8  Dimension Reduction Methods



Textbook reading: Section 6.3: Dimension Reduction Methods and Section 6.4: Considerations in High Dimensions


Upon successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Understand and know how to perform principal components regression (PCR).
  • Understand and know how to perform partial least squares (PLS).

8.1 Principal Components Regression (PCR)

In principal components regression, we first perform principal components analysis (PCA) on the original data, then perform dimension reduction by selecting the number of principal components (m) using cross-validation or test set error, and finally conduct regression using the first m dimension reduced principal components.

  • Principal components regression forms the derived input columns \(\mathbf{z}\_m = \mathbf{X}\mathbf{v}\_m\) and then regresses y on \(z_1, z_2, \cdots , z_m\) for some \(m \leq p\).
  • Principal components regression discards the \(p – m\) smallest eigenvalue components.

By manually setting the projection onto the principal component directions with small eigenvalues set to 0 (i.e., only keeping the large ones), dimension reduction is achieved. PCR is very similar to ridge regression in a certain sense. Ridge regression can be viewed conceptually as projecting the y vector onto the principal component directions and then shrinking the projection on each principal component direction. The amount of shrinkage depends on the variance of that principal component. Ridge regression shrinks everything, but it never shrinks anything to zero. By contrast, PCR either does not shrink a component at all or shrinks it to zero.

8.2 Partial Least Squares (PLS)

Whereas in PCR the response variable, y, plays no role in identifying the principle component directions, in partial least squares (PLS), y supervises the identification of PLS directions (see pages 237-8 in the textbook for details on how this is done). Other than this key difference, PLS is similar to PCR in that we use cross-validation or test error to perform dimension reduction by selecting the number of PLS directions, and then we fit a multiple linear regression model to just these directions.

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