Minitab® – Help
Student heights and weights
- Perform a basic regression analysis with y = wt and x = ht.
- Create a fitted line plot.
- Use Editor > Add > Reference Lines to add a horizontal line at the mean weight.
- Find a confidence interval and a prediction interval for the response to predict weight for height = 64.
Skin cancer mortality
- Perform a basic regression analysis with y = Mort and x = Lat.
- Create a fitted line plot.
- Find a confidence interval and a prediction interval for the response to calculate 95% confidence intervals for E(Mort) at Lat = 40 and 28.
- Calculate mean(Lat).
- Find a confidence interval and a prediction interval for the response to calculate a 95% prediction interval for Mort at Lat = 40.
- Create a fitted line plot with confidence bands and prediction bands.
Hospital infection risk
- Use Data > Subset Worksheet to select only hospitals in regions 1 or 2.
- Create a basic scatterplot of Stay versus InfctRsk.
- Use Data > Subset Worksheet to select only hospitals with Stay < 16 (i.e., remove the two hospitals with extreme values of Stay).
- Perform a basic regression analysis with y = InfctRsk and x = Stay.
- Find a confidence interval and a prediction interval for the response to calculate 95% confidence intervals for E(InfctRsk) at Stay = 10 and 95% prediction intervals for InfctRsk at Stay = 10.
- Create a fitted line plot with confidence bands and prediction bands