9.5 - Example 9-3 : Odds Ratios from a case/control study

Example 9-3 Section

Suppose your study design is an unmatched case-control study with equal numbers of cases and controls.

If 30% of the population is exposed to a risk factor, what is the number of study subjects (assuming an equal number of cases and controls in an unmatched study design) necessary to detect a hypothesized odds ratio of 2.0? Assume 90% power \(\alpha=0.05\).

Here are the hypotheses being tested:

Null hypothesis

\(H_0\colon \text{incidence}_{1}^* \le \text{incidence}_{2}^*\)

Alternative hypothesis

\(H_A\colon \text{incidence}_{1}^* / \text{incidence}_{2}^*=\lambda^*\)



\(\text{Disease incidence}_1^*=p(\text{Exposed|Case})\)

\(\text{Disease incidence}_2^*=p(\text{Not Exposed|Control})\)

The resulting sample size formula is:

\(n=\dfrac{(r+1)(1+(\lambda -1)P)^{2}}{rP^{2}(P-1)^{2}(\lambda -1)P)^{2}}\left [ z_{\alpha}\sqrt{(r+1)p_{c}^{*}(1-p_{c}^{*})} + z_{\beta}\sqrt{\frac{\lambda P(1-P)}{\left [ 1+(\lambda-1)P \right ]^{2}}+rP(1-P)} \right ]^{2}\)


\(p_{c}^{*}=\dfrac{P}{r+1}\left ( \dfrac{r\lambda}{1+(\lambda -1)P}+1 \right )\)


Table B.10. Total sample size requirements (for the two groups combined) for unmatched case-control studies with equal numbers of cases and controls with equal numbers in each group

These tables give requirements for a one-sided test directly. For two-sided tests, use the table corresponding to half the required significance level. Note that \(P\) is the prevalence of the risk factor in the entire population and \(\lambda\) is the appropriate relative risk to be tested.

(a) 5% significance, 90% power


\(\lambda\) 0.010 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.700 0.900
0.10 2 318 456 224 108 70 50 40 30 38
0.20 3 206 638 316 158 104 80 66 56 88
0.30 4 546 912 458 232 160 124 106 98 176
0.40 6 676 1 348 684 356 248 200 176 172 330
0.50 10 318 2 098 1 074 566 404 332 296 306 616
0.60 17 220 3 522 1 816 974 706 588 536 576 1 206
0.70 32 570 6 698 3 476 1 890 1 390 1 174 1 088 1 206 2 612
0.80 77 686 16 052 8 382 4 614 3 438 2 944 2 764 3 146 7 012
0.90 328 374 68 156 35 786 19 922 15 020 13 006 12 354 14 400 32 892
1.10 363 666 76 090 40 352 22 918 17 630 15 574 15 096 18 316 43 550
1.20 95 332 20 020 10 664 6 112 4 744 4 228 4 134 5 102 12 340
1.30 44 334 9 342 4 998 2 888 2 260 2 032 2 002 2 510 6 166
1.40 26 044 5 506 2 958 1 722 1 358 1 230 1 222 1 554 3 870
1.50 17 376 3 684 1 986 1 166 926 846 846 1 090 2 748
1.60 12 558 2 672 1 446 854 684 628 632 826 2 106
1.80 7 618 1 630 888 532 432 400 408 546 1 420
2.00 5 230 1 124 616 374 306 288 296 404 1 074
3.00 1 754 386 218 138 120 118 126 184 522
4.00 978 220 126 84 74 76 84 130 380
5.00 664 150 88 60 56 58 66 104 316
10.00 244 60 38 30 30 34 40 70 224
20.00 108 30 20 18 20 24 30 56 190


Table B.10. Total sample size requirements (for the two groups combined) for unmatched case-control studies with equal numbers of cases and controls with equal numbers in each group

These tables give requirements for a one-sided test directly. For two-sided tests, use the table corresponding to half the required significance level. Note that \(P\) is the prevalence of the risk factor in the entire population and \(\lambda\) is the appropriate relative risk to be tested.

(a) 5% significance, 90% power


\(\lambda\) 0.010 0.050 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.700 0.900
0.10 2 318 456 224 108 70 50 40 30 38
0.20 3 206 638 316 158 104 80 66 56 88
0.30 4 546 912 458 232 160 124 106 98 176
0.40 6 676 1 348 684 356 248 200 176 172 330
0.50 10 318 2 098 1 074 566 404 332 296 306 616
0.60 17 220 3 522 1 816 974 706 588 536 576 1 206
0.70 32 570 6 698 3 476 1 890 1 390 1 174 1 088 1 206 2 612
0.80 77 686 16 052 8 382 4 614 3 438 2 944 2 764 3 146 7 012
0.90 328 374 68 156 35 786 19 922 15 020 13 006 12 354 14 400 32 892
1.10 363 666 76 090 40 352 22 918 17 630 15 574 15 096 18 316 43 550
1.20 95 332 20 020 10 664 6 112 4 744 4 228 4 134 5 102 12 340
1.30 44 334 9 342 4 998 2 888 2 260 2 032 2 002 2 510 6 166
1.40 26 044 5 506 2 958 1 722 1 358 1 230 1 222 1 554 3 870
1.50 17 376 3 684 1 986 1 166 926 846 846 1 090 2 748
1.60 12 558 2 672 1 446 854 684 628 632 826 2 106
1.80 7 618 1 630 888 532 432 400 408 546 1 420
2.00 5 230 1 124 616 374 306 288 296 404 1 074
3.00 1 754 386 218 138 120 118 126 184 522
4.00 978 220 126 84 74 76 84 130 380
5.00 664 150 88 60 56 58 66 104 316
10.00 244 60 38 30 30 34 40 70 224
20.00 108 30 20 18 20 24 30 56 190

Try it!

What happens to the necessary sample size as:


  1. Prevalence of the risk factor increases (P)?
  2. Odds ratio decreases (\(\lambda\))?
  1. For many \(\lambda\), 0.5 has the smallest sample size requirement
  2. largest sample sizes with OR closest to 1; 1.1 requires greater n than 0.9

We have considered three typical epidemiologic research designs. You might also ask these questions:

Should the number of controls match the number of cases? Should multiple controls be used for each case?

Observe the power curve below:

Power increases but at a decreasing rate as the ratio of controls/cases increases. Little additional power is gained at ratios higher than four controls/cases. There is little benefit to enrolling a greater ratio of controls to cases.


from Woodward, M. Epidemiology Study Design and Analysis. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall, 1999, p.265

Under what circumstances would it be recommended to enroll a large number of controls compared to cases?

Perhaps the small gain in power is worthwhile if the cost of a Type II error is large and the expense of obtaining controls is minimal, such as selecting controls with covariate information from a computerized database. If you must physically locate and recruit the controls, set up clinic appointments, run diagnostic tests, and enter data, the effort of pursuing a large number of controls quickly offsets any gain. You would use a one-to-one or two-to-one range. The bottom line is there is little additional power beyond a four-to-one ratio.

What if there is a Limited Number of Total Subjects for Case-Control Studies?

Sometimes the total number of subjects is limited (e.g., you have limited funds and the cost associated with each case is equal to the cost associated with a control). This graph illustrates power as related to the ratio of the controls to cases.


from Woodward, M. Epidemiology Study Design and Analysis. Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall, 1999, p.358

Try it!

What is the ratio of cases/controls you should study for maximum power?

There is maximum power with a one-to-one ratio of controls to cases. If you are limited in the number of people that can be enrolled in a study, match cases to controls in a one-to-one fashion.

What about Matched Case-Control Studies?

In matched case/control study designs, useful data come from only the discordant pairs of subjects. Useful information does not come from the concordant pairs of subjects. Matching of cases and controls on a confounding factor (e.g., age, sex) may increase the efficiency of a case-control study, especially when the moderator's minimal number of controls are rejected.

The sample size for matched study designs may be greater or less than the sample size required for similar unmatched designs because only the pairs discordant on exposure are included in the analysis. The proportion of discordant pairs must be estimated to derive sample size and power. The power of matched case/control study design for a given sample size may be larger or smaller than the power for an unmatched design.

Formula for sample size calculation for matched case-control study:

\(n=\dfrac{(r+1)(1+(\lambda -1)P)^{2}}{rP^{2}(P-1)^{2}(\lambda -1)^{2}}\left [ z_{\alpha}\sqrt{(r+1)p_{c}^{*}} + z_{\beta}\sqrt{\frac{\lambda P(1-P)}{\left [ 1+(\lambda-1)P \right ]^{2}}+rP(1-P)} \right ]^{2}\)


\(p_{c}^{*}=\dfrac{P}{r+1}\left ( \dfrac{r\lambda}{1+(\lambda -1)P}+1 \right )\)

P = prevalence of exposure among the population
\(\lambda\) = estimated relative risk
r = ratio of cases to controls