Welcome to STAT 503!Lesson 1: Introduction to Design of ExperimentsLesson 2: Simple Comparative ExperimentsLesson 3: Experiments with a Single Factor - the Oneway ANOVA - in the Completely Randomized Design (CRD)Lesson 4: BlockingLesson 5: Introduction to Factorial DesignsLesson 6: The \(2^k\) Factorial DesignLesson 7: Confounding and Blocking in \(2^k\) Factorial DesignsLesson 8: 2-level Fractional Factorial DesignsLesson 9: 3-level and Mixed-level Factorials and Fractional FactorialsLesson 11: Response Surface Methods and DesignsLesson 14: Nested and Split Plot DesignsLesson 12: Robust Parameter DesignsLesson 13: Experiments with Random FactorsLesson 10: Simple Linear Regression