Overview Section
In this lesson, we investigate two of the more common statistical analysis procedures. Specifically, we investigate:
- the ANOVA procedure, to conduct analysis of variance tests when you have balanced data, i.e., when each group has the same number of observations
- the GLM procedure, to conduct analysis of variance tests when you have continuous effects or unbalanced data, i.e., when each group does not have the same number of observations
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
- use the ANOVA procedure to conduct a one-way analysis of variance
- read the basic output that arises from invoking the ANOVA procedure
- use the GLM procedure to conduct an analysis of variance on unbalanced data
- use the GLM procedure to conduct an analysis of covariance
- read the basic output that arises from invoking the GLM procedure
- use the MEANS procedure and the GPLOT procedure to create an interaction plot
Textbook Reference Section
Chapter 7 of the textbook.