Minitab® – Procedure
If you haven't already done so, store the residuals on which you want to conduct the Ryan Joiner correlation test.
- Select Stat > Regression > Regression > Fit Regression Model...
- Specify the response and the predictor variable(s).
- Select Storage... Under Diagnostic Measures, select the type of residuals (and/or influence measures) that you want to store. Select OK.
- Select OK. The requested residuals (and/or influence measures) will be stored in your worksheet.
Once Minitab has stored the residuals in your worksheet:
- Select Stat > Basic Statistics > Normality Test...
- In the box labeled Variable, specify the name of the variable containing the residuals (Minitab names it something like RESI1, RESI2, ...).
- Under Tests for Normality, select Anderson-Darling, Ryan-Joiner, or Kolmogorov-Smirnov.
- Select OK. A new graph window containing the requested normal probability plot should appear.
The data set adaptive.txt contains the Gesell adaptive scores and ages (in months) of n = 21 children with cyanotic heart disease. Upon regressing the response y = score on the predictor x = age, use the resulting residuals to test whether or not the error terms are normally distributed.