Worked Examples from the Course That Use Software

These are links to examples used in this course along with the necessary files or data sets that are required. Use this list to review the concepts and procedures that are covered in this course. Follow the link to the page within the course for more detail explanations, animated walk-throughs of these examples and/or additional related files.

The Topic / Procedure Code or Data files Lesson Page Link
Using PROC FREQ in SAS for determining an exact confidence interval for a binomial proportion 6a.2 Safety and Efficacy Studies
Determine when the exact confidence interval for p no longer contains a certain value 6a.3 Example: Discarding Ineffective Treatment
Using PROC POWER to calculate sample size when comparing two normal means 6a.6 Example 1: Comparative Treatment Efficacy Studies
Using PROC POWER to calculate sample size when comparing two binomial proportions 6a.7 Example 2: Comparative Treatment Efficacy Studies
Using PROC POWER to calculate sample size when comparing two hazard functions 6a.8 Comparing Treatment Groups Using Hazard Ratios
Sample Size for Comparing Two Normal Means 6b.8 SAS Examples
Sample Size for Comparing Two Binomial Proportions 6b.8 SAS Examples
Sample Size for Comparing Two Hazard Functions 6b.8 SAS Examples
Providing permuted blocks randomization scheme for equal allocation to treatments A and B 8.7 Administration of the Randomization Process
Example randomization plan 8.7 Administration of the Randomization Process

Using PROC FREQ in SAS for performing statistical inference with the odds ratio in a two-way frequency table

SAS Example 12.1 11.2 Safety and Efficacy (Phase II) Studies: The Odds Ratio

Using PROC FREQ for conducting a Mantel-Haenszel test 11.3 Safety and Efficacy (Phase II) Studies: The Mantel-Haenszel Test for the Odds Ratio
Constructing trend tests 11.4 Safety and Efficacy (Phase II) Studies: Trend Analysis

Using PROC LIFETEST in SAS to construct Kaplan-Meier survival curves and test statistics for comparing survival curves 11.7 Comparing Survival Curves
Multiple Regression 13.1_multiple 12.4 Examples
ANCOVA 12.4 Examples
Repeated Measurements 13.3_repeated 12.4 Examples

Using PROC LOGISTIC in SAS to perform ordinal logistic regression

13.4_logistic 12.5 Model-Based Methods: Binary Outcomes

Using PROC PHREG in SAS to perform proportional hazards regression

13.5_ph 12.8 Example

Analysis of the data from a 2x2 crossover using SAS 15.8 Analysis - Continuous Outcome

Analysis of the data from a 2x2 crossover for a binary outcome, assuming null period effects 15.9 Analysis - Binary Outcome

Analysis of data from a 2x2 crossover for a binary outcome, assuming nonnull period effects 15.9 Analysis - Binary Outcome

Assessment of average bioequivalence from a 2x2 crossover design 15.12 Bioequivalence Trials

Using PROC FREQ in SAS for determining an exact confidence interval for sensitivity and specificity 17.2 Describing Diagnostic Tests

Using PROC FREQ in SAS for comparing two diagnostic tests based on data from two samples Comparing Two Diagnostic Tests

Using PROC FREQ in SAS for comparing two diagnostic tests based on data from one sample 17.4 Comparing Two Diagnostic Tests

Using PROC LOGISTIC to develop the ROC curve 17.5 Selecting a Positivity Criterion

Provides an IML module for calculating point and interval estimates of the Pearson correlation coefficient and the concordance correlation coefficient 18.4 Concordance Correlation Coefficient for Measuring Agreement
SAS PROC FREQ option for constructing Cohen's kappa and weighted kappa statistics 18.6 Cohen's Kappa Statistic for Measuring Agreement