertilizer type combinations.

The data might look like this:


Fertilizer Treatment


































































The ANOVA table would now be constructed as follows:







(4 -1) = 3



(2 -1) = 1


Fertilizer × Species

(2 -1)(4 -1) = 3



47 - 7 = 40



N - 1 = 47


The data presented in the table above are in unstacked format. One needs to convert this into a stacked format when attempting to use statistical software. The SAS code is as follows.

data greenhouse_2way;
                input fert $ species $ height;
                control SppA      21.0
                control SppA      19.5
                control SppA      22.5
                control SppA      21.5
                control SppA      20.5
                control SppA      21.0
                control SppB      23.7
                control SppB      23.8
                control SppB      23.8
                control SppB      23.7
                control SppB      22.8
                control SppB      24.4
                f1      SppA      32.0
                f1      SppA      30.5
                f1      SppA      25.0
                f1      SppA      27.5
                f1      SppA      28.0
                f1      SppA      28.6
                f1      SppB      30.1
                f1      SppB      28.9
                f1      SppB      30.9
                f1      SppB      34.4
                f1      SppB      32.7
                f1      SppB      32.7
                f2      SppA      22.5
                f2      SppA      26.0
                f2      SppA      28.0
                f2      SppA      27.0
                f2      SppA      26.5
                f2      SppA      25.2
                f2      SppB      30.6
                f2      SppB      31.1
                f2      SppB      28.1
                f2      SppB      34.9
                f2      SppB      30.1
                f2      SppB      25.5
                f3      SppA      28.0
                f3      SppA      27.5
                f3      SppA      31.0
                f3      SppA      29.5
                f3      SppA      30.0
                f3      SppA      29.2
                f3      SppB      36.1
                f3      SppB      36.6
                f3      SppB      38.7
                f3      SppB      37.1
                f3      SppB      36.8
                f3      SppB      37.1
                /*The code to generate the boxplot 
                for distribution of height by species organized by fertilizer 
                in Figure 5.1*/
                proc sort data=greenhouse_2way; by fert species;
                proc boxplot data=greenhouse_2way;
                plot height*species (fert); 

As a preliminary step in Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), a side-by-side boxplot display of height vs. species organized by fertilizer type would be an ideal graphic. The plot below illustrates, the height differences between species are variable among fertilizer types; see for example the difference in height between SppA and SppB for Control is much less than that for F3. This indicates that fert*species could be a significant interaction prompting a factorial model with interaction.

Figure 5.1: Boxplot for distribution of height by species organized by fertilizer.
Box Plot for height Distribution of height by species SppA SppB SppA SppB SppA SppB SppA SppB species 15 20 25 30 35 40 height SppA SppB SppA SppB SppA SppB SppA SppB species 15 20 25 30 35 40 height control f1 f2 f3

To run the two-factor factorial model with interaction in SAS proc mixed, we can use:

/*Runs the two-factor factorial model with interaction*/
                proc mixed data=greenhouse_2way method=type3;
                class fert species;
                model height = fert species fert*species;
                store out2way;

Similar to when running the single factor ANOVA, the name of the dataset is specified in the proc mixed statement as well as the method=type3 option that specifies the way the F-test is calculated. The categorical factors fert and species are included in the class statement. The terms (or effects) in the model statement are consistent with the source effects in the layout of the "theoretical" ANOVA table illustrated in 5.1. Finally, the store command stores the elements necessary for the generation of the LS-means interval plot.

Recall the two ANOVA rules, applicable to any model: (1) the df values add up to total df and (2) the sums of squares add up to total sums of squares. As seen by the output below, the df values and sums of squares follow these rules. (It is easy to confirm that the total sum of squares = 1168.7325, by the 2nd ANOVA rule.)

Type 3 Analysis of Variance



Sum of Squares

Mean Square

Expected Mean Square

Error Term

Error DF

F Value

Pr > F


































*** RULE ***

In a model with the interaction effect, the interaction term should be interpreted first. If the interaction effect is significant, then do NOT interpret the main effects individually. Instead, compare the mean response differences among the different factor level combinations.

In general, a significant interaction effect indicates that the impact of the levels of Factor A on the response depends upon the level of Factor B and vice versa. In other words, in the presence of a significant interaction, a stand-alone main effect is of no consequence. In the case where an interaction is not significant, the interaction term can be dropped and a model without the interaction should be run. This model without the interaction is called the Additive Model and is discussed in the next section. 

Applying the above rule for this example, the small p-value of 0.0051 displayed in the table above indicates that the interaction effect is significant suggesting the main effects of either fert and species should not be considered individually. It is the average response differences among the fert and species combinations that matter. In order to determine the statistically significant treatment combinations a suitable multiple comparison procedure (such as the Tukey procedure) can be performed on the LS-means of the interaction effect. 

The necessary follow-up SAS code to perform this procedure is given below. 

ods graphics on;
                proc plm restore=out2way;
                lsmeans fert*species / adjust=tukey plot=(diffplot(center) 
                meanplot(cl ascending)) cl lines;
                /* Because the 2-factor interaction is significant, we work with 
                the means for treatment combination*/

SAS Output for the LS-means:

fert*species Least Squares Means




Standard Error


t Value

Pr > |t|




















































































Note that the p-values here (Pr > t) are testing the hypotheses that the fert and species combination means = 0. This may be of very little interest. However, a comparison of mean response values for different species and fertilizer combinations may be more beneficial and can be derived from the diffogram shown in Figure 5.2. Again recall that if the confidence interval does not contain zero, then the difference between the two associated means is statistically significant.

Notice also that we see a single value for the standard error based on the MSE from the ANOVA rather than a separate standard error for each mean as we would get from proc summary for the sample means. In this example, with equal sample sizes and no covariates, the LS-means will be identical to the ordinary means displayed in the summary procedure.

Figure 5.2: Diffogram for species and fertilizer combinations.
Plot of all pairwise height least-squares means differences for fert*species with Tukey adjustment at significance level 0.05. height Comparisons for fert*species Significant Not significant Differences for alpha=0.05 (Tukey Adjustment) control SppA control SppB f1 SppA f1 SppB f2 SppA f2 SppB f3 SppA f3 SppB control SppA control SppB f1 SppA f1 SppB f2 SppA f2 SppB f3 SppA f3 SppB 20 25 30 35 40 20 25 30 35 40

There are a total of 8 fert*species combinations resulting in a total of \({8 \choose 2} = 28\) pairwise comparisons. From the diffogram for differences in fert*species combinations, we see that 10 of them are not significant and 18 of them are significant at a 5% level after Tukey adjustment (more about diffograms). The information used to generate the diffogram is presented in the table for differences of fert*species least squares means in the SAS output (this table is not displayed here).  

We can save the differences estimated in SAS proc mixed and utilize proc sgplot to create the plot of differences in mean response for the fert*species combinations as shown in Figure 5.3 (SAS code not provided in these notes). The CIs shown are the Tukey adjusted CIs and the interpretations are similar to what we observed from the diffogram in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.3: plot of differences in mean response for the fert*species combinations.
The SGPlot Procedure f3 : SppA - f3 : SppB f2 : SppB - f3 : SppB f2 : SppB - f3 : SppA f2 : SppA - f3 : SppB f2 : SppA - f3 : SppA f2 : SppA - f2 : SppB f1 : SppB - f3 : SppB f1 : SppB - f3 : SppA f1 : SppB - f2 : SppB f1 : SppB - f2 : SppA f1 : SppA - f3 : SppB f1 : SppA - f3 : SppA f1 : SppA - f2 : SppB f1 : SppA - f2 : SppA f1 : SppA - f1 : SppB control : SppB - f3 : SppB control : SppB - f3 : SppA control : SppB - f2 : SppB control : SppB - f2 : SppA control : SppB - f1 : SppB control : SppB - f1 : SppA control : SppA - f3 : SppB control : SppA - f3 : SppA control : SppA - f2 : SppB control : SppA - f2 : SppA control : SppA - f1 : SppB control : SppA - f1 : SppA control : SppA - control : SppB -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Estimate Significant Not significant Pairwise Difference of LSMeans (Tukey Adjustment) 95% Confidence Intervals of Mean Difference Pairs Whose Intervals Contain 0 Are Not Significantly Different

In addition to comparing differences in mean responses for the fert*species combinations, the SAS code above will also produce the line plot for multiple comparisons of means for fert*species combinations (Figure 5.4) and the plot of means responses organized in the ascending order with 95% CIs for fert*species combinations (Figure 5.5).

Figure 5.4: The line plot for multiple comparisons of means for fert*species combinations.
f3 f1 f2 f3 f1 f2 control control SppB SppB SppB SppA SppA SppA SppB SppA 37.0667 31.6167 30.0500 29.2000 28.6000 25.8667 23.7000 21.0000 fert species Estimate height Tukey Grouping for LS-Means of fert*species (Alpha = 0.05) LS-means covered by the same bar are not significantly different.

The line plot Figure 5.4 connects groups in which the LS-means are not statistically different and displays a summary of which groups have similar means. The plot of means with 95% CIs in Figure 5.5 illustrates the same result, although it uses unadjusted CIs. The organization of the estimated mean responses in ascending order facilitates interpretation of the results. 

Figure 5.5: The plot of means with 95% CIs for fert*species combinations.
Plot of height least-squares means for fert*species. With 95% confidence limits. 20 25 30 35 40 height LS-Mean control SppA control SppB f2 SppA f1 SppA f3 SppA f2 SppB f1 SppB f3 SppB fert*species LS-Means for fert*species With 95% Confidence Limits

Using LS-means subsequent to performing an ANOVA will help to identify the significantly different treatment level combinations. In other words, the analysis of a factorial model does not end with a p-value for an F-test. Rather, a small p-value signals the need for a mean comparison procedure.

For Minitab, we also need to convert the data to a stacked format (Lesson4 2 way Stacked Dataset). Once we do this, we will need to use a different set of commands to generate the ANOVA. We use...

Stat > ANOVA > General Linear Model > Fit General Linear Model

and get the following dialog box:

general linear model Minitab window

Click on Model…, hold down the shift key and highlight both factors.  Then click on the Add box to add the interaction to the model.

General Linear Model: Model window with fert*species selected

These commands will produce the ANOVA results below which are similar to the output generated by SAS (shown in the previous section).

Analysis of Variance



Adj SS

Adj MS






























Following the ANOVA run, you can generate the mean comparisons by

Stat > ANOVA > General Linear Model > Comparisons


Then specify the fert*species interaction term for the comparisons by checking the box.

Minitab Comparisons Window with Tukey box checked and fert*species term chosen for comparisons

Then choose Graphs to get the following dialog box, where ‘Interval plot for difference of means’ should be checked.

Minitab Comparisons: Graphs window with Interval plot for differences of means box checked

The outputs are shown below.

Grouping Information Using the Tukey Method and 95% Confidence

























   B C





   B C





      C D





         D E






Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Minitab Tukey Simulation 95% Cls graph

First, load and attach the greenhouse data in R.

                        greenhouse_2way_data <-read.table("greenhouse_2way_data.txt",header=T)

We can then produce a boxplot of species organized by fertilizer.

boxplot(resp~species:fert, main = "Distribution of Plant Height by Species:Fert",
                                xlab = "species:fert", ylab = "plant height")

distribution of plant height by species boxplot

Next, we fit the two-way interaction model and obtain the ANOVA table.

                        lm1 = lm(resp ~ species + fert + fert:species) # equivalent to lm1 = lm(resp ~ fert*species)
                        aov3 = car::Anova(lm1, type=3) # equivalent to library(car); aov3 = Anova(lm1, type=3)
                        print(aov3, digits=7)
Anova Table (Type III tests)
                            Response: resp
                                           Sum Sq Df     F value     Pr(>F)     
                            (Intercept)  38680.81  1 11379.21821 < 2.22e-16 ***
                            species        236.74  1    69.64502 2.7065e-10 ***
                            fert           745.44  3    73.09823 2.7657e-16 ***
                            species:fert    50.58  3     4.96033  0.0050806 ** 
                            Residuals      135.97 40                         
                            Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 

We can examine the LS means interval plot of the interaction as follows:

 aov1 = aov(lm1)
                        lsmeans = emmeans::emmeans(aov1, ~fert:species) 
                        plot(lsmeans, xlab="height LS-Means with 95% CIs")
 fert    species emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
                             control SppA      21.0 0.753 40     19.5     22.5
                             f1      SppA      28.6 0.753 40     27.1     30.1
                             f2      SppA      25.9 0.753 40     24.3     27.4
                             f3      SppA      29.2 0.753 40     27.7     30.7
                             control SppB      23.7 0.753 40     22.2     25.2
                             f1      SppB      31.6 0.753 40     30.1     33.1
                             f2      SppB      30.1 0.753 40     28.5     31.6
                             f3      SppB      37.1 0.753 40     35.5     38.6
                              Confidence level used: 0.95 

means plot with 95% CI for plant height vs. Fertilizer*Species

The Tukey pairwise comparisons of means with 95% family-wise confidence can be examined with the following commands. Note we use the bounds of the CIs (computed by the TukeyHSD function) to create a color coding based on significance.

tpairs = TukeyHSD(aov1)
                        col1 = rep("blue",nrow(tpairs$`species:fert`))
                        col1[tpairs$`species:fert`[,2]<0 & tpairs$`species:fert`[,3]>0] = "red" 

There are several packages that can be used to obtain the Tukey groups and diffogram. An example using the sasLM package is as follows.

library(sasLM)LSM(lm1, Data = greenhouse_2way_data, Term = "species:fert", adj = "tukey")
                        Diffogram(lm1, Data = greenhouse_2way_data, Term = "species:fert", adj = "tukey")
             Group   LSmean  LowerCL  UpperCL        SE Df
                            SppB:f3      A     37.06667 35.54542 38.58791 0.7526896 40
                            SppB:f1       B    31.61667 30.09542 33.13791 0.7526896 40
                            SppB:f2       B    30.05000 28.52876 31.57124 0.7526896 40
                            SppA:f3       BC   29.20000 27.67876 30.72124 0.7526896 40
                            SppA:f1       BC   28.60000 27.07876 30.12124 0.7526896 40
                            SppA:f2        CD  25.86667 24.34542 27.38791 0.7526896 40
                            SppB:control    DE 23.70000 22.17876 25.22124 0.7526896 40
                            SppA:control     E 21.00000 19.47876 22.52124 0.7526896 40

95% family-wise confidence level graph for differences in mean levels of Fertilizer:species

5.3 - The Additive Model: Ketone Example

5.3 - The Additive Model: Ketone Example

In a factorial design, we first look at the interactions for significance. In the case where the interaction is not significant, we can drop the term from our model and end up with an "Additive Model".

For a two-factor factorial, the model we initially consider (as we have discussed in Section 5.1) is:

\(Y_{ij}=\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_j+(\alpha\beta)_{ij} +\epsilon_{ijk}\)

If the interaction is found to be non-significant, then the model reduces to:


Here we can see that the response variable is simply a function of adding the effects of the two factors.

Ketones in Urine

Consider a study designed to evaluate two methods for measuring the amount of ketones in urine. A large volume of artificial urine served as a starting point for the experiment. The urine was divided into three portions, each had artificial ketones added to it. Three different ketone levels were used. The amount of ketones were then measured by one of the two methods from samples of the urine. This type of experiment is commonly used to compare the sensitivity of different methods.

The amount of ketones detected in each sample was recorded and is presented in the table below.  

  Measurement Method
Method 1 Method 2
Ketone Level 1 2 3 1 2 3
  16.9 38.7 81.3 9.9 31.7 75.2
  17.2 44.5 80.9 10.2 32.2 73.5
  16.7 42.4 83.1 11.3 30.5 74.8

The model was run as a two-factor factorial and produced the following results:

Type 3 Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square Error Term Error DF F Value Pr > F
method 1 291.208889 291.208889 Var(Residual) + Q(method, method*level) MS(Residual) 12 143.73 <.0001
level 2 12797 6398.606667 Var(Residual) + Q(level, method*level) MS(Residual) 12 3158.07 <.0001
method*level 2 12.964444 6.482222 Var(Residual) + Q(method*level) MS(Residual) 12 3.20 0.0770
Residual 12 24.313333 2.026111 Var(Residual)        

Here we can see that the interaction of method*level was not significant (p-value > 0.05) at a 5% level. We drop the interaction effect from the model and run the additive model. The resulting ANOVA table is:

The Mixed Procedure
Type 3 Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square Error Term Error DF F Value Pr > F
method 1 291.208889 291.208889 Var(Residual)+Q(method, method) MS(Residual) 14 109.37 <.0001
level 2 12797 6398.606667 Var(Residual) + Q(level,level) MS(Residual) 14 2403.05 <.0001
Residual 14 37.277778 2.662698 Var(Residual)        

The Error SS is now 37.2778, which is the sum of the interaction SS and the error SS of the model with the interaction. The df values were also added the same way. This example shows that any term not included in the model gets added into the error term, which may erroneously inflate the error especially if the impact of the excluded term on the response is not negligible.

method Least Squares Means

method Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr >|t| Alpha Lower Upper
1 46.8556 0.5439 14 86.14 <.0001 0.05 45.6890 48.0222
2 38.8111 0.5439 14 71.35 <.0001 0.05 37.6445 39.9777
1 2 46.85638.811method Estimate ketone Tukey Grouping for LS-Means of method (Alpha = 0.05) LS-means covered by the same bar are not significantly different.
level Least Squares Means
level Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr >|t| Alpha Lower Upper
1 13.7000 0.6662 14 20.57 <.0001 0.05 12.2712 15.1288
2 36.6667 0.6662 14 55.04 <.0001 0.05 35.2379 38.0955
3 78.1333 0.6662 14 117.29 <.0001 0.05 76.7045 79.5621

Here we can see that the amount of ketones detected in a sample (the response variable) is the overall mean PLUS the effect of the method used PLUS the effect of the ketone amount added to the original sample. Hence, the additive nature of this model.

First, load and attach the keytone data in R. Note we specify method and level as factors.

ketone_data<-read.table("ketone_data.txt",header=T,sep ="\t")
method = as.factor(method)
level = as.factor(level)

We then run the crossed model and obtain the ANOVA table.

lm1 = lm(ketone ~ method*level) 
aov3_1 = car::Anova(lm1, type=3) 
Anova Table (Type III tests)

Response: ketone
               Sum Sq Df     F value     Pr(>F)      
(Intercept)  33024.50  1 16299.45160 < 2.22e-16 *** 
method         291.21  1   143.72800 4.8871e-08 *** 
level        12797.21  2  3158.07294 < 2.22e-16 *** 
method:level    12.96  2     3.19934   0.076978 .   
Residuals       24.31 12                        
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Removing the insignificant interaction, we obtain ANOVA table of the additive model.

lm2 = lm(ketone ~ method + level) 
aov3_2 = car::Anova(lm2, type=3) 
Anova Table (Type III tests)

Response: ketone
              Sum Sq Df    F value     Pr(>F)     
(Intercept) 33024.50  1 12402.6438 < 2.22e-16 ***
method        291.21  1   109.3661 5.3505e-08 *** 
level       12797.21  2  2403.0535 < 2.22e-16 *** 
Residuals      37.28 14                        
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

We can then examine the LS mean estimates of both the method and level effects individually.

aov1 = aov(lm2)
lsmeans_method = emmeans::emmeans(aov1,~method) 
method emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL  
1        46.9 0.544 14     45.7       48  
2        38.8 0.544 14     37.6       40

Results are averaged over the levels of: level 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

lsmeans_level = emmeans::emmeans(aov1,~level) 
level emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL  
1       13.7 0.666 14     12.3     15.1  
2       36.7 0.666 14     35.2     38.1  
3       78.1 0.666 14     76.7     79.6

Results are averaged over the levels of: method 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

5.4 - Nested Treatment Design

5.4 - Nested Treatment Design

When setting up a multi-factor study, sometimes it is not possible to cross the factor levels. In other words, because of the logistics of the situation, we may not be able to have each level of treatment combined with each level of another treatment. This is most easily illustrated with an example. 

Suppose a research team conducted a study to compare the activity levels of high school students across the 3 geographic regions in the United States: Northeast (NE), Midwest (MW), and the West (W). The study also included a comparison of activity levels among cities within each region. Two school districts were chosen from two major cities from each of these 3 regions and the response variable, the average number of exercise hours per week for high school students, was recorded for each school district. 

A diagram to illustrate the treatment design can be set up as follows. Here, the subscript (\(i\)) identifies the regions, and the subscript (\(j\)) indicates the cities:

Factor A (Region)
Factor B (City)
1 2
NE   30 18  
    35 20  
  Average \(\bar{Y}_{11.}=32.5\) \(\bar{Y}_{12.}=19\) \(\bar{Y}_{1..}=25.75\)
MW   10 20  
    9 22  
  Average \(\bar{Y}_{21.}=9.5\) \(\bar{Y}_{22.}=21\) \(\bar{Y}_{2..}=15.25\)
W   18 4  
    19 6  
  Average \(\bar{Y}_{31.}=18.5\) \(\bar{Y}_{32.}=5\) \(\bar{Y}_{3..}=11.75\)
      Average \(\bar{Y}_{...}=16.83\)

The table above shows the data obtained: the grand mean, the treatment level means (or marginal means), and finally the cell means. The cell means are the averages of the two school district mean activity levels for each combination of Region and City.

This example drives home the point that the levels of the second factor (City) cannot practically be crossed with the levels of the first factor (Region) as cities are specific or unique to regions. Note that the cities are identified as 1 or 2 within each region. But it is important to note that city 1 in the Northeast is not the same as city 1 in the Midwest. The concept of nesting does come in useful to describe this type of situation and the use of parentheses is appropriate to clearly indicate the nesting of factors. To indicate that the City is nested within the factor Region, the notation "City(Region)" will be used. Here, City is the nested factor and Region is the nesting factor.

Region (i)1(i=1)1(j=1)1(k=1)2(k=2)3(k=1)4(k=2)5(k=1)6(k=2)7(k=1)8(k=2)9(k=1)10(k=2)11(k=1)12(k=2)2(j=2)3(j=1)4(j=2)5(j=1)6(j=2)2(i=2)3 (i=3) City (j)Sch_Dist(k)

We can partition the deviations as before into the following components:

\(\underbrace{Y_{ijk}-\bar{Y}_{...}}_{\text{Total deviation}} = \underbrace{\bar{Y}_{i..}-\bar{Y}_{...}}_{\text{A main effect}} + \underbrace{\bar{Y}_{ij.}-\bar{Y}_{i..}}_{\text{Specific B effect when } \\ \text{A at the }i^{th} \text{level}} + \underbrace{Y_{ijk}-\bar{Y}_{ij.}}_{\text{Residual}}\)

Let us now examine the df values of a two-factor nested design. Note that the nested effect is an additional term that needs to be included in a multi-factor ANOVA, but the ANOVA rules studied in Lesson 2 for single-factor situations still apply for the nesting effect. If the two factors of the design are denoted by A and B(A) with a and b as their number of levels respectively, then the df value of the nesting factor A is \( (a−1) \) and the df value for the nested factor is \( a(b−1) \). The ANOVA table below gives the layout of the df values for highschool example given above where region has \( a=3 \) levels, city has \( b=2 \) levels, \( r=2 \) complete replications and \( N=12 \).

Source d.f.
Region (a - 1) = 2
City (Region) a(b - 1) = 3
Error ab(r - 1) = 6
Total N - 1 = 11

The statistical model shown below represents two-factor nested design. 


where \(\mu\) is a constant, \(\alpha_{i}\) are constants subject to the restriction \(\sum\alpha_i=0\), \(\beta_{j(i)}\) are constants subject to the restriction \(\sum_j\beta_{j(i)}=0\) for all i, \(\epsilon_{ijk}\) are independent from \( N(0, \sigma^2) \), with \(i = 1, ... , a, j = 1, ... , b \text{ and } k = 1, ... ,r\).

In the presence of multiple factors multiple hypotheses can be tested. For a two-factor nested design, specifically the high school example presented above, those hypotheses are the following. 

For Factor A, the nesting factor:

\(H_0 \colon \mu_{\text{Northeast}}=\mu_{\text{Midwest}}=\mu_{\text{West}} \text{ vs. } H_A \colon \text{ Not all factor A level means are equal }\)

Up to this point, we have been stating hypotheses in terms of the means, but we can alternatively state the hypotheses in terms of the parameters for that treatment in the model. For example, for the nesting factor A, we could also state the null hypothesis as

\(H_0 \colon \alpha_{\text{Northeast}}=\alpha_{\text{Midwest}}=\alpha_{\text{West}}=0\),

or equivalently \(H_0 \colon \text{ all } \alpha_i=0\).

For Factor B, the nested factor:

When stating the hypotheses for Factor B, the nested effect, alternative notation has to be used. For the nested factor B, the hypotheses should differentiate between the nesting and the nested factors, because we are evaluating the nested factor within the levels of the nesting factor. So for the nested factor (City, nested within Region), we have the following hypotheses.

\(H_0: \text{ all }\beta_{j(i)} =0\) vs. \(H_A: \text{ not all }\beta_{j(i)} =0\) for \( j = 1,2 \)

The F-tests can then proceed as usual using the ANOVA results. 


  1. There is no interaction between a nested factor and its nesting factor.
  2. The nested factors always have to be accompanied by their nesting factor. This means that the effect B does not exist and B(A) represents the effect of B within factor A.
  3. df of B(A)= df of B + df of A*B  (This is simply a mathematically correct identity and there may not be much use practically as effects B(A) and A*B cannot coexist.)
  4. The residual effect of any ANOVA model is a nested effect - the replicate effect nested within the factor level combinations. Recall that the replicates are considered homogeneous and so any variability among them serves to estimate the model error.

5.5 - Nested Model: Exercise Example

5.5 - Nested Model: Exercise Example

Here is the SAS code to run the ANOVA model for the hours of exercise for high school students example discussed in lesson 5.2:

data Nested_Example_data;
infile datalines delimiter=','; 
input Region $ City $ ExHours;
/*to run the nested ANOVA model*/
proc mixed data=Nested_Example_data method=type3;
class Region City;
model ExHours = Region City(Region);
store nested1;
/*to obtain the resulting multiple comparison results*/
ods graphics on;
proc plm restore=nested1;
lsmeans Region / adjust=tukey plot=meanplot cl lines;
lsmeans City(Region) / adjust=tukey plot=meanplot cl lines;

When we run this SAS program, here is the output that we are interested in:

Type 3 Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square Error Term Error DF F Value Pr > F
Region 2 424.666667 212.333333 Var(Residual)+Q(Region, City(Region)) MS(Residual) 6 65.33 <.0001
City(Region) 3 496.750000 165.583333 Var(Residual)+Q(City(Region)) MS(Residual) 6 50.95 0.0001
Residual 6 19.500000 3.250000 Var(Residual)        
Type 3 Test of Fixed Effects
Effect Num DF Den DF F Value Pr>F
Region 2 6 65.33 <.0001
City(Region) 3 6 50.95 0.0001

The p-values above indicate that both Region and City(Region) are statistically significant. The plots and charts below obtained from the Tukey option specify the means which are significantly different.

Figure 5.2.a: Mean hours of exercise by Region with 95% CIs
Plot of ExHours least-squares means for Region. With 95% confidence limits. 10 15 20 25 ExHours LS-Mean MW NE W Region LS-Means for Region With 95% Confidence Limits
Figure 5.2.b: Diffogram for Mean Comparisons by Region
Plot of all pairwise ExHours least-squares means differences for Region with Tukey adjustment at significance level 0.05. ExHours Comparisons for Region Significant Not significant Differences for alpha=0.05 (Tukey Adjustment) MW NE W MW NE W 10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25
Figure 5.2.c: Mean hours of exercise by City(Region) with 95% CIs
Plot of ExHours least-squares means for City(Region). With 95% confidence limits. 0 10 20 30 ExHours LS-Mean Chicago MW Detroit MW NY NE Pittsbur NE LA W Seattle W City(Region) LS-Means for City(Region) With 95% Confidence Limits
Figure 5.2.d: Diffogram for Mean Comparisons by City(Region)
Plot of all pairwise ExHours least-squares means differences for City(Region) with Tukey adjustment at significance level 0.05. ExHours Comparisons for City(Region) Significant Not significant Differences for alpha=0.05 (Tukey Adjustment) Chicago MW Detroit MW NY NE Pittsbur NE LA W Seattle W Chicago MW Detroit MW NY NE Pittsbur NE LA W Seattle W 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30

The exercise hours on average are statistically higher in the northeastern region compared to the midwest and the west, while the average exercise hours of these two regions are not significantly different.

Also, the comparison of the means between cities indicates that the high schoolers in New York City exercise significantly more than the other cities in the study. The exercise levels are similar among Detroit, Pittsburgh, and LA, while the exercise levels of high schoolers in Chicago and Seattle are similar but significantly lower than all other cities in the study.

These grouping observations are further confirmed by the line plots below.

Figure 5.2.e: Line plot for multiple comparisons of means for Regions.
NE MW W 25.7500 15.2500 11.7500 Region Estimate ExHours Tukey Grouping for LS-Means of Region (Alpha = 0.05) LS-means covered by the same bar are not significantly different.
Figure 5.2.f: Line plot for multiple comparisons of means for Cities.
NY Detroit Pittsbur LA Chicago Seattle NE MW NE W MW W 32.5000 21.0000 19.0000 18.5000 9.5000 5.0000 City Region Estimate ExHours Tukey Grouping for LS-Means of City (Region) (Alpha = 0.05) LS-means covered by the same bar are not significantly different.

In Minitab, for the following (Nested Example Data):

Stat > ANOVA > General Linear Model > Fit General Linear Model

Enter the factors, 'Region' and 'City' in the Factors box, then click on Random/Nest...Here is where we specify the nested effect of City in Region.


Minitab General Linear Model window with C1 city chosen


Minitab general linear model: random nest window with C2 Region selected

The output is shown below.

Factor Information

General Linear Model: response versus School, Instructor

Factor Type Levels Values
Region Fixed 3 MW, NE, W
City(Region) Fixed 6

Chicago(MW), Detroit(MW), NY (NE), Pittsburgh(NE), LA(W). Seattle(W)

Analysis of Variance

Source D Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Region 2 424.67 212.333 65.33 0.000
City(Region) 3 496.75 165.583 50.95 0.000
Error 6 19.50 3.250    
Total 11 940.92      

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
1.80278 97.93% 96.20% 91.71%

Following the ANOVA run, you can generate the mean comparisons by

Stat > ANOVA > General Linear Model > Comparisons

Then specify “Region” and “City(Region)” for the comparisons by checking the boxes.

Minitab Comparisons window with Tukey method checked and terms region and city(region) checked

Then choose Graphs to get the following dialog box, where ‘Interval plot for the difference of means’ should be checked.

Minitab Comparisons: Graphs Window with Interval plot for differences of means checked

The outputs are as follows.

Tukey Pairwise Comparisons: Region

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method and 95% Confidence
Region N Mean Grouping
NE 4 25.75 A
MW 4 15.25        B
W 4 11.75        B

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Minitab Tukey Simultaneous 95% CIs Differences of Means for Ex_Hours graph

Tukey Pairwise Comparisons: (City)Region

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method and 95% Confidence

City(Region) N Mean Grouping
NY(NE) 2 32.5 A      
Detroit(MW) 2 21.0   B    
Pittsburgh(NE) 2 19.0   B    
LA(W) 2 18.5   B    
Chicago(MW) 2 9.5     C  
Seattle(W) 2 5.0     C  

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Minitab Tukey Simultaneous 95% CIs Differences of Means for Ex_hours graph

Note: Nested models in R are a bit temperamental. If we run the model with nested (city) labels which are unique to each nesting factor (region), the resulting model will contain ALL interaction effects with NAs for those not included in the nested model. To avoid this, we can create a new variable in the dataset which labels the nested factors the same within each nesting factor. See below for an example.

First, load and attach the exercise hours data in R. We create a city code for each of the cities within each region. The data is below printed to illustrate the new variable.

exhours_data<-read.table("exhours_data.txt",header=T,sep ="\t")
exhours_data$CityCode = as.factor(rep(c(1,1,2,2),3))
   Region       City Ex_hours CityCode
1      NE         NY       30        1
2      NE         NY       35        1
3      NE Pittsburgh       18        2
4      NE Pittsburgh       20        2
5      MW    Chicago       10        1
6      MW    Chicago        9        1
7      MW    Detroit       20        2
8      MW    Detroit       22        2
9       W         LA       18        1
10      W         LA       19        1
11      W    Seattle        4        2
12      W    Seattle        6        2

We run the model with the coded nested variable and obtain the ANOVA table.

lm1 = lm(Ex_hours ~ Region/CityCode) # equivalent to lm1 = lm(Ex_hours ~ Region + Region:CityCode)
aov3 = car::Anova(lm1, type=3) 
Anova Table (Type III tests)

Response: Ex_hours
                Sum Sq Df  F value    Pr(>F)     
(Intercept)     3710.1  1 1141.564 4.475e-08 ***
Region           424.7  2   65.333 8.462e-05 ***
Region:CityCode  496.7  3   50.949 0.0001162 ***
Residuals         19.5  6                       
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

We can obtain the Tukey comparison of the regions as follows.

aov1 = aov(lm1)
tpairs_Region = TukeyHSD(aov1,"Region")
Tukey multiple comparisons of means
95% family-wise confidence level
Fit: aov(formula = lm1)
       diff        lwr         upr     p adj
NE-MW  10.5   6.588702  14.4112978 0.0004243
W-MW   -3.5  -7.411298   0.4112978 0.0747598
W-NE  -14.0 -17.911298 -10.0887022 0.0000836
"Tukey multiple comparision of the regions"

If we were to use lm1 to obtain the Tukey comparison of the cities, our results would be labeled with the city codes, which is not easily interpreted. To obtain results with the city names, we will rerun the model with the variable City and omit the NAs from the Tukey results before displaying them.

lm2 = lm(Ex_hours ~ Region/City)
aov2 = aov(lm2)
tpairs_City = TukeyHSD(aov2,"Region:City")
tpairs_City$`Region:City` = na.omit(tpairs_City$`Region:City`)
par(las = 1, mar=c(4.5,12,2,0)); plot(tpairs_City)
Tukey multiple comparisons of means
95% family-wise confidence level
Fit: aov(formula = lm2)
                          diff          lwr        upr     p adj
MW:Detroit-MW:Chicago     11.5   2.03420257  20.965797 0.0198222
W:LA-MW:Chicago            9.0  -0.46579743  18.465797 0.0626471
NE:NY-MW:Chicago          23.0  13.53420257  32.465797 0.0004610
NE:Pittsburgh-MW:Chicago   9.5   0.03420257  18.965797 0.0491884
W:Seattle-MW:Chicago      -4.5 -13.96579743   4.965797 0.5867601
W:LA-MW:Detroit           -2.5 -11.96579743   6.965797 0.9752059
NE:NY-MW:Detroit          11.5   2.03420257  20.965797 0.0198222
NE:Pittsburgh-MW:Detroit  -2.0 -11.46579743   7.465797 0.9960158
W:Seattle-MW:Detroit     -16.0 -25.46579743  -6.534203 0.0035460
NE:NY-W:LA                14.0   4.53420257  23.465797 0.0072412
NE:Pittsburgh-W:LA         0.5  -8.96579743   9.965797 1.0000000
W:Seattle-W:LA           -13.5 -22.96579743  -4.034203 0.0087623
NE:Pittsburgh-NE:NY      -13.5 -22.96579743  -4.034203 0.0087623
W:Seattle-NE:NY          -27.5 -36.96579743 -18.034203 0.0001762
W:Seattle-NE:Pittsburgh  -14.0 -23.46579743  -4.534203 0.0072412
means plot for exhours vs region

5.6 - Crossed - Nested Designs

5.6 - Crossed - Nested Designs

Multi-factor studies can involve factor combinations in which factors are crossed and/or nested. These treatment designs are based on the extensions of the concepts discussed so far.

Consider an example where manufacturers are evaluated for total processing times. There were three factors of interest: manufacturer (1, 2 or 3), site (1 or 2), and assembly order (1, 2 or 3).

3-factor table Manufacturer (A)
1 2 3
Site (B)   1 2 1 2 1 2
  1 9.4 3.3 11.2 3.2 12.3 3.2
    12.3 4.3 12.6 5.3 12.1 5.3
Order (C) 2 15.3 7.2 11.8 3.3 12.0 1.3
    15.8 8.2 13.7 5.2 12.8 2.9
  3 12.7 1.6 11.9 2.8 10.9 1.9
    13.8 3.5 14.9 4.2 12.6 3.2

Each manufacturer can utilize each assembly order, and so these factors can be crossed. Also, each site can utilize each assembly order and so these factors also are crossed. However, the sites (1 or 2) are unique to each manufacturer, and as a result the site is nested within the manufacturer.

The statistical model contains both crossed and nested effects and is:


With the ANOVA table as follows:

Source df
Factor A a - 1
Factor B(A) a(b - 1)
Factor C c - 1
AC (a - 1)(c - 1)
CB(A) a(b - 1)(c - 1)
Error abc(r - 1)
Total N - 1 = (rabc) - 1

Notice that the two main effects Manufacturer (Factor A) and Order (Factor C) along with their interaction effect are included in the model. The nested relationship of Site (Factor B) within Manufacturer is represented by the Site(Manufacturer) term and the crossed relationship between Site and Order is represented by their interaction effect.

Notice that the main effect Site and the crossed effect Site \(\times\) Manufacturer are not included in the model. This is consistent with the facts that a nested effect cannot be represented as the main effect and also that a nested effect cannot interact with its nesting effect.

5.7 - Try it!

5.7 - Try it!

Exercise 1: CO2 Emissions

To study the variability in CO2 emission rate by global regions 4 countries: US, Britain, India, and Australia were chosen. From each country, 3 major cities were chosen and the emission rates for each month for the year 2019 were collected.

  1. What type of model is this?
  2. How many factors?
  3. The replicates are...
  4. The residual effect in the ANOVA model is...
  5. How many degrees of freedom?

Residual effect (or error term) is the month(city(country)), which is the nested effect of  'month' (the replicate) within the combinations of the two factors country and city. One way to double-check this answer is to verify if df values are the same.

\begin{align}\text{error term df} &= \text{total df - (sum df values of the model terms) } \\                       &=(144-1) - (\text{country df + city(country) df}) \\                                        & =143-(3 + 2*4) \\ & = 143-11=132 \\\text{df for month(city(country))}  &=11(12) =132 \end{align}  

Exercise 2

A military installation is interested in evaluating the speed of reloading a large gun. Two methods of reloading are considered, and 3 groups of cadets were evaluated (light, average, and heavy individuals). Three teams were set up within each group and they wanted to identify the fastest team within each group to go on to a demonstration for the military officials. Each team performed the reloading with each method two times (two replications). 

  1. Identify (i.e. name) the treatment design.
  2. They started to construct the ANOVA table which is given below. Given that there are a total of 36 observations in the dataset, there seems to be a missing source of variation in the analysis. What is this source of variation?
    Source df
    Method 1
    Group 2
    Method*Group 2
    Team (Group) 6
  3. How many degrees of freedom are associated with the error term?

Exercise 3: GPA Comparisons

The GPA comparison of four popular majors, biology, business, engineering, and psychology, between males and females is of interest.  For 6 semesters, the average GPA of each of these majors for male and female students was computed.

  1. What type of model is this?
  2. How many factors?
  3. The replicates are...
  4. The residual effect in the ANOVA model is...
  5. How many degrees of freedom?

Residual effect (or error term) is semester(gender*major). The error term is the nested effect of 'semester' (the replicate) nested within gender*major, which is the 'combined effect' of the factors. One way to double-check is to verify if df values are the same. \begin{align} \text{error term df} &= \text{total df}-\text{(sum df values of the model terms) }\\ &= (48-1) - (\text{major df} + \text{gender df} + \text{major*gender df})\\& =47-(3+1+3*1)\\&= 40 \\ \text{df for semester(major*gender)}&=5*8\\&= 40\end{align} 

5.8 - Lesson 5 Summary

5.8 - Lesson 5 Summary

In this lesson, we discussed important elements of the 'Treatment Design’, one of the two components of an ‘Experimental Design’. 

In a full factorial design, the experiment is carried out at every factor level combination. Most factorial studies do not go beyond a two-way interaction and if a two-way interaction is significant, the mean response values should be compared among different combinations of the two factors rather than among the single factor levels. In other words, the focus should be on response vs. interaction effect rather than response vs. main effects. An interaction plot is a useful graphical tool to understand the extent of interactions among factors (or treatments) with parallel lines indicating no interaction.

In a nested design, the experiment need not be conducted at every combination of levels in all factors. Given two factors in a nested design, there is a distinction between the nested and the nesting factor. The levels of the nested factor may be unique to each level of the nesting factor. Therefore, the comparison of the nested factor levels should be made within each level of the nesting factor. This fact should be kept in mind when stating null and alternative hypotheses for the nested factor(s) and also when writing programming code.

Lesson 5 Enrichment Material (Optional)

Lesson 5 Enrichment Material (Optional)

The following section expands on what you've learned in lesson 5. However, this material (5.9) is not assessed in the actual course.

5.9 - Treatment Design Summary

5.9 - Treatment Design Summary

In an effort to summarize how to think about sums of squares and degrees of freedom and how this translates into a model that can be implemented in SAS, Dr. Rosenberger walks you through this process in the videos below. Pay attention to the subscripts and these are the keys to understanding this material.

Part One

Part Two

Typo at 2:30: The equation should be \( \sum_i \sum_j \sum_k \sum_l (\bar{Y}_{i \cdot\cdot\cdot} - \bar{Y}_{\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot} )^2 = bcn \sum_i (\bar{Y}_{i \cdot\cdot\cdot} - \bar{Y}_{\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot} )^2 \)

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