Overview Section
In having come this far in Stat 483, you should proudly know that you've completed 23 lessons and are about to complete your 24th lesson! Every time we executed a program in the preceding 23 lessons, we immediately looked at our output window in SAS to find the listing output that SAS creates by default. In this lesson, we'll learn how to use the SAS System's Output Delivery System (ODS) to create other forms of output, such as HTML output that can be viewed by your web browser, PDF files that are formatted for high-resolution printers, and RTF files that can be easily imported into Microsoft Word. Along the way, we'll also learn how to modify the appearance of the output that is obtained by default from any procedure. Finally, we'll learn how to use the Output Delivery System to create SAS data sets instead of the default output from various procedures.
Upon completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
- state that each output object is comprised of a data component and a table definition
- state that the Listing destination is open by default
- define how to use an ODS statement to open and close ODS destinations
- state how to use the _ALL_ keyword to close multiple ODS destinations at the same time
- use the ODS HTML statement to create HTML output from procedure output
- use the ODS RTF statement to create RTF output from procedure output
- use the ODS PDF statement to create PDF output from procedure output
- use the ODS TRACE statement to learn the names of output objects
- use the ODS SELECT statement to select just the output objects that you want
- customize your HTML output with the STYLE = option
- use the ODS OUTPUT statement to create data sets from procedure output