Dr. Elizabeth Eisenhauer earned her Statistics PhD from Penn State in 2022 and is presently a statistician working collaboratively in education, public health, transportation, and environmental contexts. As a Senior Statistician at Westat, her projects include methods in causal inference (experiments and quasi-experiments), Bayesian statistics, survey sampling, and bias analysis. As a Part-time Instructor at Penn State University, she teaches the undergraduate and graduate level courses Survey Statistics (STAT 466) and Applied Statistics (STAT 500). Her doctoral research at Penn State involved advances in stochastic differential equation models and sampling design for animal movement in Bayesian and frequentist frameworks and development of a survey tool to assess students’ attitudes toward probability. As a graduate assistant, she was the independent instructor of seven undergraduate Penn State course sections across Elementary Statistics (STAT 200), Elementary Probability (STAT 318), and Experimental Methods (STAT 401).