Getting Started with STAT 482

Overview Section

If you've taken STAT 480 and STAT 481 online, then you should know the drill by now. When taking an online course, it is very important to understand how the course is organized, what is expected of you as a student, and what kinds of special materials might be included in the course. You need to make sure that you know how to use the course materials effectively so that you can take full advantage of the value that they bring to your learning experience. The primary purpose of this introductory set of materials is to introduce you to the course and the instructor, as well as some technical and administrative issues.

Every lesson in this course will contain an overview similar to this one here. The lesson overview will highlight the learning objectives and outcomes of the lesson, as well as provide you with a "to-do" list for the lesson.


Upon completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:

  • describe how the course is organized
  • know where to find more detailed information about the course, including contact information, course requirements, and course deadlines
  • identify links to special course materials
  • navigate a viewlet
  • open a SAS program within the SAS application on your computer
  • open data files for use with SAS programs
  • post a message and read others' messages on a lesson discussion board