Software Help 8
Software Help 8The next two pages cover the
Minitab and commands for the procedures in this lesson.Below is a zip file that contains all the data sets used in this lesson:
- birthsmokers.txt
- birthsmokers_02.txt
- depression.txt
- leadmoss.txt
- shipment
Minitab Help 8: Categorical Predictors
Minitab Help 8: Categorical PredictorsMinitab®
Birthweight and smoking (2-level categorical predictor, additive model)
- Create an indicator variable for Smoke by selecting Calc > Make Indicator Variables, move "Smoke" to the box labeled "Indicator variables for," and click "OK."
- Perform a linear regression analysis of Wgt on Gest + Smoke_yes. You can either put "Gest" and "Smoke_yes" in the box labeled "Continuous predictors" or, alternatively, put "Gest" in the box labeled "Continuous predictors" and "Smoke" in the box labeled "Categorical predictors." Either way, click "Storage" and select "Fits" before clicking "OK."
- Select Calc > Calculator, type "FITS0" in the box labeled "Store result in variable," type "if(Smoke="no",FITS)" in the box labeled "Expression," and click "OK." Repeat to create FITS1 as "if(Smoke="yes",FITS)."
- Create a basic scatterplot but select "With Groups" instead of "Simple." Plot "Wgt" vs "Gest" with "Smoke" as the "Categorical variable for grouping."
- To add parallel regression lines representing Smoke=0 and Smoke=1 to the scatterplot, select the scatterplot, select Editor > Add > Calculated Line, and select "FITS0" for the "Y column" and "Gest" for the "X column." Repeat to add the "FITS1" line.
- To display confidence intervals for the regression parameters, click "Results" in the Regression Dialog and select "Expanded tables" for "Display of results."
- Find a confidence interval and a prediction interval for the response to display confidence intervals for expected Wgt at Gest=38 (for Smoke=1 and Smoke=0).
- Select Data > Split Worksheet to create separate worksheets for Smoke=0 and Smoke=1.
- To repeat analysis using (1, -1) coding, click "Coding" in the Regression Dialog and select "(-1, 0, +1)" as the "Coding for categorical predictors."
Depression treatment (3-level categorical predictor, interaction model)
- Create a basic scatterplot but select "With Groups" instead of "Simple." Plot "y" (treatment effectiveness) vs "age" with "TRT" as the "Categorical variable for grouping."
- Perform a linear regression analysis of y on age (continuous) + TRT (categorical) but before clicking "OK," click "Model," select age and TRT together in the "Predictors" box, change "Interactions through order" to "2" and click "Add." You should see "age*TRT" appear in the box labeled "Terms in the model." Before clicking "OK," click "Coding," select "(1, 0)" for the "Coding for categorical predictors," and change the "Reference level" to "C."
- To add non-parallel regression lines representing each of the three treatments to the scatterplot do the following. Create a basic scatterplot but select "With Regression and Groups" instead of "Simple." Plot "y" (treatment effectiveness) vs "age" with "TRT" as the "Categorical variable for grouping."
- Create residual plots and select "Residuals versus fits" (with regular residuals).
- Conduct regression error normality tests and select Anderson-Darling.
- Click "Options" in the regression dialog to select Sequential (Type I) sums of squares to display an Anova table allowing calculation of F-statistic to see if at least one of x2, x3, age.x2, and age.x3 are useful (i.e., the regression functions differ).
- Use the same Anova table to calculate an F-statistic to see if at least one of age.x2 and age.x3 are useful (i.e., the regression functions have different slopes).
Real estate air conditioning (2-level categorical predictor, interaction model, transformations)
- Perform a linear regression analysis of SalePrice on SqFeet and Air (both continuous) but before clicking "OK," click "Model," select SqFeet and Air together in the "Predictors" box, change "Interactions through order" to "2" and click "Add." You should see "SqFeet*Air" appear in the box labeled "Terms in the model."
- To display a scatterplot of SalePrice vs SqFeet with points marked by Air and non-parallel regression lines representing Air=0 and Air=1 do the following. Create a basic scatterplot but select "With Regression and Groups" instead of "Simple." Plot "SalePrice" vs "SqFeet" with "Air" as the "Categorical variable for grouping."
- Create residual plots and select "Residuals versus fits" (with regular residuals).
- Select Calc > Calculator to create log(SalePrice) and log(SqFeet) variables and repeat preceding instructions to fit a multiple linear regression model of log(SalePrice) on log(SqFeet) + Air + log(SqFeet).Air.
- Repeat the preceding instructions to display a scatterplot of log(SalePrice) vs log(SqFeet) with points marked by Air and non-parallel regression lines representing Air=0 and Air=1.
- Create residual plots and select "Residuals versus fits" (with regular residuals).
Hospital infection risk (4-level categorical predictor, additive model)
- Use Data > Subset Worksheet to select only hospitals with Stay < 14.
- Perform a linear regression analysis of InfctRsk on Stay and Xray (continuous) and Region (categorical) but before clicking "OK," click "Coding," select "(1, 0)" for the "Coding for categorical predictors," and change the "Reference level" to "1."
- The resulting Anova table displays an F-statistic to see if at least one of i2, i3, and i4 is useful (conclusion: the regression functions differ by region).
- To calculate an F-statistic to see if at least one of i2 and i3 are useful you'll need to first create indicator variables for Region by selecting Calc > Make Indicator Variables. To find the reduced model results, Perform a linear regression analysis of InfctRsk on Stay, Xray, and Region_4 (all continuous).
R Help 8: Categorical Predictors
R Help 8: Categorical PredictorsR
Birthweight and smoking (2-level categorical predictor, additive model)
- Load the birthsmokers data.
- Create a scatterplot matrix of the data
- Fit a multiple linear regression model of Wgt on Gest + Smoke.
- Display scatterplot of Wgt vs Gest with points marked by Smoke and add parallel regression lines representing Smoke=0 and Smoke=1.
- Display regression results and calculate confidence intervals for the regression parameters.
- Display confidence intervals for expected Wgt at Gest=38 (for Smoke=1 and Smoke=0).
- Repeat analysis separately for Smoke=0 and Smoke=1.
- Repeat analysis using (1, -1) coding.
birthsmokers <- read.table("~/path-to-folder/birthsmokers.txt", header=T)
pairs(cbind(Wgt, Gest, Smoke))
model <- lm(Wgt ~ Gest + Smoke)
plot(x=Gest, y=Wgt, ylim=c(2300, 3700),
col=ifelse(Smoke=="yes", "red", "blue"),
panel.last = c(lines(sort(Gest[Smoke=="no"]),
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) -2389.573 349.206 -6.843 1.63e-07 ***
# Gest 143.100 9.128 15.677 1.07e-15 ***
# Smokeyes -244.544 41.982 -5.825 2.58e-06 ***
# ---
# Residual standard error: 115.5 on 29 degrees of freedom
# Multiple R-squared: 0.8964, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8892
# F-statistic: 125.4 on 2 and 29 DF, p-value: 5.289e-15
# 2.5 % 97.5 %
# (Intercept) -3103.7795 -1675.3663
# Gest 124.4312 161.7694
# Smokeyes -330.4064 -158.6817
predict(model, interval="confidence",
newdata=data.frame(Gest=c(38, 38), Smoke=c("yes", "no")))
# fit lwr upr
# 1 2803.693 2740.599 2866.788
# 2 3048.237 2989.120 3107.355
model.0 <- lm(Wgt ~ Gest, subset=Smoke=="no")
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) -2546.14 457.29 -5.568 6.93e-05 ***
# Gest 147.21 11.97 12.294 6.85e-09 ***
predict(model.0, interval="confidence",
# fit lwr upr
# 1 3047.724 2990.298 3105.15
model.1 <- lm(Wgt ~ Gest, subset=Smoke=="yes")
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) -2474.56 553.97 -4.467 0.000532 ***
# Gest 139.03 14.11 9.851 1.12e-07 ***
predict(model.1, interval="confidence",
# fit lwr upr
# 1 2808.528 2731.726 2885.331
Smoke2 <- ifelse(Smoke=="yes", 1, -1)
model.3 <- lm(Wgt ~ Gest + Smoke2)
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) -2511.845 353.449 -7.107 8.07e-08 ***
# Gest 143.100 9.128 15.677 1.07e-15 ***
# Smoke2 -122.272 20.991 -5.825 2.58e-06 ***
# Alternatively
model.3 <- lm(Wgt ~ Gest + Smoke, contrasts=list(Smoke="contr.sum"))
Depression treatments (3-level categorical predictor, interaction model)
- Load the depression data.
- Display scatterplot of y (treatment effectiveness) vs age with points marked by treatment.
- Create interaction variables and fit a multiple linear regression model of y on age + x2 + x3 + age.x2 + age.x3.
- Add non-parallel regression lines representing each of the three treatments to the scatterplot.
- Display a residuals vs fits plot and a normal probability plot of the residuals, and conduct an Anderson-Darling normality test using the
package. - Conduct an F-test to see if at least one of x2, x3, age.x2, and age.x3 are useful (i.e., the regression functions differ).
- Conduct an F-test to see if at least one of age.x2 and age.x3 are useful (i.e., the regression functions have different slopes).
depression <- read.table("~/path-to-folder/depression.txt", header=T)
plot(x=age, y=y, col=as.numeric(TRT))
legend("topleft", col=1:3, pch=1,
inset=0.02, x.intersp = 1.5, y.intersp = 1.8,
legend=c("Trt A", "Trt B", "Trt C"))
age.x2 <- age*x2
age.x3 <- age*x3
model.1 <- lm(y ~ age + x2 + x3 + age.x2 + age.x3)
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 6.21138 3.34964 1.854 0.073545 .
# age 1.03339 0.07233 14.288 6.34e-15 ***
# x2 41.30421 5.08453 8.124 4.56e-09 ***
# x3 22.70682 5.09097 4.460 0.000106 ***
# age.x2 -0.70288 0.10896 -6.451 3.98e-07 ***
# age.x3 -0.50971 0.11039 -4.617 6.85e-05 ***
plot(x=age, y=y, ylim=c(20, 80), col=as.numeric(TRT),
panel.last = c(lines(sort(age[TRT=="A"]),
legend("topleft", col=1:3, pch=1, lty=1,
inset=0.02, x.intersp = 1.5, y.intersp = 1.8,
legend=c("Trt A", "Trt B", "Trt C"))
plot(x=fitted(model.1), y=rstudent(model.1),
panel.last = abline(h=0, lty=2))
qqnorm(residuals(model.1), main="", datax=TRUE)
qqline(residuals(model.1), datax=TRUE)
ad.test(residuals(model.1)) # A = 0.4057, p-value = 0.3345
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
# age 1 3424.4 3424.4 222.2946 2.059e-15 ***
# x2 1 803.8 803.8 52.1784 4.857e-08 ***
# x3 1 1.2 1.2 0.0772 0.7831
# age.x2 1 375.0 375.0 24.3430 2.808e-05 ***
# age.x3 1 328.4 328.4 21.3194 6.850e-05 ***
# Residuals 30 462.1 15.4
model.2 <- lm(y ~ age)
anova(model.2, model.1)
# Model 1: y ~ age
# Model 2: y ~ age + x2 + x3 + age.x2 + age.x3
# Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
# 1 34 1970.57
# 2 30 462.15 4 1508.4 24.48 4.458e-09 ***
model.3 <- lm(y ~ age + x2 + x3)
anova(model.3, model.1)
# Model 1: y ~ age + x2 + x3
# Model 2: y ~ age + x2 + x3 + age.x2 + age.x3
# Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
# 1 32 1165.57
# 2 30 462.15 2 703.43 22.831 9.41e-07 ***
Real estate air conditioning (2-level categorical predictor, interaction model, transformations)
- Load the realestate data.
- Create an interaction variable and fit a multiple linear regression model of SalePrice on SqFeet + Air + SqFeet.Air.
- Display scatterplot of SalePrice vs SqFeet with points marked by Air and add non-parallel regression lines representing Air=0 and Air=1.
- Display residual plot with fitted (predicted) values on the horizontal axis.
- Create log(SalePrice), log(SqFeet), and log(SqFeet).Air variables and fit a multiple linear regression model of log(SalePrice) on log(SqFeet) + Air + log(SqFeet).Air.
- Display scatterplot of log(SalePrice) vs log(SqFeet) with points marked by Air and add non-parallel regression lines representing Air=0 and Air=1.
- Display residual plot with fitted (predicted) values on the horizontal axis.
realestate <- read.table("~/path-to-folder/realestate.txt", header=T)
SqFeet.Air <- SqFeet*Air
model.1 <- lm(SalePrice ~ SqFeet + Air + SqFeet.Air)
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) -3.218 30.085 -0.107 0.914871
# SqFeet 104.902 15.748 6.661 6.96e-11 ***
# Air -78.868 32.663 -2.415 0.016100 *
# SqFeet.Air 55.888 16.580 3.371 0.000805 ***
plot(x=SqFeet, y=SalePrice,
col=ifelse(Air, "red", "blue"),
panel.last = c(lines(sort(SqFeet[Air==0]),
legend("topleft", col=c("blue", "red"), pch=1, lty=1, inset=0.02,
legend=c("No air conditioning", "Air conditioning"))
plot(x=fitted(model.1), y=residuals(model.1),
xlab="Fitted values", ylab="Residuals",
panel.last = abline(h=0, lty=2))
lnSalePrice <- log(SalePrice)
lnSqFeet <- log(SqFeet)
lnSqFeet.Air <- lnSqFeet*Air
model.2 <- lm(lnSalePrice ~ lnSqFeet + Air + lnSqFeet.Air)
plot(x=lnSqFeet, y=lnSalePrice,
col=ifelse(Air, "red", "blue"),
panel.last = c(lines(sort(lnSqFeet[Air==0]),
legend("topleft", col=c("blue", "red"), pch=1, lty=1, inset=0.02,
legend=c("No air conditioning", "Air conditioning"))
plot(x=fitted(model.2), y=residuals(model.2),
xlab="Fitted values", ylab="Residuals",
panel.last = abline(h=0, lty=2))
Hospital infection risk (4-level categorical predictor, additive model)
- Load the infectionrisk data and select observations with Stay <= 14.
- Create indicator variables for regions.
- Fit a multiple linear regression model of InfctRsk on Stay + Xray + i2 + i3 + i4.
- Conduct an F-test to see if at least one of i2, i3, and i4 are useful (conclusion: the regression functions differ by region).
- Conduct an F-test to see if at least one of i2 and i3 are useful (conclusion: only the west region differs).
infectionrisk <- read.table("~/path-to-folder/infectionrisk.txt", header=T)
infectionrisk <- infectionrisk[infectionrisk$Stay<=14,]
i1 <- ifelse(Region==1,1,0) # NE
i2 <- ifelse(Region==2,1,0) # NC
i3 <- ifelse(Region==3,1,0) # S
i4 <- ifelse(Region==4,1,0) # W
model.1 <- lm(InfctRsk ~ Stay + Xray + i2 + i3 + i4)
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) -2.134259 0.877347 -2.433 0.01668 *
# Stay 0.505394 0.081455 6.205 1.11e-08 ***
# Xray 0.017587 0.005649 3.113 0.00238 **
# i2 0.171284 0.281475 0.609 0.54416
# i3 0.095461 0.288852 0.330 0.74169
# i4 1.057835 0.378077 2.798 0.00612 **
# ---
# Residual standard error: 1.036 on 105 degrees of freedom
# Multiple R-squared: 0.4198, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3922
# F-statistic: 15.19 on 5 and 105 DF, p-value: 3.243e-11
model.2 <- lm(InfctRsk ~ Stay + Xray)
anova(model.2, model.1)
# Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
# 1 108 123.56
# 2 105 112.71 3 10.849 3.3687 0.02135 *
model.3 <- lm(InfctRsk ~ Stay + Xray + i4)
anova(model.3, model.1)
# Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
# 1 107 113.11
# 2 105 112.71 2 0.39949 0.1861 0.8305