Instructor Profile

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Kuruppumullage Don
Associate Research Professor; Director of Online Programs
316A Thomas Building
Office Phone:
(814) 863-3193

Kuruppumullage Don

Online Courses

I am currently a faculty member at the Statistics Department at Penn State. In addition to teaching and research, I also serve as the assistant director of online programs.

Before joining Penn State faculty, I served as an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Rhode Island. I earned my PhD in Statistics from Penn State in 2014, and completed my post-doctoral training at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/ Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

  • PhD in Statistics (Pennsylvania State University, 2014)
    Thesis: Estimation & Model Selection for Block Clustering with Mixtures: A Composite Likelihood Approach
    Co-advisors: Bruce Lindsay & Francesca Chiaromonte
  • M.Sc in Statistics (Pennsylvania State University, 2011)
    Thesis: Evolution characteristics of ensemble forecasts through clustering
    Advisor: Francesca Chiaromonte
  • B.Sc. in Statistics (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2005), First Class Honors