6: Random Effects and Introduction to Mixed Models

6: Random Effects and Introduction to Mixed Models


So far in our discussion of treatment designs, we have assumed (though unstated) that the treatment levels were chosen intentionally by the researcher dictated by their specific interests. In this situation, the scope of inference is limited to the specific (or fixed) treatment levels used in the study. However in practice, this is not always the case. Sometimes treatment levels may be a (random) sample of possible levels, and the scope of inference should be to a larger population of all possible levels.

If it is clear that the researcher is interested in comparing specific, chosen levels of treatment, that treatment is called a fixed effect. On the other hand, if the levels of the treatment are a sample from a larger population of possible levels, then the treatment is called a random effect.


Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

  1. Extend the treatment design to include random effects.
  2. Understand the basic concepts of random-effects models.
  3. Calculate and interpret the intraclass correlation coefficient.
  4. Combining fixed and random effects in the mixed model. 
  5. Work with mixed models that include both fixed and random effects.

6.1 - Random Effects

6.1 - Random Effects

When a treatment (or factor) is a random effect, the model specifications as well as the relevant null and alternative hypotheses will have to be changed.

Recall the cell means model for the fixed effect case (from Lesson 4) which has the model equation


where \(\mu_i\) are parameters for the treatment level means. For the single factor random effects model we have a very similar equation


however, here \(\mu_i\) and \(\epsilon_{ij}\) are both independent random variables such that \(\mu_i \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}\left(\mu, \sigma^2_{\mu}\right)\) and \(\epsilon_{ij} \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma_{\epsilon}^2\right)\) with \(i=1,2,...,T\), and \(j=1,2,...n_i\) where \(n_i \equiv n\) if the design is balanced.

The random effects ANOVA model is similar in appearance to the fixed effects ANOVA model. However, the treatment mean \(\mu_i\)'s are constant in the fixed-effect ANOVA model whereas in the random-effects ANOVA model the treatment mean \(\mu_i\)'s are random variables. Notice that the expected mean response in the random effects model stated above is the same at every treatment level and equals \(\mu\).

\(E\left(Y_{ij}\right) = E\left(\mu_i + \epsilon_{ij}\right)  =  E\left(\mu_i\right) + E\left(\epsilon_{ij}\right) = \mu \)

The variance of the response variable (say \(\sigma^2_{Y}\)) in the random effects model can be partitioned as

\(\sigma^2_{Y} = V\left(Y_{ij}\right) = V\left(\mu_i + \epsilon_{ij}\right) = V\left(\mu_i\right) + V\left(\epsilon_{ij}\right) = \sigma _{\mu}^{2}+\sigma_{\epsilon}^2\)

since \(\mu_i\) and \(\epsilon_{ij}\) are both independent random variables.

Similar to fixed effects ANOVA model, we can express the random effects ANOVA model using the factor effect representation, using \(\tau_i = \mu_i -\mu\). Therefore the factor effects representation of the random effects ANOVA model would be

\(Y_{ij} = \mu + \tau_i+\epsilon_{ij}\)

where \(\mu\) is a constant overall mean, \(\tau_i\) and \(\epsilon_{ij}\) are independent random variables such that \(\tau_i \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma^2_{\mu}\right)\) and \(\epsilon_{ij} \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma_{\epsilon}^2\right)\). Again, \(i=1,2,...,T\), and \(j=1,2,...n_i\) where \(n_i \equiv n\) if balanced. Here, \(\tau_i\) is the effect of the randomly selected \(i^{th}\) level.

The terms \(\sigma _{\tau}^{2}\) and \(\sigma _{\epsilon}^{2}\) are referred to as variance components. In general, as will be seen later in more complex models, there will be a variance component associated with each effect involving at least one random factor.

Variance components play an important role in analyzing random effects data. They can be used to verify the significant contribution of each random effect to the variability of the response. For the single factor random-effects model stated above, the appropriate null and alternative hypothesis for this purpose is:

\(H_0 \colon \sigma_{\mu}^{2}= 0 \text{ vs. } H_A \colon \sigma_{\mu}^{2}> 0\)

Similar to the fixed effects model, an ANOVA analysis can then be carried out to determine if \(H_0\) can be rejected.

The MS and df computations of the ANOVA table are the same for both the fixed and random-effects models. However, the computations of the F-statistics needed for hypothesis testing require some modification. More specifically, the F-statistics denominator will no longer always be the mean squared error (MSE) and will vary according to the effect of interest (listed in the Source column of the ANOVA table). For a random-effects model, the quantities known as Expected Means Squares (EMS) shown in the ANOVA table below can be used to identify the appropriate F-statistic denominator for a given source in the ANOVA table. These EMS quantities will also be useful in estimating the variance components associated with a given random effect. Note that the EMS quantities are in fact the population counterparts of the mean sums of squares (MS) estimates that we are already familiar with. In SAS the proc mixed, the method=type3 option will generate the EMS column in the ANOVA table output.

Source df SS MS F P EMS (Expected Means Squares)
Trt           \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}+ n\sigma_{\mu}^{2}\)
Error           \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\)
Note! Variance components are NOT synonymous with mean sums of squares. Variance components are usually estimated by using the Method of Moments where algebraic equations (created by setting the mean sums of squares (MS) equal to the corresponding EMS) are solved for the unknown variance components. For example, the variance component for the treatment in the single-factor random effects discussed above can be solved as:

\(s_{\text{among trts}}^{2}= \dfrac{MS_{trt}-MS_{error}}{n}\)

This is by using the two equations:


\(\text{MS}_{trt} = \sigma^2_\epsilon + n \sigma^2_\mu\)

More about variance components...

Often the variance component of a specific effect in the model is expressed as a percent of the total variation in the response variable. Another common application of variance components is the calculation of the relative size of the treatment effect compared to the within-treatment level variation. This leads to a quantity called the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), defined as:

\(ICC=\dfrac{\sigma_{\text{among trts}}^{2}}{\sigma_{\text{among trts}}^{2}+\sigma_{\text{within trts}}^{2}}\)

For single random factor studies, \(ICC = \frac{\sigma^2_{\mu}}{\sigma^2_{\mu} + \sigma_{\epsilon}^2}\). ICC can also be thought of as the correlation between the observations within the group (i.e. \(\text{corr}\left(Y_{ij}, Y_{ij'}\right)\), where \(j \neq j'\)). Small values of ICC indicate a large spread of values at each level of the treatment, whereas large values of ICC indicate relatively little spread at each level of the treatment:

Low ICC (0.018) graph with y-axis range of 0-8 and x-axis range of 0-5
High ICC (0.7362) graph with y-axis range of 0-8 and x-axis range of 0-5

6.2 - Single Random Factor Model: Battery Life Example

6.2 - Single Random Factor Model: Battery Life Example
various types of batteries

Consider a study of Battery Life, measured in hours, where 4 brands of batteries are evaluated using 4 replications in a completely randomized design (Battery Data):

Brand A

Brand B

Brand C

Brand D

















A reasonable question to ask in this study would be, should the brand of the battery be considered a fixed effect or a random effect?

If the researchers were interested in comparing the performance of the specific brands they chose for the study, then we have a fixed effect. However, if the researchers were actually interested in studying the overall variation in battery life, so that the results would be applicable to all brands of batteries, then they may have chosen (presumably with a random sampling process) a sample of 4 of the many brands available. In this latter case, the battery brand would add a dimension of variability to battery life and can be considered a random effect.

Now, let us use SAS proc mixed to compare the results of battery brand as a fixed vs. random effect:

  1. Fixed Effect model:


    Type 3 Analysis of Variance



    Sum of Squares

    Mean Square

    Expected Mean Square

    Error Term

    Error DF

    F Value

    Pr > F





    Var(Residual) + Q(Brand)














  2. Random Effect model:


    Type 3 Analysis of Variance



    Sum of Squares

    Mean Square

    Expected Mean Square

    Error Term

    Error DF

    F Value

    Pr > F





    Var(Residual) + 4 Var(Brand)















    Covariance Parameter Estimates

    Cov Parm






We can verify the estimated variance component for the random treatment effect as:

\(s_{\text{among trts}}^{2}=\dfrac{MS_{trt}-MS_{error}}{n}=\dfrac{47.229-7.604}{4}=9.9063\)

With this, we can calculate the ICC as

\(ICC= \dfrac{9.9063}{9.9063+7.604}=0.5657\)

The key points in comparing these two ANOVAs are 1) the scope of inference and 2) the hypothesis being tested. For a fixed effect, the scope of inference is restricted to only 4 brands chosen for comparison and the null hypothesis is a statement of equality of means. With brand as a random effect, the scope of inference is the larger population of battery brands and the null hypothesis is a statement that the variance due to battery brand is 0.

First, load and attach the battery data in R.

                    battery_data<-read.table("battery_data.txt",header=T,sep ="\t")

We then apply the fixed effect model and obtain the ANOVA table.

                    lm_fix = lm(lifetime ~ trt)
                    aov3_fix = car::Anova(lm_fix, type=3) 
Anova Table (Type III tests)
                        Response: lifetime
                                    Sum Sq Df   F value    Pr(>F)     
                        (Intercept) 204078  1 26837.663 < 2.2e-16 ***
                        trt            142  3     6.211  0.008632 ** 
                        Residuals       91 12                     
                        Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Random and mixed effect models can be applied in R using the lmer function from the lme4 package. We load the package and fit the model with a random treatment effect.

                    lm_rand = lmer(lifetime ~ (1|trt))

We can obtain the ANOVA table for the fixed effects with the following command. The resulting table is blank since there are no fixed effects in this model.

Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
                             Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value Pr(>F)

R does not compute F-tests for random effects. However, you can test the random effect components by using a Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) via the ranova function from the lmerTest package

ANOVA-like table for random-effects: Single term deletions
                        lifetime ~ (1 | trt)
                                       npar  logLik    AIC    LRT Df Pr(>Chisq)  
                                          3 -40.625 87.250                       
                        (1 | trt)         2 -43.241 90.482 5.2314  1    0.02218 *
                        Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

To extract the variance estimates from the model, we can do the following.

vc = VarCorr(lm_rand)
Groups   Name        Variance
                        trt      (Intercept) 9.9063  
                        Residual             7.6042  

As an alternative to testing the random effects using the LRT above, we can also examine the CIs of the variance estimates using the extractor function confint. It automatically computes the standard deviations, so we square and rename the outputs before displaying them. The resulting 95% CIs do not include zero, which is further evidence that the random effects are significant.

ci_sig = confint(lm_rand, parm="theta_", oldNames = FALSE)
                    ci_sig2 = ci_sig^2
                    row.names(ci_sig2) = sapply(row.names(ci_sig2),function(x){gsub("sd_","var_",x)},USE.NAMES=FALSE)
                    row.names(ci_sig2)[length(row.names(ci_sig2))] = "sigma2"
                        2.5 %   97.5 %
                        var_(Intercept)|trt 0.4265072 51.36464
                        sigma2              3.7525970 19.13200

6.3 - Testing Random Effects

6.3 - Testing Random Effects

Random effects can appear in both factorial and nested designs. By inspecting the EMS quantities, we can determine the appropriate F-statistic denominator for a given source. Let us look at two-factor studies.


Factorial Design

Recall the Greenhouse example in Section 5.1. In this example, there were two crossed factors (fert and species). We treated both factors to be fixed and the SAS  proc mixed ANOVA table was as follows:

Type 3 Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square Error Term Error DF F Value Pr > F
fert 3 745.437500 248.479167 Var(Residual) + Q(fert,fert*species) MS(Residual) 40 73.10 <.0001
species 1 236.740833 236.740833 Var(Residual) + Q(species,fert*species) MS(Residual) 40 69.65 <.0001
fert*species 3 50.584167 16.861389 Var(Residual) + Q(fert*species) MS(Residual) 40 4.96 0.0051
Residual 40 135.970000 3.399250 Var(Residual) . . . .


If we inspect the EMS quantities in the output, we see when both factors are fixed in the 2-factor crossed study that the correct denominator for all F-tests is Error Mean Squares. 

Now let us consider a case in which both factors A and B are random effects in the factorial design (i.e. factors A and B crossed, and both are random effects). The expected mean squares for each of the source of variations in the ANOVA model would be as follows:

Source EMS
A \(\sigma^2+nb\sigma_{\alpha}^{2}+n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{2}\)
B \(\sigma^2+na\sigma_{\beta}^{2}+n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{2}\)
A × B \(\sigma^2+n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{2}\)
Error \(\sigma^2\)

The F-tests following from the EMS above would be:

Source EMS F
A \(\sigma^2+nb\sigma_{\alpha}^{2}+n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{2}\) MSA / MSAB
B \(\sigma^2+na\sigma_{\beta}^{2}+n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{2}\) MSB / MSAB
A × B \(\sigma^2+n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^{2}\) MSAB / MSE
Error \(\sigma^2\)  

Here we can see the ramifications of having random effects. In fixed-effects models, the denominator for the F-statistics in significance testing was the mean square error (MSE). In random-effects models, however, we may have to choose different denominators depending on the term we are testing.

In general, the F-statistic for testing the significance of a given effect is the ratio of two MS values, with MS of the effect as the numerator and the denominator MS is chosen such that the F-statistic equals 1 if \(H_0\) is true and is greater than 1 if \(H_a\) is true.

Following this logic, we can see that when testing for the interaction effect of 2 random factors, the correct denominator is the error mean squares. Therefore the test statistic for testing \(A \times B\) is \(\frac{MSAB}{MSE}\). However, when we are testing for the main effect of factor A, the correct denominator would be \(MSAB\). 

Recall that the EMS quantities are the population counterparts for the MS estimates which actually are sample statistics. Examination of EMS expressions can therefore be used to choose the correct denominator for the F-statistic utilized for testing significance and will be discussed in detail in Section 6.7.


Nested Design

In the case of a nested design, where factor B is nested within the levels of factor A and both are random effects, the expected mean squares for each of the source of variations in the ANOVA model would be as follows:

Source EMS
A \(\sigma^2+bn\sigma_{\alpha}^{2}+n\sigma_{\beta}^{2}\)
B(A) \(\sigma^2+n\sigma_{\beta}^{2}\)
Error \(\sigma^2\)

The F-tests follow from the EMS above:

Source EMS F
A \(\sigma^2+bn\sigma_{\alpha}^{2}+n\sigma_{\beta}^{2}\) MSA / MSB(A)
B(A) \(\sigma^2+n\sigma_{\beta}^{2}\) MSB(A) / MSE
Error \(\sigma^2\)  


Special Case: Fully Nested Random Effects Design

Here, we consider a special case of random effects models where each factor is nested within the levels of the next ‘order’ of a hierarchy. This Fully Nested Random Effects model is similar to Russian Babushka dolls where the smaller dolls are nested within the next larger one.

Consider 3 random factors A, B, and C that are hierarchically nested. That is C is nested in (B, A) combinations and B is nested within levels of A. Suppose there are n observations made at the lowest level.

The statistical model for this case is:


where \(i = 1, 2, \dots, a\), \(j = 1, 2, \dots, b\), \(k = 1, 2, \dots, c\) and \(l = 1, 2, \dots, n\).

We will also have \(\epsilon_{ijkl} \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma^2\right)\), \(\gamma_{k(ij)} \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma^2_{\gamma}\right)\), \(\beta_{i(j)} \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma^2_{\beta}\right)\) and \(\alpha_{i} \overset{iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma^2_{\alpha}\right)\). 

The dfs and expected mean squares for this design would be as follows:

Source DF EMS F
A (a-1) \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}+n\sigma_{\gamma}^{2}+nc\sigma_{\beta}^{2}+ncb\sigma_{\alpha}^{2}\) MSA / MSB(A)
B(A) a(b-1) \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}+n\sigma_{\gamma}^{2}+nc\sigma_{\beta}^{2}\) MSB(A) / MSC(AB)
C(A,B) ab(c-1) \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}+n\sigma_{\gamma}^{2}\) MSC(AB) / MSE
Error abc(n-1) \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\)  
Total abcn -1    

In this case, each F-test we construct for the sources will be based on different denominators.

6.4 - Fully Nested Random Effects Model: Quality Control Example

6.4 - Fully Nested Random Effects Model: Quality Control Example

The temperature of a process in a manufacturing industry is critical to quality control. The researchers want to characterize the sources of this variability. They choose 4 plants, 4 operators within each plant, look at 4 shifts for each operator, and then measure temperature for each of the three batches used in production.

Collected data was read into SAS and proc mixed procedure was used to obtain the ANOVA model.

data fullnest;
input Temp Plant Operator Shift Batch;
477   1   1   1   1
472   1   1   1   2
481   1   1   1   3
478   1   1   2   1
475   1   1   2   2
474   1   1   2   3
472   1   1   3   1
475   1   1   3   2
468   1   1   3   3
482   1   1   4   1
477   1   1   4   2
474   1   1   4   3
471   1   2   1   1
474   1   2   1   2
470   1   2   1   3
479   1   2   2   1
482   1   2   2   2
477   1   2   2   3
470   1   2   3   1
477   1   2   3   2
483   1   2   3   3
480   1   2   4   1
473   1   2   4   2
478   1   2   4   3
475   1   3   1   1
472   1   3   1   2
470   1   3   1   3
460   1   3   2   1
469   1   3   2   2
472   1   3   2   3
477   1   3   3   1
483   1   3   3   2
475   1   3   3   3
476   1   3   4   1
480   1   3   4   2
471   1   3   4   3
465   1   4   1   1
464   1   4   1   2
471   1   4   1   3
477   1   4   2   1
475   1   4   2   2
471   1   4   2   3
481   1   4   3   1
477   1   4   3   2
475   1   4   3   3
470   1   4   4   1
475   1   4   4   2
474   1   4   4   3
484   2   1   1   1
477   2   1   1   2
481   2   1   1   3
477   2   1   2   1
482   2   1   2   2
481   2   1   2   3
479   2   1   3   1
477   2   1   3   2
482   2   1   3   3
477   2   1   4   1
470   2   1   4   2
479   2   1   4   3
472   2   2   1   1
475   2   2   1   2
475   2   2   1   3
472   2   2   2   1
475   2   2   2   2
470   2   2   2   3
472   2   2   3   1
477   2   2   3   2
475   2   2   3   3
482   2   2   4   1
477   2   2   4   2
483   2   2   4   3
485   2   3   1   1
481   2   3   1   2
477   2   3   1   3
482   2   3   2   1
483   2   3   2   2
485   2   3   2   3
477   2   3   3   1
476   2   3   3   2
481   2   3   3   3
479   2   3   4   1
476   2   3   4   2
485   2   3   4   3
477   2   4   1   1
475   2   4   1   2
476   2   4   1   3
476   2   4   2   1
471   2   4   2   2
472   2   4   2   3
475   2   4   3   1
475   2   4   3   2
472   2   4   3   3
481   2   4   4   1
470   2   4   4   2
472   2   4   4   3
475   3   1   1   1
470   3   1   1   2
469   3   1   1   3
477   3   1   2   1
471   3   1   2   2
474   3   1   2   3
469   3   1   3   1
473   3   1   3   2
468   3   1   3   3
477   3   1   4   1
475   3   1   4   2
473   3   1   4   3
470   3   2   1   1
466   3   2   1   2
468   3   2   1   3
471   3   2   2   1
473   3   2   2   2
476   3   2   2   3
478   3   2   3   1
480   3   2   3   2
474   3   2   3   3
477   3   2   4   1
471   3   2   4   2
469   3   2   4   3
466   3   3   1   1
465   3   3   1   2
471   3   3   1   3
473   3   3   2   1
475   3   3   2   2
478   3   3   2   3
471   3   3   3   1
469   3   3   3   2
471   3   3   3   3
475   3   3   4   1
477   3   3   4   2
472   3   3   4   3
469   3   4   1   1
471   3   4   1   2
468   3   4   1   3
473   3   4   2   1
475   3   4   2   2
473   3   4   2   3
477   3   4   3   1
470   3   4   3   2
469   3   4   3   3
463   3   4   4   1
471   3   4   4   2
469   3   4   4   3
484   4   1   1   1
477   4   1   1   2
480   4   1   1   3
476   4   1   2   1
475   4   1   2   2
474   4   1   2   3
475   4   1   3   1
470   4   1   3   2
469   4   1   3   3
481   4   1   4   1
476   4   1   4   2
472   4   1   4   3
469   4   2   1   1
475   4   2   1   2
479   4   2   1   3
482   4   2   2   1
483   4   2   2   2
479   4   2   2   3
477   4   2   3   1
479   4   2   3   2
475   4   2   3   3
472   4   2   4   1
476   4   2   4   2
479   4   2   4   3
470   4   3   1   1
481   4   3   1   2
481   4   3   1   3
475   4   3   2   1
470   4   3   2   2
475   4   3   2   3
469   4   3   3   1
477   4   3   3   2
482   4   3   3   3
485   4   3   4   1
479   4   3   4   2
474   4   3   4   3
469   4   4   1   1
473   4   4   1   2
475   4   4   1   3
477   4   4   2   1
473   4   4   2   2
471   4   4   2   3
470   4   4   3   1
468   4   4   3   2
474   4   4   3   3
483   4   4   4   1
477   4   4   4   2
476   4   4   4   3
proc mixed data=fullnest covtest method=type3;
class Plant Operator Shift Batch;
model temp=;
random plant operator(plant) shift(plant operator) ;

In the SAS code, notice that there are no terms on the right-hand side of the model statement. This is because SAS uses the model statement to specify fixed effects only. The random statement is used to specify the random effects. The proc mixed procedure will perform the fully nested random effects model as specified above, and produces the following output:

Type 3 Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square Error Term Error DF F Value Pr > F
Plant 3 731.515625 243.838542 Var(Residual) + 3 Var(Shift(Plant*Operato)) + 12 Var(Operator(Plant)) + 48 Var(Plant) MS(Operator(Plant)) 12 5.85 0.0106
Operator(Plant) 12 499.812500 41.651042 Var(Residual) + 3 Var(Shift(Plant*Operato)) + 12 Var(Operator(Plant)) MS(Shift(Plant*Operato)) 48 1.30 0.2483
Shift(Plant*Operato) 48 1534.916667 31.977431 Var(Residual) + 3 Var(Shift(Plant*Operato)) MS(Residual) 128 2.58 <.0001
Residual 128 1588.000000 12.406250 Var(Residual) . . . .
Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm Estimate Standard
Z Value Pr Z
Plant 4.2122 4.1629 1.01 0.3116
Operator(Plant) 0.8061 1.5178 0.53 0.5953
Shift(Plant*Operato) 6.5237 2.2364 2.92 0.0035
Residual 12.4063 1.5508 8.00 <.0001


The largest (and significant) variance components are: (1) the shift within a plant \(\times\) operator combination and (2) the batch-to-batch variation within the shift (the residual).

Note that the Covariance Parameter Estimates here are in fact the variance components. SAS does not express the variance components as percentages in this procedure, but by summing the variance components for all sources to serve as the denominator, each source can be expressed as a percentage.

Because this type of model is so commonly employed, SAS also offers two other procedures to obtain the variance components results: proc varcomp (which stands for variance components) and proc nested.

The equivalent code for these procedures is as follows:

The proc varcomp:

proc varcomp data=fullnest;
class  Plant Operator Shift Batch;
model temp= plant operator(plant) shift(plant operator);

Note that the model statement for proc varcomp differs from the mixed procedure in that proc varcomp assumes that the factors listed in the model statement are random effects.

Partial Output:

MIVQUE(0) Estimates
Variance Component Temp
Var(Plant) 4.21224
Var(Operator(Plant)) 0.80613
Var(Shift(Plant*Operato)) 6.52373
Var(Error) 12.40625

Note that, even in this procedure we will have to use the sum for a total and calculate the percentages ourselves. On the other hand, the proc nested procedure will provide the full output including the percentages:

proc nested data=fullnest;
class plant operator shift;
var temp;

Partial Output:

Nested Random Effects Analysis of Variance for Variable Temp
Variance Source DF Sum of Squares F Value Pr > F Error Term Mean Square Variance Component Percent of Total
Total 191 4354.244792       22.797093 23.948351 100.0000
Plant 3 731.515625 5.85 0.0106 Operator 243.838542 4.212240 17.5889
Operator 12 499.812500 1.30 0.2483 Shift 41.651042 0.806134 3.3661
Shift 48 1534.916667 2.58 <.0001 Error 31.977431 6.523727 27.2408
Error 128 1588.000000       12.406250 12.406250 51.8042

Calculation of the Variance Components

From the SAS output, we get the EMS coefficients. We can use those to compute the estimated variance components.

Source MS EMS Variance Components % Variation
Plant 243.84 \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}+3\sigma_{\gamma}^{2}+12\sigma_{\beta}^{2}+48\sigma_{\alpha}^{2}\) 4.21 17.58
Operator(Plant) 41.65 \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}+3\sigma_{\gamma}^{2}+12\sigma_{\beta}^{2}\) 0.806 3.37
Shift(Plant × Operator) 31.98 \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}+3\sigma_{\gamma}^{2}\) 6.52 27.24
Residual 12.41 \(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\) 12.41 51.80
    Total 23.95  

One can show that MS is an unbiased estimator for EMS (using the properties of Method of Moments estimates). With that, we can algebraically solve for each variance component. Start at the bottom of the table and work up the hierarchy.

First of all, the estimated variance component for the Residuals is given:

\(\mathbf{12.41} = \hat{\sigma}_{\text{error}}^{2}\) = \(\hat{\sigma}_{\epsilon}^{2}\)

Then we can use this information and subtract it from the Shift(Plant \(\times\) Operator) MS to get:

\(\begin{align}31.98 &= \hat{\sigma}_{\epsilon}^{2}+3\hat{\sigma}_{\gamma \text{ or Shift(Plant*Operator)}}^{2} \\[10pt] \hat{\sigma}_{\gamma}^{2}&=\frac{31.98-12.41}{3}=\mathbf{6.52}\end{align}\)

Similarly, we use what we know for Error and Shift(Plant \(\times\) Operator) and subtract it from the Operator(Plant) MS to get:

\(\begin{align}41.65&=\hat{\sigma}_{\epsilon}^{2}+3\hat{\sigma}_{\gamma}^{2} +12\hat{\sigma}_{\beta \text{ or Operator(Plant)}}^{2}\\[10pt] &=31.98+12\hat{\sigma}_{\beta}^{2}\\[10pt] \hat{\sigma}_{\beta}^{2}&=\frac{41.65-31.98}{12}\\[10pt] &=\mathbf{0.806}\end{align}\)

And finally, we use what we know for Error and Shift(Plant \(\times\) Operator) and Operator(Plant), subtract it from the Plant MS to get:

\(\begin{align}243.84&=\hat{\sigma}_{\epsilon}^{2}+3\hat{\sigma}_{\gamma}^{2} +12\hat{\sigma}_{\beta}^{2}+48\hat{\sigma}_{\alpha \text{ or Plant}}^{2}\\[10pt] &=41.65+48\hat{\sigma}_{\alpha}^{2}\\[10pt] \hat{\sigma}_{\alpha}^{2}&=\frac{243.84-41.65}{48}\\[10pt] &=\mathbf{4.21}\end{align}\)

Our total = 12.41 + 6.52 + 0.806 + 4.21 = 23.95

Then, dividing each variance component by the total gives the % values shown in the output from SAS proc nested.

Minitab has a separate program just for this type of analysis for our example (Quality Data ), under:

Stat > ANOVA > Fully Nested ANOVA

and you specify the model in the boxes provided:

Minitab Fully Nested ANOVA window with C4 shift chosen

The output you get is very comprehensive and includes the variance components expressed as percentages.

Nested ANOVA: Temp versus Plant, Operator, Shift

Analysis of Variance for Temp

Source DF SS MS F P
Plant 3 731.5156 243.8385 5.854 0.011
Operator 12 499.8125 41.6510 1.303 0.248
Shift 48 1534.9167 31.9774 2.578 0.000
Error 128 1588.0000 12.4062    
Total 191 4354.2448      

Variance Components

Source Var Comp. # of Total StDev
Plant 4.212 17.59 2.052
Operator 0.806 3.37 0.898
Shift 6.524 27.24 2.554
Error 12.406 51.80 3.522
Total 23.948   4.894

Expected Mean Squares

1 Plant 1.00(4) + 3.00(3) + 12.00(2) + 48.00(1)
2 Operator 1.00(4) + 3.00(3) + 12.00(2)
3 Shift 1.00(4) + 3.00(3)
4 Error 1.00(4)

First, load and attach the quality data in R.

quality_data<-read.table("quality_data.txt",header=T,sep ="\t")

We then fit the fully nested random effects model. There are no fixed effects, so we display only the LRT table for the random effects.

lm_rand = lmer(Temp ~ (1 | Plant) + (1 | Plant:Operator) + (1 | Plant:(Operator:Shift)))
ANOVA-like table for random-effects: Single term deletions

Temp ~ (1 | Plant) + (1 | Plant:Operator) + (1 | Plant:(Operator:Shift))
                             npar  logLik    AIC     LRT Df Pr(>Chisq)    
                                5 -548.59 1107.2                          
(1 | Plant)                     4 -551.03 1110.1  4.8755  1    0.02724 *  
(1 | Plant:Operator)            4 -548.77 1105.5  0.3530  1    0.55240    
(1 | Plant:(Operator:Shift))    4 -557.36 1122.7 17.5317  1  2.826e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

NTo examine the variance components further we print the estimates.

vc = VarCorr(lm_rand, parm="theta_", oldNames = FALSE)
 Groups                 Name        Variance
 Plant:(Operator:Shift) (Intercept)  6.52371
 Plant:Operator         (Intercept)  0.80614
 Plant                  (Intercept)  4.21227
 Residual                           12.40626

We can compute the variance percentages manually.

terms = data.frame(vc)$grp
vars = data.frame(vc)$vcov
tot_var = sum(vars)
percent_var = (vars/tot_var)*100
                   terms              vars      percent_var
1 Plant:(Operator:Shift)  6.52370980810034 27.2407289699471
2         Plant:Operator 0.806136528703026 3.36614400964098
3                  Plant  4.21226520994903 17.5889452947895
4               Residual  12.4062556768176 51.8041817256224

Note R does not produce the EMS coefficients, so if those are of interest another software may be useful.

6.5 - Introduction to Mixed Models

6.5 - Introduction to Mixed Models

Treatment designs can be comprised of both fixed and random effects. When we have this situation, the treatment design is referred to as a mixed model. Mixed models are by far the most commonly encountered treatment designs. The three possible situations we now have are often referred to as Model I (fixed effects only), Model II (random effects only), and Model III (mixed) ANOVAs. When designating the effects of a mixed model as fixed or random, the following rule will be useful.

Rule: Any interaction or nested effect containing at least one random factor is random.

Below are the ANOVA layouts of two basic mixed models with 2-factors.



In the simplest case of a balanced mixed model in a factorial design, we may have two factors, A and B, in which factor A is a fixed effect and factor B is a random effect. The statistical model is similar to what we have seen before:

\(y_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + (\alpha\beta)_{ij} + \epsilon_{ijk}\) where \(i=1,2,\dots, a\), \(j=1,2,\dots, b\) and \(k=1,2, \dots, n\).

Here, \(\sum_{i} \alpha_i = 0, \) \(\beta_j \sim \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma^2_{\beta}\right), \) \((\alpha\beta)_{i,j} \sim N(0,\sigma^2_{\alpha\beta}) \) and \(\epsilon_{ijk} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma^2\right)\). Also, \(\beta_j, (\alpha\beta)_{ij}\) and \(\epsilon_{ij}\) are pairwise independent. 

In this case, we have the following ANOVA:










A \(\times\) B









The F-tests are set up based on the EMS column above and we can see that we have to use different denominators in testing significance for the various sources in the ANOVA table:










A × B








As a reminder, the null hypothesis for a fixed effect is that the \(\alpha_i\)'s are equal, whereas the null hypothesis for the random effect is that the \(\sigma_{\beta}^{2}\) is equal to zero.

Note: The denominator for the F-tests for the main effects of factors A and B are now the MS for the A \(\times\) B interaction. For the A \(\times\) B interaction, the denominator is the MSE. 

It is important to mention that the mixed model presented here is known as the “unrestricted model”, which is the model utilized in SAS as well. However, there is another “restricted” version of this model which is used in our course text. In practice, the most important difference between these models is how the F-stat for the random effect is calculated. More specifically, for the unrestricted model here it is MSB/MSAB, whereas for the restricted model, it is MSB/MSE. You can read more about the differences between these models in STAT 503 Section 13.3.



In the case of a balanced nested treatment design, where A is a fixed effect and B(A) is a random effect, the statistical model would be:

\(y_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_{j(i)} + \epsilon_{ijk}\) where \(i=1,2,\dots, a\), \(j=1,2,\dots, b\) and \(k=1,2, \dots, n\).

Here, \(\sum_{i} \alpha_i = 0\), \(\beta_{j(i)} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma^2_{\beta(\alpha)}\right)\) and \(\epsilon_{ijk} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(0, \sigma^2\right)\). 

We have the following ANOVA for this model:
















Here is the same table with the F-statistics added. Note that the denominators for the F-test are different.















F-Calculation Facts

As can be seen from the examples above (and in the previous sections), when significance testing in random or mixed models the denominator of the F-statistic is no longer always the MSE value and has to be aptly chosen. Recall that the F-statistic for testing the significance of a given effect is the ratio with the numerator equal to the MS value of the effect, and the denominator is also an MS value of an effect included in the ANOVA model. Furthermore, it can be said the F-statistic has a non-central distribution when \(H_a\) is true and a central F-distribution when \(H_0\) is true.

When \(H_a\) is true, the non-centrality parameter of the non-central F-distribution depends on the type of effect (fixed vs random) and equals \(\sum_{i=1}^T {\alpha_{i}^2}\) for a fixed effect and \(\sigma_{trt}^2\) for a random effect. Here \(\alpha_i=\mu_i-\mu\), where \(\mu_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) level of the fixed effect for \((i=1,2,...,T)\), \(\mu\) is the overall mean, and \(\sigma_{trt}^2\) is the variance component associated with the random effect. Also, the MS under true \(H_a\) equals to MS under true \(H_0\) plus non-centrality parameter, so that

F-statistic = \(\dfrac{\text{MS when \(H_0\) is true + non-centrality parameter}}{\text{MS when \(H_0\) is true}}\).

The above identity can be used to identify the correct denominator (also called the error term) with the aid of EMS expressions displayed in the ANOVA table. This can be summarized by the following rule.

Rule: The F-statistic denominator is the MS value of the source which has an EMS containing all EMS terms in the effect except the non-centrality parameter.


6.6 - Mixed Model: School Example

6.6 - Mixed Model: School Example

Consider the experimental setting in which the investigators are interested in comparing the classroom self-ratings of teachers. They created a tool that can be used to self-rate the classrooms. The investigators are interested in comparing the Eastern vs. Western US regions, and the type of school (Public vs. Private). Investigators chose 2 teachers randomly from each combination and each teacher submits scores from 2 classes that they teach.

You can download the data at Schools Data.

If we carefully consider the information in the setup, we see that the US region makes sense as a fixed effect, and so does the type of school. However, the investigators are probably not interested in testing for significant differences among individual teachers they recruited for the study, but more realistically they would be interested in how much variation there is among teachers (a random effect).

For this example, we can use a mixed model in which we model teacher as a random effect nested within the factorial fixed treatment combinations of Region and School type.

Using Technology

In SAS we would set up the ANOVA as:

proc mixed data=school covtest method=type3;
class Region SchoolType Teacher Class;
model sr_score = Region SchoolType Region*SchoolType;
random Teacher(Region*SchoolType);
store out_school;

In SAS proc mixed, we see that the fixed effects appear in the model statement, and the nested random effect appears in the random statement.

We get the following partial output:

Type 3 Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square Error Term Error DF F Value Pr > F
Region 1 564.062500 564.062500 Var(Residual) + 2 Var(Teach(Region*School)) + Q(Region,Region*SchoolType) MS(Teach(Region*School)) 4 24.07 0.0080
SchoolType 1 76.562500 76.562500 Var(Residual) + 2 Var(Teach(Region*School)) + Q(SchoolType,Region*SchoolType) MS(Teach(Region*School)) 4 3.27 0.1450
Region*SchoolType 1 264.062500 264.062500 Var(Residual) + 2 Var(Teach(Region*School)) + Q(Region*SchoolType) MS(Teach(Region*School)) 4 11.27 0.0284
Teach(Region*School) 4 93.750000 23.437500 Var(Residual) + 2 Var(Teach(Region*School)) MS(Residual) 8 5.00 0.0257
Residual 8 37.500000 4.687500 Var(Residual) . . . .

The results for hypothesis tests for the fixed effects appear as:

Type 3 Tests of Fixed Effects
Effect Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
Region 1 4 24.07 0.0080
SchoolType 1 4 3.27 0.1450
Region*SchoolType 1 4 11.27 0.0284


Given that the Region*SchoolType interaction is significant, the PLM procedure along with the lsmeans statement can be used to generate the Tukey mean comparisons and produce the groupings chart and the plots to identify what means differ significantly.

ods graphics on;
proc plm restore=out_school;
lsmeans Region*SchoolType / adjust=tukey plot=meanplot cl  lines;

Region*SchoolType Least Squares Means
Region SchoolType Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr > |t| Alpha Lower Upper
EastUS Private 85.7500 2.4206 4 35.42 <.0001 0.05 79.0293 92.4707
EastUS Public 73.2500 2.4206 4 30.26 <.0001 0.05 66.5293 79.9707
WestUS Private 89.5000 2.4206 4 36.97 <.0001 0.05 82.7793 96.2207
WestUS Public 93.2500 2.4206 4 38.52 <.0001 0.05 86.5293 99.9707

Plot of Score least-squares means for Region*SchoolType. With 95% confidence limits.

Differences of Region*SchoolType Least Squares Means
Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons: Tukey
Region SchoolType _Region _SchoolType Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr > |t| Adj P Alpha Lower Upper Adj Lower Adj Upper
EastUS Private EastUS Public 12.5000 3.4233 4 3.65 0.0217 0.0703 0.05 2.9955 22.0045 -1.4356 26.4356
EastUS Private WestUS Private -3.7500 3.4233 4 -1.10 0.3349 0.7109 0.05 -13.2545 5.7545 -17.6856 10.1856
EastUS Private WestUS Public -7.5000 3.4233 4 -2.19 0.0936 0.2677 0.05 -17.0045 2.0045 -21.4356 6.4356
EastUS Public WestUS Private -16.2500 3.4233 4 -4.75 0.0090 0.0301 0.05 -25.7545 -6.7455 -30.1856 -2.3144
EastUS Public WestUS Public -20.0000 3.4233 4 -5.84 0.0043 0.0146 0.05 -29.5045 -10.4955 -33.9356 -6.0644
WestUS Private WestUS Public -3.7500 3.4233 4 -1.10 0.3349 0.7109 0.05 -13.2545 5.7545 -17.6856 10.1856
Plot of all pairwise Score least-squares means differences for Region*SchoolType with Tukey adjustment at significance level 0.05. Score Comparisons for Region*SchoolType Significant Not significant Differences for alpha=0.05 (Tukey Adjustment) EastUS Private EastUS Public WestUS Private WestUS Public EastUS Private EastUS Public WestUS Private WestUS Public 70 80 90 100 70 80 90 100
WestUS WestUS EastUS EastUS Public Private Private Public 93.2500 89.5000 85.7500 73.2500 Region SchoolType Estimate Score Tukey Grouping for LS-Means of Region*SchoolType (Alpha = 0.05) LS-means covered by the same bar are not significantly different.


From the results, it is clear that the mean self-rating scores are highest for the public school in the west region. The difference mean scores for schools in the west region are significantly different from the mean scores for public schools in the east region.

The covtest option produces the results needed to test the significance of the random effect, Teach(Region*SchoolType) in terms of the following null and alternative hypothesis:

\(H_0: \sigma_{teacher}^2=0 \ \text{vs.}  H_a: \sigma_{teacher}^2\ > 0\)

However, as the following display shows, covtest option uses the Wald Z-test, which is based on the z-score of the sample statistic and hence is appropriate only for large samples - specifically when the number of random effect levels is sufficiently large. Otherwise, this test may not be reliable.

Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm Estimate Standard
Z Value Pr Z
Teach(Region*School) 9.3750 8.3689 1.12 0.2626
Residual 4.6875 2.3438 2.00 0.0228

Therefore, in this case, as the number of teachers employed is few, Wald's test may not be valid. It is more appropriate to use the ANOVA F-test for Teacher(Region*SchoolType). Note that the results from the ANOVA table suggest that the effects of the teacher within the region and school type are significant (Pr > F = 0.0257), whereas the results based on Wald's test suggest otherwise (since the p-value is 0.2626).

In Minitab, specifying the mixed model is a little different.

In Stat > ANOVA > General Linear Model > Fit General Linear Model

we complete the dialog box:

Minitab General Linear Model selection window 1


We can create interaction terms under Model… by selecting “region” and “school_type” and clicking Add.

Minitab General Linear Model window for selecting interaction terms


Finally, we create nested terms and effects are random under Random/Nest…:

Minitab General Linear Model Random/Nest window for selecting nested terms


Minitab Output for the mixed model:

Factor Information

Factor Type Levels Values
region Fixed 2 EastUS, WestUS
school_type Fixed 2 Private, Public
teacher(region school_type) Random 8 1(EastUS,Private), 2(EastUS,Private,)
1(EastUS,Public), 2(EastUS, Public),
1(WestUS, Private), 2(WestUS, Private),
1(WestUS,Public), 2(WestUS,Public)

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
region 1 564.06 564.06 564.06 24.07 0.008
school_type 1 76.56 76.56 76.56 3.27 0.145
region*school_type 1 264.06 264.06 264.06 11.27 0.028
teacher(region schoo_type) 4 93.75 93.75 23.44 5.00 0.026
Error 8 37.50 37.50 4.69    
Total 15 1035.94        

Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
2.16506 96.38% 93.21% 85.52%

Minitab’s results are in agreement with SAS Proc Mixed.

First, load and attach the schools data in R.

schools_data<-read.table("schools_data.txt",header=T,sep ="\t")

We then fit the mixed effects model and display the ANOVA table for the fixed effects and the LRT for the random effect.

lm_rand<-lmer(SR_score ~ region + school_type + region:school_type + (1 | teacher:(region:school_type)))
Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
                    Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value   Pr(>F)   
region             112.812 112.812     1     4 24.0667 0.008011 **
school_type         15.312  15.312     1     4  3.2667 0.144986   
region:school_type  52.812  52.812     1     4 11.2667 0.028395 * 
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
ANOVA-like table for random-effects: Single term deletions

SR_score ~ region + school_type + (1 | teacher:(region:school_type)) + region:school_type
                                   npar  logLik    AIC    LRT Df Pr(>Chisq)  
                                      6 -32.288 76.576                       
(1 | teacher:(region:school_type))    5 -34.153 78.306 3.7298  1    0.05345 .
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

We can also examine the variance estimates and their 95% CIs.

vc = VarCorr(lm_rand)
 Groups                       Name        Variance
 teacher:(region:school_type) (Intercept) 9.3750  
 Residual                                 4.6875  
ci_sig = confint(lm_rand, parm="theta_", oldNames = FALSE)
ci_sig2 = ci_sig^2
row.names(ci_sig2) = sapply(row.names(ci_sig2),function(x){gsub("sd_","var_",x)},USE.NAMES=FALSE)
row.names(ci_sig2)[length(row.names(ci_sig2))] = "sigma2"
                                                2.5 %   97.5 %
var_(Intercept)|teacher:(region:school_type) 0.000000 16.62054
sigma2                                       2.017642 14.61089

Notice, the results of the LRT as well as the CIs suggest the random effect is not significant (different from the results of the F-test in SAS). However, the region and school type interaction is significant so we produce a Tukey pairwise analysis.

ls_means(lm_rand, "region:school_type", pairwise = TRUE)
lsmeans = emmeans::emmeans(lm_rand, pairwise~region:school_type, adjust="tukey") 
ci = confint(lsmeans)
 contrast                        estimate   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 EastUS Private - WestUS Private    -3.75 3.42  4   -17.69    10.19
 EastUS Private - EastUS Public     12.50 3.42  4    -1.44    26.44
 EastUS Private - WestUS Public     -7.50 3.42  4   -21.44     6.44
 WestUS Private - EastUS Public     16.25 3.42  4     2.31    30.19
 WestUS Private - WestUS Public     -3.75 3.42  4   -17.69    10.19
 EastUS Public - WestUS Public     -20.00 3.42  4   -33.94    -6.06

6.7 - Complexity Happens

6.7 - Complexity Happens

From what we have discussed so far we see that even for the simplest multi-factor studies (i.e. those involving only two factors) there are many possibilities of treatment designs; each factor is either fixed or random as well as either crossed or nested. 

For any of these possibilities, we can carry out the hypothesis tests using the EMS expressions to identify the correct denominator for the relevant F-statistics. The possible EMS expressions are summarized in the following tables.

Source d.f. A fixed, B fixed A fixed, B random A random, B random
A a-1 \(\sigma^2+nb\frac{\sum\alpha_{i}^{2}}{a-1}\) \(\sigma^2+n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^2+nb\frac{\sum\alpha_{i}^{2}}{a-1}\) \(\sigma^2 + nb\sigma_{\alpha}^2+n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^2\)
B b-1 \(\sigma^2+na\frac{\sum\beta_{j}^{2}}{b-1}\) \(\sigma^2 + n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^2+ na\sigma_{\beta}^2\) \(\sigma^2 + na\sigma_{\beta}^2+n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^2\)
A×B (a-1)(b-1) \(\sigma^2+n\frac{\sum\sum(\alpha\beta)_{ij}^{2}}{(a-1)(b-1)}\) \(\sigma^2 + n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^2\) \(\sigma^2 + n\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^2\)
Error ab(n-1) \(\sigma^2\) \(\sigma^2\) \(\sigma^2\)
Source d.f. A fixed, B fixed A fixed, B random A random, B random
A a-1 \(\sigma^2+bn\frac{\sum\alpha_{i}^{2}}{a-1}\) \(\sigma^2+bn\frac{\sum\alpha_{i}^{2}}{a-1}+n\sigma_{\beta(\alpha)}^2\) \(\sigma^2 + bn\sigma_{\alpha}^2+n\sigma_{\beta(\alpha)}^2\)
B(A) a(b-1) \(\sigma^2+n\frac{\sum\sum\beta_{j(i)}^{2}}{a(b-1)}\)  \(\sigma^2 + n\sigma_{\beta(\alpha)}^2\)  \(\sigma^2 + n\sigma_{\beta(\alpha)}^2\)
Error ab(n-1) \(\sigma^2\) \(\sigma^2\) \(\sigma^2\)

6.8 - Try it!

6.8 - Try it!

Exercise 1

Three teaching methods were to be compared to teach computer science in high schools. Nine different schools were chosen randomly, and each teaching method was assigned to 3 randomly chosen schools, so each school implemented only one teaching method. The response used to compare the 3 teaching methods was the average score for each high school.

    data Lesson6_ex1; 
    input mtd school score semester $; 
    1 1 68.11 Fall 
    1 1 68.11 Fall 
    1 1 68.21 Fall 
    1 1 78.11 Spring 
    1 1 78.11 Spring 
    1 1 78.19 Spring 
    1 2 59.21 Fall 
    1 2 59.13 Fall 
    1 2 59.11 Fall 
    1 2 70.18 Spring 
    1 2 70.62 Spring 
    1 2 69.11 Spring 
    1 3 64.11 Fall 
    1 3 63.11 Fall 
    1 3 63.24 Fall 
    1 3 63.21 Spring 
    1 3 64.11 Spring 
    1 3 63.11 Spring 
    2 1 84.11 Fall 
    2 1 85.21 Fall 
    2 1 85.15 Fall 
    2 1 85.11 Spring 
    2 1 83.11 Spring 
    2 1 89.21 Spring 
    2 2 93.11 Fall 
    2 2 95.21 Fall 
    2 2 96.11 Fall 
    2 2 95.11 Spring 
    2 2 97.27 Spring 
    2 2 94.11 Spring 
    2 3 90.11 Fall 
    2 3 88.19 Fall 
    2 3 89.21 Fall 
    2 3 90.11 Spring 
    2 3 90.11 Spring 
    2 3 92.21 Spring 
    3 1 74.2 Fall 
    3 1 78.14 Fall 
    3 1 74.12 Fall 
    3 1 87.1 Spring 
    3 1 88.2 Spring 
    3 1 85.1 Spring 
    3 2 74.1 Fall 
    3 2 73.14 Fall 
    3 2 76.21 Fall 
    3 2 72.14 Spring 
    3 2 76.21 Spring 
    3 2 75.1 Spring 
    3 3 80.12 Fall 
    3 3 79.27 Fall 
    3 3 81.15 Fall 
    3 3 85.23 Spring 
    3 3 86.14 Spring 
    3 3 87.19 Spring 
  1. Using the information about the teaching method, school, and score only, the school administrators conducted a statistical analysis to determine if the teaching method had a significant impact on student scores. Perform a statistical analysis to confirm their conclusion.

  2. If possible, perform any other additional statistical analyses.

  1. To confirm their conclusion, a model with only the two factors, teaching method, and school was used, with school nested within the teaching method.


        data Lesson6_ex1; 
        input mtd school score semester $; 
        1 1 68.11 Fall 
        1 1 68.11 Fall 
        1 1 68.21 Fall 
        1 1 78.11 Spring 
        1 1 78.11 Spring 
        1 1 78.19 Spring 
        1 2 59.21 Fall 
        1 2 59.13 Fall 
        1 2 59.11 Fall 
        1 2 70.18 Spring 
        1 2 70.62 Spring 
        1 2 69.11 Spring 
        1 3 64.11 Fall 
        1 3 63.11 Fall 
        1 3 63.24 Fall 
        1 3 63.21 Spring 
        1 3 64.11 Spring 
        1 3 63.11 Spring 
        2 1 84.11 Fall 
        2 1 85.21 Fall 
        2 1 85.15 Fall 
        2 1 85.11 Spring 
        2 1 83.11 Spring 
        2 1 89.21 Spring 
        2 2 93.11 Fall 
        2 2 95.21 Fall 
        2 2 96.11 Fall 
        2 2 95.11 Spring 
        2 2 97.27 Spring 
        2 2 94.11 Spring 
        2 3 90.11 Fall 
        2 3 88.19 Fall 
        2 3 89.21 Fall 
        2 3 90.11 Spring 
        2 3 90.11 Spring 
        2 3 92.21 Spring 
        3 1 74.2 Fall 
        3 1 78.14 Fall 
        3 1 74.12 Fall 
        3 1 87.1 Spring 
        3 1 88.2 Spring 
        3 1 85.1 Spring 
        3 2 74.1 Fall 
        3 2 73.14 Fall 
        3 2 76.21 Fall 
        3 2 72.14 Spring 
        3 2 76.21 Spring 
        3 2 75.1 Spring 
        3 3 80.12 Fall 
        3 3 79.27 Fall 
        3 3 81.15 Fall 
        3 3 85.23 Spring 
        3 3 86.14 Spring 
        3 3 87.19 Spring 
    proc mixed data=lesson6_ex1 method=type3; 
    class mtd school; 
    model score = mtd; 
    random school(mtd); 
    store results1; 
    proc plm restore=results1;  
    lsmeans mtd / adjust=tukey plot=meanplot cl lines;  

    Partial outputs:

    Type 3 Analysis of Variance

    Type 3 Analysis of Variance
    Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square Error Term Error DF F Value Pr > F
    mtd 2 4811.400959 2405.700480 Var(Residual) + 6 Var(school(mtd)) + Q(mtd) MS(school(mtd)) 6 16.50 0.0036
    school(mtd) 6 875.059744 145.843291 Var(Residual) + 6 Var(school(mtd)) MS(Residual) 45 10.13 <.0001
    Residual 45 647.972350 14.399386 Var(Residual) . . . .

    The p-value of 0.0036 indicates that the scores vary significantly among the 3 teaching methods, confirming the school administrators’ conclusion. As the teaching method was significant, the Tukey procedure was conducted to determine the significantly different pairs among the 3 teaching methods. The results of the Tukey procedure shown below indicate that the mean scores of teaching methods 2 and 3 are not statistically significant and that the teaching method 1 mean score is statistically lower than the mean scores of the other two.

    Plot of all pairwise score least-squares means differences for mtd with Tukey adjustment at significance level 0.05.
  2. Using the additional code shown below, an ANOVA was conducted including semester also as a fixed effect.


    proc mixed data=lesson6_ex1 method=type3; 
    class mtd school semester ; 
    model score = mtd semester mtd*semester; 
    random  school(mtd) semester*school(mtd); 
    store results2;   
    proc plm restore= results2;  
    lsmeans mtd semester / adjust=tukey plot=meanplot cl lines;  

    Type 3 Analysis of Variance

    Type 3 Analysis of Variance
    Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square Error Term Error DF F Value Pr > F
    mtd 2 4811.400959 2405.700480 Var(Residual) + 3 Var(school*semester(mtd)) + 6 Var(school(mtd)) + Q(mtd,mtd*semester) MS(school(mtd)) 6 16.50 0.0036
    semester 1 286.166224 286.166224 Var(Residual) + 3 Var(school*semester(mtd)) + Q(semester,mtd*semester) MS(school*semester(mtd)) 6 8.34 0.0278
    mtd*semester 2 85.703404 42.851702 Var(Residual) + 3 Var(school*semester(mtd)) + Q(mtd*semester) MS(school*semester(mtd)) 6 1.25 0.3520
    school(mtd) 6 875.059744 145.843291 Var(Residual) + 3 Var(school*semester(mtd)) + 6 Var(school(mtd)) MS(school*semester(mtd)) 6 4.25 0.0508
    school*semester(mtd) 6 205.848456 34.308076 Var(Residual) + 3 Var(school*semester(mtd)) MS(Residual) 36 17.58 <.0001
    Residual 36 70.254267 1.951507 Var(Residual) . . . .

    The p-values indicate both the main effects of the method and semester are statistically significant, but their interaction is not and can be removed from the model. The Tukey procedure indicates that the significances of paired comparisons for the teaching method remain the same as in the previous model. Between the two semesters, the scores are statistically higher in the spring compared to the fall.

    Note! The output writes semester*school(mtd) as school*semester(mtd) due to SAS arranging effects in alphabetical order.
    Plot of all pairwise score least-squares means differences for mtd with Tukey adjustment at significance level 0.05.
    semester Least Squares Means
    semester Estimate Standard Error DF t Value Pr > |t| Alpha Lower Upper
    Fall 76.6370 1.8265 6 41.96 <.0001 0.05 72.1677 81.1063
    Spring 81.2411 1.8265 6 44.48 <.0001 0.05 76.7718 85.7104
  1. In Stat > ANOVA > General Linear Model > Fit General Linear Model we complete the dialog box:

    We create the nested term and specify the random effects under Random/Nest…:


    Analysis of Variance

    Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
    mtd 2 4811.4 2405.70 16.50 0.004
    school(mtd) 6 875.1 145.84 10.13 0.000
    Error 45 648.0 14.40    
    Total 53 6334.4      

    The p-value of 0.004 indicates that mtd is statistically significant. This implies that the mean score from all 3 teaching methods is not the same, confirming the school administrators’ claim. Note that in Minitab General Linear Model, the Tukey procedure or any other paired comparisons are not available.

  2. In Stat > ANOVA > General Linear Model > Fit General Linear Model we complete the dialog box:

    We create the nested term and specify the random effects under Random/Nest…:

    We can create interaction terms under Model… by selecting “mtd” and “semester” and clicking Add, then repeating for “school(mtd)” and “semester”.


    Analysis of Variance

    Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
    mtd 2 4811.40 2405.70 16.50 0.004
    semester 1 286.17 286.17 8.34 0.028
    school(mtd) 6 875.06 145.84 4.25 0.051
    mtd*semester 2 85.70 42.85 1.25 0.352
    school(mtd)*semester 6 205.85 34.31 17.58 0.000
    Error 36 70.25 1.95    
    Total 53 6334.43      

    The p-values indicate that both main effects mtd and semester are statistically significant, but not their interaction.

Exercise 2

Type 3 Analysis of Variance
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square F Value Pr > F
Residual 2 4811.400959 2405.700480 Var(Residual) + 6 Var(A*B) + Q(A) 11.38 0.0224
2 29.274959 14.637480 Var(Residual) + 6 Var(A*B) + 18 Var(B) 1.02 0.3700
4 845.784785 211.446196 Var(Residual)+ 6 Var(A*B) 14.68 <.0001
45 647.972350 14.399386 Var(Residual) . .

Use the ANOVA table above to answer the following.

  1. Name the fixed and random effects.
  2. Complete the Source column of the ANOVA table above.
  3. How many observations are included in this study?
  4. How many replicates are there?
  5. Write the model equation.
  6. Write the hypotheses that can be tested with the expression for the appropriate F statistic.

  1. Name the fixed and random effects.

    Fixed: A with 3 levels. In the EMS column, Q(A) reveals that A is fixed and the df indicates that it has 3 levels. Note that any factor that has a quadratic form associated with it is fixed and Q(A) is the quadratic form associated with A. This actually equals \(\sum_{i=1}^3\alpha_i^2\) where \(i = 1,2, 3\) are the treatment effects and is non-zero if the treatment means are significantly different.

    Random: B is random as indicated by the presence of Var(B). The effect of factor B is studied by sampling 3 cases (see df value for B). A*B is random as any effect involving a random factor is random. The residual is also random as indicated by the presence of the Var(residual) in the EMS column.

  2. Complete the Source column of the ANOVA table above.

    Use the EMS column and start from the bottom row. The bottom-most has only Var(residual) and therefore the effect on the corresponding Source is residual. The next row up has Var(A*B) in the additional term indicating that the corresponding source is A*B, etc.

    Type 3 Analysis of Variance
    Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Expected Mean Square F Value Pr > F
    A 2 4811.400959 2405.700480 Var(Residual) + 6 Var(A*B) + Q(A) 11.38 0.0224
    B 2 29.274959 14.637480 Var(Residual) + 6 Var(A*B) + 18 Var(B) 1.02 0.3700
    A*B 4 845.784785 211.446196 Var(Residual)+ 6 Var(A*B) 14.68 <.0001
    Residual 45 647.972350 14.399386 Var(Residual) . .
  3. How many observations are included in this study?

    N-1 = 2 + 2 +4 + 45 = 53 so N = 54. 

  4. How many full replicates are there?

    Let r = number of replicates. Then N = number of levels of A * number of levels of B * r = 3 * 3 * r.  Therefore, \(9 \times r = 54\) which gives \(r=6\). 

  5. Write the model equation.

    \(y_{ijk}=\mu+\alpha_i+\beta_j+(\alpha\beta)_{ij}+\epsilon_{ijk},\text{ }i,j=1,2,3\text{, and }k = 1,2,\dots,6\)

  6. Write the hypotheses that can be tested with the F-statistic information.

    Effect A


    \(H_0\colon\alpha_i=0 \text{ for all } i\) vs. \(H_a\colon\alpha_i \neq 0\), for at least one \(i=1,2,3\)
    Note that \(\sum_{i=1}^3\alpha_i^2\) is the non-centrality parameter of the F statistics if \(H_a\) is true.


    \(\dfrac{2405.700480}{211.446196}=11.377\) with 2 and 4 degrees of freedom

    Effect B


    \(H_0\colon\sigma_\beta^2=0\) vs. \(H_a\colon \sigma_\beta^2 > 0\)


    \(\dfrac{14.63480}{211.446196}=0.0692\) with 2 and 4 degrees of freedom

    Note that SAS uses the unrestricted model (mentioned in Section 6.5) which results in MSAB as the denominator of the F-test (verified by looking at the EMS expressions). 

    Effect A*B


    \(H_0\colon\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^2=0\) vs. \(H_a\colon\sigma_{\alpha\beta}^2> 0\)


    \(\dfrac{211.446196}{14.399386}=14.685\) with 4 and 45 degrees of freedom

6.9 - Lesson 6 Summary

6.9 - Lesson 6 Summary

Random effects of an ANOVA model represent measurements arising from a larger population. In other words, the levels or groups of the random effect that are observed can be considered as a sample from an original population. Random effects can also be subject effects. Consequently, in public health, a random effect is sometimes referred to as the subject-specific effect.

As all the levels of a random effect have the same mean, its significance is measured in terms of the variance with \(H_0\colon \sigma_{\tau}^2=0 \ \text{vs.}\ H_a\colon\sigma_{\tau}^2\gt0\). Note also that any interaction effect involving at least one random effect is also a random effect. Due to the added variability incurred by each random effect, the variance of the response now will have several components which are called variance components. In the most basic case only one single factor and no fixed effects, this compound variance of the response will be  \(\sigma_{Y}^2=\sigma_{\tau}^2+\sigma_{\epsilon}^2\), where \(\sigma_{\tau}^2\) is the variance component associated with the random factor. The intra-class correlation (ICC), defined in terms of the variance components, is a useful indicator of the high or low variability within groups (or subjects).

Mixed models introduced in section 6.5 include both fixed and random effects. Throughout the lesson, we learned how EMS quantities can be used to determine the correct F-test to test the hypotheses associated with the effects. EMS quantities can be thought of as the population counterparts of the mean sums of squares (MS) which are computable for each source in the ANOVA table.

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