Wiesner received his Ph.D. in Research Methodology from the University of Pittsburgh in 2004. He received his M.A. in Applied Statistics in 2000 from the University of Pittsburgh, and a B.S. in Quantitative Business Analysis from Penn State in 1984.
Wiesner's primary research area is sports statistics. He has developed and taught special topic undergraduate courses such as Sports Marketing Analytics, Statistics in Sports, and an MLB Arbitration course coordinated with the PSU Law School.
Wiesner's secondary interest is educational statistics and assessment, particularly online course development and student engagement in online courses.
Since 2005, Wiesner has been involved in creating several online statistics courses delivered through the Penn State World Campus. These include STAT 200, 505, and 800. He serves on the executive committee of the Penn State Center for the Study of Sports in Society and is the faculty advisor for the Sports Analytics Club and Sabermetrics Club. He is also a Statistical Consult for the American Journal of Distance Education.
Wiesner, A. (2012) A Sports-Oriented Approach to Introductory Statistics. San Diego: Cognella Academic Publishing